My Orruk playing buddy once asked me which colors I chose for my Skinks. A week later he showed me that model, he chose exactly those colors for...
Faces are hard. That one is pretty great, good job!
Yeah there are similar scaly hides on other Orruk models as well. Might be a possibility. But then it could be the same kind of creature the hide...
Sounds like a plan, indeed! :)
Pretty much all I wanted to say in my review of these fine stories has already been said at this point, so I'll just go ahead and say: I am not...
Hahaha yeah that's a good one. It lacks mortal wounds a bit, but man that's enough shooting for casual opponents to flip the table. Three Bastis...
1. I recommend painting models in subassemblies. Some people don't, but IMO that makes it harder. For Cold Ones I usually do them in three parts:...
Good job, congrats to both of you!
I have played a similar one once, it is fun!
I just saw it for 110€ in a German web shop. Most likely going to get it and split it with my buddy. That's a very good deal. The Kurnoth Hunters...
Purple and bright blue/turquoise... Haven't seen that combo in a while, looks really good!
It was fake. The person who made it up said so at least. So unless he accidentally had the same idea as GW it won't happen.
I will probably start with Ant-Man. I did enjoy the first one so maybe the second will be OK as well.
There is only one perfect edition. It is 3.5 (I admit I haven't read a 5E book so maybe it is fine.)
I just watched Thor: Ragnarok. It was... meh. Had a few cool scenes, like all Marvel movies. But it wasn't exactly great. That means the only...
An interesting color variant for the Tree Revenants.
Nice job!
The Sepulchral Guard are Great Models, I enjoyed painting them a lot.
Double Sword Durthu! Cool!