You have so far, let's see what they come back with.
That is excellent news, keep us posted
Mines here just waiting on 4 more orders to come in!
Halfway through the month, back of hols and before the month end I hope to finish my Maggotkin army.
Easiest thing to do is download the GW paint app and lookup the colours you would like to use.
If I could flip the wife
I’ve sold more stuff and bought 20 skeleton warriors and another barrow lords set and zombie dragon kit
Nope I would stick with cardstock, I may take the pdfs to a printshop for another copy yet
I’m back home on Thursday and I will have lots of packages waiting for me
One printed at 95% scale the other 100%
My thinking as well, Seraphon 90% done Maggokin 95% done Death 50% done
Think of it another way why would you develop cards if the faction is getting an update, yes I’m an optimist
For the money they are excellent value and you can print them more than once so you can aleays make more
Yeah but I need to get some spray glue to speed up the process,
About an hour each but I have glued them onto card to make them sturdy
Built one of each to see, one on the left is 95% [ATTACH]
I’ve found it already
Will you stop!!!!! Link the leds I'm nicking the idea again :D
Gonna have to copy that glow on the bases