6 of one half a dozen of the other. Either way they have US 2. Good to have a page reference though.
Yep, they have two wounds thus US 2.
I think he is more asking about how it works when they clash in the rules... Don't remember exactly which FAQ GW published it in, but I am pretty...
In fact he is a bit overpriced for what he does. Very expensive for a hero choice and will boost the value of that TG unit to massive proportions,...
Looks pretty cool, good work. I look forward to seeing the palanquin too!
Moving this to the trading forum. Really if you are just after one small plastic arm, I don't think you will have too much success, but you never...
Awesome, thanks for the link! I've been looking forward to seeing this.
It is a little strange when you think about it. He is not a large target, so he can safely stand behind a unit and not be able to be shot, but as...
Yeah a lot of people would just use dice. The other option is to fix them non-permanently to the howdah, such as with pegs or magnets. The...
Re: The Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update CoC Unit Complete) Thats absolutely amazing, looks really cool. Great work! If I had one small...
Pretty good overall, really like the shield and the blue areas. Now get stuck into the rest of the unit! :)
Hey guys, sadly I have neglected this thread due to a lack of time and illness lately. I would really like it to be up to date and I don't want...
Yeah it doesn't fit the fluff at all. Saurus do not use magic, only skinks and Slann do so I agree if anything a skink would do a better job. But...
Yeah GW has had a strange habit for a long time of of pricing their boxes based on the points and value of the model, also how much they think...
Sad to see the game die.. Oh well, maybe we can try to start another one up in a few weeks/months. I have a couple of ideas in mind to make it...
Slightly old thread I know, but if you check page 79 of the BRB under mounts' psychology you will see that stubborn follows the same rules as...
Hey mate I haven't been here for a couple of weeks, just wanted to see how things are going now? Looking any better for you? Finally got rid of...
Wow that sucks. Sorry to hear about it. When s**t goes wrong it has a strange habit of going really wrong. At least things can only head up from...
Yeah it is designed as a box to get new players started and has everything you need to play some battles and learn the rules.
If this link doesn't work (the GW website is a bit dodgy) then go to the High Elf section and find the article on painting detail, the fourth page...