Yeah we will see. Marvel movies are a bit hit and miss for me. It is rare that I completely dislike them, but they rarely rank really high for me...
I have no clue. :D
Still painting that Treelord. Nearly done though. Pics in my blog soon.
I also think that's a good list. It shows what we can do best right now: hit hard and fast, in the first turn. Then summon and survive.
Sounds like it worked. :)
Good job!
My thoughts exactly based on that description.
Well... [MEDIA]
I use a Harder & Steenbeck Infinity 2in1, and a buddy of mine has her little sister, the Evolution. Both are good.
Awesome! Good luck getting that Demon!
That's an excellent Troglodon!
While those videos should be fun to watch, I am not quite sure what their use is. Many armies (including our Seraphon) can massively buff up...
And a tiiiiiny tad too big...
Oohhh, that's a nice effect!
I swear I didn't know she was a vampire!! :D
Good job! The game is worth it.
I'll see it once the BluRay is released.
Nice job, the herdstone looks great!
Agree with @ravagekitteh I enjoy reading your stuff, even though I haven't seen the movies. But to be honest I am not a moviegoer at all. There...
Agree, great save!