As far as I have read in the new Legion of Nagash book, one battle trait depending on which Legion you take.
Only one battle trait, and yes a Slann can double teleport using Great Rememberer
Welcome @Omgoor At 1000 points the more wounds you can get on the table the better, I would drop the priest, handlers and Salamanders and go...
Embrace your new found blessings and you will feel better :vomit::vomit::vomit::vomit: :D
The ethereal look is so easy to do and looks so good, yeah I can’t wait to build and paint it.
Nurgle all the way......
That’s what I use mine as now, I stuck a temple guard on as a rider
Let's hope we get an updated book soon (yes I'm an optimist)
Very nice so far, your right about our derpy coldones. You can post conversions etc in your blog, it's your blog :)
Very nice, what you could do with the eyes is paint around the socket with a very bright yellow that will give the impression of a glowing eye but...
They look really good, Gene was right not to let Dave flick the switch.....
Blue on red for me, get a painting blog started so we can follow your progress, And...
Scarvet or Oldblood is upto you really, the swimming trog is primed ready for painting but I have quite a few things in front of it at the moment.
I’m UK and I use Cutex none acetone works a treat for plastic and metal models, finecast go soft if left in too long.
That looks seriously impressive, what have you got left to paint? Got to finish the Maggots then I'm into mine, ordered some 60mm bases to make...
When your asking if you have too many..........
Tricky one this and I think we can all safely say that we are all guilty of having too many models. The hardest part is too not buy any more but...
You can't derail if your talking about painting/terrain ;)
I will ask the question