I am surprised those aren't quite as dire as the easy to build Skeleton Warriors.
I think the conversation in this thread about that warscroll is enough to illustrate that it is a frikkin' mess. :D I checked the printed...
Yep, that's the weird thing about it if it isn't bold. Because it then would apply to nothing at all.
Huh. I just looked it up in the app and it isn't bold. Is it bold in the paper Battletome?
No, that isn't bold so it isn't the keyword. The ability doesn't work at all if you are really strict.
Yep, so that one is Skinks only. Chameleon Skinks for example don't get that buff.
Hmpf. Now I cannot decide between the Prophet and him.
Oh man, so it is "avoid the Internet" time again? (I only watch complete seasons)
Pretty awesome! :)
Yep. The non-bold text refers to the name of a warscroll, while the bold one means a keyword. Although there are some ability texts on older...
Those Nighthaunt make surprisingly cool conversions. I wouldn't have thought that you could use those ghosts for something other than ghosts.
They look really great. :)
It is pretty dire. And actually very boring. This video has it basically covered: [MEDIA]
Oh, I just noticed I wrote the paint/air lever activation backwards. Of course I press for air and pull for paint.
I do this: - take it out of its box - unlock the needle, push it forward lightly until I feel resistance, lock it. - attach it to the compressor,...
Mushrooms are also very easy to do using greenstuff, if you need more.
Isn't it on YouTube anymore?
I honestly have no clue. I tried thicker paint, thinner paint, more pressure, less pressure, nozzle cap on, nozzle cap off. For priming it is OK...
Glad have you back, good stuff there! I especially like the Skink. :) Seems you picked up the airbrush techniques pretty quickly. For me the...
Maybe I would have waited a tad longer if it had been 18€ like the Beastmen or Tomb Kings DLCs that I almost bought. But 7,50€ ? Cannot be that...