I cannot believe Notre Dame is burning. And crumbling. That's a tragedy. An 850 year old building that will probably be gone completely the way it...
That's a lot of red indeed!
I always like it when people go for yellow. It is hard to pull off, but it can look so great. :)
*heavy breathing* Awesome. :)
That, too! :)
Painting on the sprue is 1. The path to madness 2. Bad because you will be left cleaning up all the mold lines and attachments. 3. Bad because you...
OK, Tardis aside as I am not an expert on Doctor Who. I saw a few episodes but didn't like it at all. The Star Destroyer doesn't stand a chance...
Time travel sucks though. ;) Edit: unless portrayed horribly wrong, i.e. violating causality. And if it is: extremely dangerous, even a tiny,...
That's a weird list. Everything is a space ship, except one that is a telephone booth. Also: I assume I would command the ship in the role it was...
I am not even a big fan of GoT but that is awesome. :D
Yeah, I think they said he is going to be free.
Oh and btw, in the expanded universe the Emperor "survived" (he became some sort of force ghost and a few years after RotJ he managed to transfer...
Agree very much.
I think to really judge the movies we have to see them as a whole. Same with the OT and the prequels of course. So yeah, curious what they gave...
I respectfully disagree. Despite their flaws the movies captured the Star Wars feeling for me, I for one am excited to see more.
It was posted...somewhere.
Nope. :)
Also funny that Vader wasn't exactly much younger, about... 10 years or so. As for the trailer: I like it so far. In fact what I least like is...
No, not one. There are small parts that are somewhat enjoyable, most people name the Boba Fett story. But i have never met anyody who liked it as...
Or C3P0. Some people hated him a lot.