Re: April Painting Pledge! I would guess egg trays, but the top looks too smooth for that.. Either way, they look really cool! Great work.
Yeah it would be possible. The gargoyle might be a tad too small though. It is a bit smaller than a terradon. Really, I am more interested in...
I have decided I am not going to buy the metal terradon blisters, instead I have bought the new plastic Tyranid gargoyle kit to use as a base for...
Greetings, welcome to the board! And I must say very cool introduction. ;)
Have you tried wet blending? Its not an easy technique, but I think it would really lend itself to what you are trying to achieve. Try applying...
You can read most of the stories in his blog here, a warning they are quite adult related in content. No pictures so should be work safe, unless...
Hmm acetic acid on cyanoacrylate... I think it could work, and shouldn't do any harm, might be worth watering it down a bit just in case anyway.
I'm not sure if that would work as well, I used the antiseptic. Its the stuff...
Sexy. Very nice highlighting on the cloak. Good luck getting him to rank up though! ;)
Safest thing I have found to use is dettol... Soak them in some overnight, it does require a bit of work scrubbing though. The paint won't just...
Yeah the actor they got for him wasn't very likable... Just watched the movie, I definitely prefer the stories though. Movie was ok, nothing...
I suspected as much.. For some reason, it is not out in Australia. Or anywhere else in the world for that matter. It was a really poor seller in...
They look very good, nice work!
Don't use nail polish remover on plastic.... It will go all frosty and lumpy if it doesn't warp completely. With any solvent at all, I strongly...
I think there are only two cases where a challenge can end, the most obvious being if one party dies. The second one is if one of the units loses...
Heh Heh you have to admit that the feet of saurus do look a bit like hooves rather than a clawed apendage. :P
Nope, only admins/mods can. You should be able to lock your own threads though, I will lock this one now since you don't need it anymore.
Ahhh Tucker Max. Now there is an awesome author. I recently finished his last book, 'I hope they serve beer in Hell' I think it was called? To be...
The starter box models are deliberately made as one or two piece models that can clip together potentially without any glue to make them easier...
I have heard that 40k DE are still on the horizon and there have been plenty of greens of new models being done.. But rumours like that have been...