I learned English and Spanish in school, and went to a course in Norwegian for a year for so during the early 2000s. Learning Japanese was a fun...
Japanese is hard (the written language at least, spoken Japanese is often surprisingly easy).
It should mean "I like this" but I copied it from some old text of mine, back when I tried to learn Japanese, so it might in fact be wrong....
Welcome! :)
I wish we had a Skink Chief on Terradon... ...or any Skink Chief.
Yeah I also think that getting 15 Knights into melee will often be a problem. Downsizing them could be a good idea. As for the Eternity Warden:...
Glad that they didn't manage to discourage y'all! It is a bit sad when people who up to events with different expectations, often at least one...
A while ago I made this thread about realm spells, it also covers artefacts (page 2). Not the exact wordings, and some have been FAQed since then,...
I finished the Treelord, so goal reached I guess. Still... not doing nearly as much as I want. Just lacking time and also to a certain degree...
I cleaned up a resin model. Might prime it tonight and start painting.
I wish the Knights would cause the mortal wounds at 6+ hit rolls instead of 6+ wound rolls. Then the Firelance would be quite a bit better. I...
Good report! The thing about Skeletons is: People often see them only as many wounds, bad save, slow move horde unit. But they can be surprisingly...
Yep. All one-use abilities explicitly say so. :)
Looks aside (Tree revenants do look wonky and the only Sylvaneth models I like even less are the spite revenants and Drycha): If the Revenant...
That one is basically perfect.
I will try it soon!
Those look like pretty cool and dynamic models!
Hmmmm some great ideas!
I also like the Blot toad's game mechanic, I hope it stays. As for the Terradons: I am not sure if they should just keep it the way it is...