Interesting question. My problem with DoW and I guess ogres by the same token is they essentially do unbalance an army because they allow you to...
Yeah in 6th ed there would have been a strong case, but now there is actually a rule in the BRB called flaming and anything that counts as flaming...
The face of that temple guard is fantastic! Good work. Consider making a thread for them in the painting section if you haven't already to get...
Is the rule mentioned in the skull pass set? (I don't have it so don't know) Otherwise it is probably described in the orc and goblin book unless...
Terrible idea, John you are now banned and there is a hitman on the way to you. j/k :) It is a good idea and works well, however, I think for...
Lets keep this thread on the Dark Elves and leave discussion about the overall idea in forum suggestions. I'll split out the relevant posts, so...
I certainly would, but I don't want more blood to mess up my nice little car. :) And don't even get me started on some of the stupid stuff...
Some people are just crazy.. Its like they don't care about themselves at all. Reminds me of how often I am reversing my car (ie. actually...
Inserting a metal pin/rod is my suggestion. Even if you get the plastic one straight, I find that they break really easily enyway with transport...
Cool - albino lizards. Looks good!
Hey cool, congrats!
I like it, the yellow and green go really well together. Good work! A full unit of them will look great.
Wow I am surprised to see you having little luck with the Saurus. Really they are an excellent heavy infantry choice now and there shouldn't be...
Yeah and it is definitely important to consider all the different opinions because as we all know, warhammer is a rather variable game and what...
Each month we will be making a thread for an army and filling it with detailed information on how to beat that army. This thread will act as an...
Wow you sure went all out with this one! Great work. I have only skimmed it so far, but when I am procrastinating at uni I will give it a thorough...
Good to see you back on the board, Wappellious, and as always absolutely amazing work! Congratulations on your awards. :) We have limited the...
Re: Here's my Lizardmen army so far... NEW Wip Stegadon :) Very cool looking stegadon, I really like the colours, and the howdah is quite...
And to continue that... 'Ok, lets march to get away from them quicker!' 'But we can't, there are enemies right there next to us' 'You just said...
I shall create an index thread right now, after I read through the DE thread. Looks like it has a lot of replies already.