I don't know if the video does, but it has been confirmed as HE vs Skaven. Some people have even seen the models. The thing about 7th was it only...
Yeah exactly. Most (if not all) of the other weapons actually have different rules for mounted or foot, but halberds do not. If your character is...
Wow that is crazy censorship. Most likely one of the things that pushes people to download instead of buy... I thought it was bad enough here...
Youtube teaser video from GW. ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6LPRV-cQSw&playnext_from=TL&videos=Kb0QU6I6Pow It is indeed coming in July. I...
Yeah he does have a fairly thin waist. Not sure why that is, but I've never heard of it being a big issue. As long as whatever conversion oyu made...
Thats a pretty interesting idea. A lot of the other army books probably have some reference to LM as well. In my experience, I have never found...
Yeah everyone directs attacks onto the skinks. That is ok. A unit of skinks and a krox or two should be able to take out the vast majority of...
Yeah, in addition High Elves also have an item that nullifies all magic weapons in base contact which isn't too rare. And a less common more...
Cool looking base, good work.
If I remember it correctly, it basically means the unit cannot turn on the spot trying to show that the krox would not reform very well with the...
Nah I wouldn't bother. You can still spread them out on a movement tray of course so it does make it easier, but unless you have a LOT of...
You cannot compare them to another unit of full ranked infantry in a straight fight, because it is not what they are for. Sure no one wants the...
Yep, then you have to prioritise about game effectiveness vs the models that you enjoy the look and feel of. I personally prefer to stick with the...
Yep it can indeed hurt the TG as well, and in the TG unit he only gets the LoS of the unit even when rising up so frontal arc. IIRC it is only US1...
Check page 61 of the BRB, third paragraph from the top under the section Shooting at Monstrous Mounts. It is randomized if not a template, if it...
Aside from the stories everyone has of impressive models falling off tables, whole units being stepped on etc. my worst is hanging my converted...
Look here. ;)
Yeah definitely should add some blue ink/wash to the skin. The hoofs should maybe be a few shades lighter too. Good start though, you have neat...
Very cool - amazing work! If I wanted to be really critical, I would say it looks a little bit too blue, but still looks great anyway.
Pretty cool - good work!