We are going to do grassy bases with flowers. It will be a kinda weird contrast between peaceful meadow and brutal force of nature on it. The...
Same here. I like that movie a lot. As for Hellboy.... I _think_ I saw two movies, but I... didn't like them. Dunno why. I just didn't enjoy them.
Welcome to the forums!
I also hope that there are several ways to build the model, like with the bug flying next to the revenant for example. That would look cool.
Oohh, so those aren't the revenant's wings after all!! :) I like the bug, it is cute. Like the adorable little worm on the Branchwych's shoulder,...
My wife collects Sylvaneth and my buddy wants to start a Grot army, so I might end up getting that box. I do kinda like the Sylvaneth hero. The...
Agree! I normally despise the stuff (IMO it should never have been used as bushes and the like as it just doesn't look good), but for this purpose...
Thanks, guys!
All Saurus getting a wound more would definitely not something I'd be opposed against! :)
There is one unresolved rumour picture that could be Seraphon, it shows a few scales. But that's it IIRC.
Well, to be fair there are quite a few armies that have only a small subset of their units or tactics that actually works on a competitive level,...
I watched Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2 last night. It was...OK. Review: Mantis is slightly less boring than in Infinity War, Starlord is...
Unfortunately some of those elf models are really old, but I keep looking at them as well, especially since I played them in TWW2.
The main problem with CSV is that it allows only relatively simple structures. That's fine if you don't need something more complex, and it is...
....and if you swap out the head, the loincloth and once again the right hand.... ...here comes the Spirit of Durthu! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I...
But wait, there's more! At this point people would probably find it strange if I didn't magnetize anything on a model. And of course there are...
Thanks! Here is the finished Treelord Ancient. The last few details were easy to do once I decided on what color to paint them. I am pretty happy...
Finished the Treelord (except the base).
I agree, I'd take JSON over XML any day. The reason why I suggested CSV and XML is that they are easy to read and write for non-programmers.
As much as I like the tree people (my wife has an army of them almost finished, and I painted a Treelord for her during the last few weeks) I...