I think you are referring to Pyrrhus’ invasion of Italy (300 BC or so, cannot look it up now)? Yeah, the Romans din't hold up too badly there...
Haha, yeah that's cool. I always bring Rippers, a Carnosaur and a Bastiladon with me for that exact purpose, even when I only intend to summon...
Well... they did take quite a bit more than just the culture, but you are right in saying that they did invent a lot of stuff themselves, too.
While we are at it, here are some Youtube channels that have a heavy focus on medieval stuff: I am not ashamed to say that despite an interest in...
Welcome to the forums!
Pretty much this. The Romans had great armor and weapons, which were mass produced, along with the training and tactics that were adjusted to that...
It might not be the most beautiful plane, but it is kinda impressive.
Those bretonians look very promising. Finish them!! :)
Bonus: There also more planes in the ocean than there are submarines in the ocean.
a.k.a. "not worth it", unfortunately. :(
About the (imperial period) Romans: Their fighting style and army composition (as far as we know, like everything in history) is interesting to me...
You should refresh your knowledge about Berserkers because based on research it turns out that what you wrote is most likely at least partly...
Awwww!!!! What a cute idea, very nice!
What do you mean with originally? In AoS1 or in earlier editions? I don't know about earlier ones, but in AoS they were never stellar. When...
Close, but not quite there. Being an archer myself I consider that one of my stronger areas of knowledge, and I am pretty sure you are over...
Absolutely! It surprised me a bit back then, but the more I learned the clearer it became to me. There are many examples for that. That's one of...
Also an interesting video, this time by Skallagrim (also a HEMA guy and IIRC he studied a few semesters of either history or archaeology. He is a...
The evidence is (AFAIK) inconclusive about that. Remember that one of the very common things in all of history is: if someone does something and...
Here's a cool Spear vs. Sword video by Lindybeige: Noteworthy: All of those guys have a lot more experience with swords than with spears....
An interesting question. I would say: it depends on where, when, and what for. Imagine living in a 15th century medieval city. You are a civilian...