Your right but as your rolling to hit it implies "another attack" with the spells like "curse of years" you just roll if you get a 6+, then a 5+...
I agree and if the rippers are affected so should the spell results.
Hmmm, Foot of gork is a spell and it's cast once therefore the rule of 1 won't apply, rippers are attacking again therefore it is affected, that's...
Nice going @darren watson So we are back to deploying the toad as before, excellent.
When drybrushing always use the same colour but a lighter tone so drybrush green with green etc etc The model will look even better if you shade...
The chains are a nice addition, maybe rust them up a bit?
Good report again and you might play the objective next time :D
Just a quick update the blog has had over 95,000 views so far, not bad for an old timer painting minis :)
They will be MW spam especially if you face SCE or Tzeentch, skinks are brilliant at what they do.
Did you enjoy it? I like your genius terrain feature ideas. ;)
Nice going so far, can't wait to see your present day stuff.
For every hit of 6 you get D3
If the hit roll is 6 you make D3 wound rolls, if the wound roll is 6 you make D3 damage. So yes
Hmmmm not sure ........
Different colour scheme on your Ogres, the skin looks cool, the fire effect gives the model life and the OSL is good, what's the story are they...
He will be know as the fifth spawning, I own the right to the Fourth, yes I am soooooo glad I got "may the Fourth be with you" :D:D Dang!!!!! I...
I agree and I'm hopeful of a model update next year, or the year after, or the year after, etc, etc, etc
Shame I have no Reptile painting planned this month....
Although true (I agree with you 100%) that SCE are getting more releases, you don't have to play them or collect them with the exception of the...