Think milk
If you go one unit of 10 and use them to block grab objectives, other unit of 30 will hit on +3 but if one dies your down to +4
The hardest bit is mastering the trigger, pull it too hard and you get runs, too little and you get a grainy finish.
1. Get your psi right on the compressor 2. Get your paint thin enough to spray in a fine mist 3. Keep around 6in away from the model and apply...
Just had another look at him and the weave you have added in places on the pants is a nice touch ;)
You can upload pictures direct to this site Bottom right > Upload a file
200 is that all :D
We will go slow and one step at a time ;) Highlight, easiest way for a beginner is to drybrush, drybrushing is pretty simple to do, you can use...
Don't put yourself down, they look good and you should post more so we can try to help you improve. The first thing I noticed is they look a tad...
I think Skinks and Lizardmen in general are a wealthy breed, they have access to precious metals and gems and they probably trade these for goods...
Get a painting blog started then we can see your models and give you any advice you may require....
If only I had 1/2 of that skill
You and me both, Krox looks great you really should paint more.
I think your right pretty sure I have read that any buffs do not apply to the mount just the rider.
The extra time shows
Think im still going ogres, the brown skin looks really good against the red armour, what else have you got to paint?
Damn you Dan!
No your right, Looking at the Grand host of Nagash you get all the battle traits, I was wrong I thought you meant command traits, so if you take...
No the +6 is deathless minions that is an ability from a Hero, the gravesites again are a feature not a battle trait.
You could drop the skinks down to 10 but that only gives you 120 points you could add 5 knights, 10 warriors but not much fire power. What you...