Yeah there are already enough threads on 8th ed here, and one even copying the exact post in this one. Sure it is updated a little since then, but...
OOC: Tomorrow (real time) is the next day again, there has been very little activity. I guess people get busy on the weekend. Since not much has...
Caneghem answered that. No, its an all or nothing thing with stand and shoot.
Re: The Rise of Xaxlachaq - A Blog (Image Intensive) Nice, cool idea for a colour scheme. Good work!
Normally, with a mount choice, the highest stat is used. However, the bell/furnace seems to work a bit differently. The army book says the crew's...
Wow I think achieving the effect so seemlessly would be a bit beyond me. Making it look naturaly rather than a forced change in colour is the hard...
Sorry if it wasn't clear, yeah both the assassin (crimsontide) and disease (hah you almost thought I was going to tell you didn't you?) targetted...
Sure you got the resin one? It says 'plastic and lead free pewter' on the box.. Pewter is metal. Either way, congrats! This isn't the same coatl...
Yeah I heard about that... Wasn't it that any photos GW takes of models is their IP so other websites cannot show them when selling products? Its...
Do you want it to be all green or two have two completely different colours? If all green I would start with goblin green and work up to scorpion...
Wow, thats an extremely cool and very original idea! Great work. I'll be keen to see it painted up. :)
Go for it then. Surely they can't really do anything when its for an outdated game which you cannot even buy even if you want to give them the...
On paper, before thier release, they appeared very very scary. I have played them a few times and beaten them, and played as them a couple of...
As the final votes are counted, an extra one is found! lizatrdninja rises to 4 votes due to some unexplainable force. The extra voting power has...
Why not? He is a hero with an upgrade, he can be given a great weapon. If you are worried about the two handed aspect, it was the case in 6th...
I really like the shield design, cool models!
The castle heralds have done a quick head count. There are meant to be 9 lords here though only 8 (Benjiac) seem to be present in the hall. We...
Same principle as killing blow I believe, only one wound but that wound got turned into x wounds for all intents since it killed the model. Of...
Hmmm I hate to say it but I think this would be breaching GW IP posting the links here.. Unless you can provide some reason it shouldn't be? Are...
Well I don't have my book with me so cannot give a page reference, it should be in the section on rallying though, you indeed cannot move on the...