Generally if you did a search you could look at the date of the topic and tell it was before the new edition... But it is a good point that we may...
Very cool keeper of secrets. Actually really good conversions all up!
Well terradons have always been direct only, I didn't think Krox used to be though... Its a bit rude of GW, makes you pay full retail rather than...
It looks awesome. I really like the bone effect, the Slann eyes, hell the whole slann actually. The more I look at it the more detail I notice and...
I have heard about tiered magic spells - I like it! Not heard about uber units for each army, that would be cool. As long as GW did models for...
Mate, I've been playing the game for 11 years now and I still mess up rules or run into situations that my opponent and I don't know how to solve....
This is probably going to make things a little bit messy for a while, and I'm not going to go back and change all the threads already going, but...
Yeah I got the newsletter. :) I wonder if anyone has tried blowing up the pages yet? I want to see if there is any indication of at least a bit of...
Cool good luck with it! TK are generally weak in such small battles, however, it seems you will have no magic resistance beyond the base 2 DD so...
You mean dispel scroll can't be used to stop it, right? MR just gives extra free dispel dice, and since you can't make a dispel roll anyway...
Ok here comes the update! A little late because of this silly little real life thing... I had to go to a national security conference. Such is...
Re: 8th edition percentages seem to be confirmed You guys misunderstand I think - GW stores should mostly now have a copy of the final 8th...
Yeah I think you do need to look at the judging criteria more closely if you can. Are they looking for a really good looking model that flows...
Wow surely that was a one-off mistake for your box? It would be crazy if they all came with round, and completely stupid and pointless.
Greetings, welcome to the jungle!
Dislike Skaven, though the new ones can be quite fun to battle if the opponent isn't cheesy as mine isn't. I'm sure if I faced Dwarf gunlines more...
Yeah given that WE can move stuff for free and how different magic is now I would just let him move pieces without a test... The other thing you...
Very cool Ancient Steg - Chakax head looks great on it! How are you going to base him since the tail seems to go lower than the bottom of the feet?
Yeah the wings do look a bit small at the moment, pretty cool overall though and I agree that the pose is great.
Well in 6th ed it used to only work on large targets, which made it just a nice little rule to represent the carnosaur being a big predator and...