Looks great, got one myself that will be in my March challenge. What new techniques did you try on it?
So last day of the month and I have not completed my goal, pretty close but no cigar, still have to base 10 plague bearers and 3 drones and finish...
What your giving away free models? 1st dib’s
Looking good, when is the GD event and you say it’s the youngblood category?
Welcome aboard, get a painting blog started so we can see how your army progresses.
You reoll “save” rolls you can’t reroll “reroll” saves
Ok 2 possible out comes here 1. Bam we knock you out for being so talented 2. We embrace you and learn from your knowledge I think 101% of...
Way more, I’m going to count it now aren’t I
Regarding the starbeast constellation, I think I have enough models with spares to field it (I’m not far off 2)
Clever, like it
Correct, @HeirofCarnage posted a pic of the muscle guy and @n810 posted a pic in reply