That's a fantastic idea. :)
Reasonable prices as far as I can see. Out of curiosity: does anyone own other models of that company? Also: I haven't seen whether they will be...
Welcome! It is a fun idea! Although I think that head _is_ a tad big.
Can y'all post a few pictures of the new units ingame? The mod sounds pretty awesome, so chances are good that I will try it once I start my next...
That big Army Painter box is pretty cool, it was my start into the hobby as well. Just make sure you shake the colors pretty well! That's what...
I was only referring to the abs/boobs breastplate.
I think he meant compared to the abs. I don't mind the shape of that armor. It is based on something like this: [IMG] EDIT: The Greek even had...
Glorious army. Well done!
Yeah I kinda went overboard with it. The planning took me ages. By far the single model I spent most time on. I certainly will simplify the...
I like the pose and don't care much about the armor, but the face is just ugly. Like most faces of GW models.
Here is a link to mine.
I did the same! 64 magnets on mine. :D
Thank you! Next up: a Treelord. I am progressing very slowly though, not much time to paint between work and kids. I'll post some WIP pics soon...
I don't know how to do that yet.... :/
The thing is: Waiting to summon something big is risky. I tried it vs. Ironjawz, and the problem was that my opponent played a Gorefist. Nine big...
Looks like you hit the ground running! Nice work kn those bases, and welcome to Lustria!
Nice job on that Carno!
Good job! They look a bit... sick though. :D
I tried something similar, but only once. It failed spectacularly. :D
Magnetizing the banners is definitely the way to go. It is easy and it saved my model dozens of times.