I think the thing with Picards model ships is just a symbol. Back then I was a huge trekkie (including playing a Romulan in a Star Trek LARP,...
:D You arent the judge! This is the judge: [IMG] :D :D :D
I am a bit torn concerning prequels. On one hand you are right, the audience does know how it will end for the main characters of the story. But...
Objection! Conjecture. Otherwise I agree. While the general situation might be bad for the resistance, the personal one isn't, at least not in...
That actually looks like a good idea to me.
The point where "Enterprise" fell through for me is this one: The ship is named Enterprise. Background: Captain Picard has models of all star...
Those eyes!!!! Awesome. :)
For me Star Trek ended with Voyager. I did enjoy the new movies (I was pretty surprised I did because they also contain a lot of things that I...
Having painted one myself I can say that it certainly was hard to paint for me as well. You did a stellar job, as always. I especially like the...
I think the reason is that we are one of the armies with synergies that actually work. We are not perceived as weak because of that. If you...
Exactly my thoughts. Since we have summoning I use the Troggy a lot more often.
Man you had some really bad luck there. As the others said, we need a bit of luck against the newer armies, but you lacked it unfortunately.
Nice basing as well!
that's where my problems usually start. I never managed to get both off (often not even one of them) and not get at least one of them dispelled....
I do not agree with the opinion of the guy that did the video, but I do agree with @NIGHTBRINGER about escapism. Sure, many science fiction and...
That requires some insanely good rolls though, how do you get him to be that reliable? I have had matches in which Kroak struggled to do any...
Yes I just drew them one with a pen actually. Similar to this one: https://www.jetpens.com/Staedtler-Pigment-Liner-Marker-Pen-0.1-mm-Black/pd/7937...
I worked a bit on a Treelord for my wife's army.
I played similar lists as well, and they work pretty well. I'd say you are good to go. :) Good luck!
Welcome to Lustria! Good job on those Skinks. The two things that come to mind: - if you have the required precision you should give them pupils....