Yeah I have always played it that a spear cannot go through a mounted model since it is too long. In any case, you will have a hard time...
Haemoglobin, that is exactly how I imagine COs should look. Mine will hopefully be like that when I get around to painting them, except not as...
Depends on how you want the army to run. Would you prefer to be a bit slower with more magic, or a bit faster with more combat potential? It is a...
There is no har in trying white on a couple of test models. It just tends to be a difficult one because it has poor coverage so lots of coats are...
Good luck with white. You have picked possibly the most difficult colour to highlight. :D Red is easy though.
I really like the scales, but the bodies look a bit pink for my tastes. Nice work!
I disliked Mark of Chaos, however, I only gave the demo a chance not the full version. My brother says the full version is better, but very easy....
Might be worth trying to get a unit champ or two into your skelly blocks so they can protect whatever characters you have there from challenges....
The brand and type of paint is actually a pretty important thing. GW paints are obviously the ones designed for warhammer models and you will be...
Cheers mate. The carnosaur had a fairly simply base pallete actually. Scab red, blood red, mechrite orange and bad moon yellow. He started almost...
Seconded the request for pics on that. I haven't been the biggest fan of washes aside from devlan mud and badab black, but people are getting some...
We were getting a lot of SPAM bots posting rather explicite links and (more worryingly) images on the forum thus we decided to disable the url and...
Awesome, great work. And thanks Sammy for laying all the ground work and putting in all the effort to get the forum to be the greatest LM...
Yeah it will change the colour a little bit, it will give it a bit of a brown tinge which actually can look good on reds. Not so sure about on top...
What kind of colours are you thinking about using? If you wan't to base them off the GW ones, have a look on the GW website they have made a...
Red might not make it too much darker though, mix red and devlan mud. But yeah try a couple out and see what you like best.
Cheers for posting, it sure is a monster! Wait.. So now your second rank must test as well for being in contact with the model in contact with e...
As well as the one more attack though it gives a 5+ armour save. Not as good as the ward obviously but stacks with armour and scaly skin. 2+ AS...
There is also a sticky of it in the Lizardmen discussions forum...
Greetings, welcome to the jungle! Looks like you like pretty much every aspect of the Lizardmen. :)