These days I enjoy Matt Easton a lot: [MEDIA]
Good job!
Is that body just white and flesh shade?
There is more to a thread than just a name, so no, not going to post/read in yet another spam thread in addition to this one. This one is fine....
No Problem. It was just a bit monotonous that's all. I don't mind a tank or two, just post some planes, vegetables, clocks, kitchen appliances or...
I think what is most severely missing is spells. Right now summoning is basically a no brainer and Skinks have one spell they can cast that isn't...
Fun fact: Originally my buddy wanted to build and paint it (it was part of his Start Collecting box) but then these things happened: - he realized...
IMO no need to shut it down, just stop posting only tanks and lightsabers, it sucks. I liked this thread because of its randomness and it being...
Today I met Skarsnik, and he had... ...19 catapults and nothing else. My High Elves campaigns is running decently btw. Turn 160 and now fighting...
Yeah...never write it off. Like.. Tomb Kings?
Oh, it sure is nice that Khorne gets an update. Similar to our army almost every warscroll they have has changed. But then there are armies that...
Why not? There is no rule that says "whenever an army receives new models, they also get a new battletome". I honestly didn't think they would...
Yeah a little fish soap helps with the scrubbing. I also use a tooth brush for it. Works nicely.
Yeah I don't like resin that much either. Make sure to clean it properly or your colors won't stick.
They do use similar constructions to blow snow from runways or railroad tracks though. And to blow out burning stuff sometimes. [IMG]...
I have no clue what the state of the game is right now, to be honest. I haven't bought Nightvault and havent played Shadespire in quite some time...
The first was an "old style" Battletome, one of the first ones IIRC. So without artefacts, allegiance abilities and such stuff. The second one is...
Khorne??? Dont they have two Battletomes already??
That's really cool, thanks!