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1000 Point Nagash, Sylvaneth, Serphon

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Hlopchek, Nov 16, 2018.

  1. Hlopchek

    Hlopchek Active Member

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    Played 1000 point three player game last weekend. Since it has been a while since the game I may be misremembering some details. Here are the lists as I remember them.


    Treelord Ancient (300)

    Oaken Armor

    Gnarled Warrior

    Treelord (240)

    Dryads 10 (100)

    Kurnoth Hunters 3 (200)

    Spite-Revenants 5 (70)

    Tree-Revenants 5 (80)

    990 total


    Necromancer 110

    (Not sure about relics or command trait)

    Necromancer 110

    Dire Wolves 5 (60)

    Skeletons 30 (240)

    Mortis Engine 180

    Terrorgheist 300


    Slann (260)

    Great Rememberer

    Incandescent Rectrices

    Engine of the Gods (220)

    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160)

    Terradon Riders 3 (120)

    Skinks 10 (60)

    Skinks 10 (60)

    Skinks 10 (60)

    Skinks 10 (60)

    1000 total

    Victory conditions. 1 Victory point for each 5 wounds caused in a round. 10 points for general holding the artifact at the end of the game. General had to be within 1 inch to pick up the artifact. Artifact started at the center of the table. We are all fairly new players so I am sure plenty of mistakes were made.

    Sylvaneth finished placing their units first, then Nagash, then Seraphon. Which we used to determine the first round order.

    Round 1


    He had placed a bunch of woods in the center around the artifact. So he teleported his tree lord/general to the center of map and picked up the artifac. He also teleported the Dryands, Kernoth hunters and a group of revenants. He was also successful in casting verdant blessing and his tree lord decided he wanted to garden and he placed down another couple of woods as well. He also teleported his other tree lord and charged him forward into the dire wolves. He killed a couple wolves but overall he whiffed his attacks.


    Shot with Mortis engine and Terrorgheist at the tree lord but only caused a couple wounds. She actually made a long bomb charge with the skeletons into the Dryads right through the woods. Actually only lost two skeletons on the charge through the wild woods. However, she then made some mistakes with piling in to bring in the Kurnoth hunters and tree lord ancient. Killed some dryads but then lost more Skeletons than she probably needed to. Forgot to leave room for her Terrorgheist to charge the tree lord.


    I ended up deploying in a far corner pretty far from the action so all thugh all possible combos I rolled with the engine of the gods were pointless So I spent most of the turn moving things forward, and storing up summoning points (11 after first turn). Teleported two units of skinks to the Sylvaneths back woods so it would not be as easy for the Treelord to teleport out with the artifact.

    Round 2

    Ended up getting the same turn order.


    Claimed that because death was his enemy in the hero phase that he could teleport his tree lord ancient next to my skinks. We just put to a roll off and ended up letting it happen. His tree lord continued his pacifist ways and did not kill many dire wolves and the dryads and Kurnoth hunters continued to do a number to the skeletons.


    Moved Mortis Engine and Terrorgheist so they could charge the tree lord. Which ended up being a massacre as the Terrorgheist insta-killed the tree lord. Down to something like 8 skeletons after her combat phase. But the center was starting to get cleared up quite a bit. At this point our combined goal is to take out the Sylvaneth, which should not be too easy with his generals 2 up save.


    Ended up with another 13 summoning points for a total of 24 (yay). Teleported engine of the gods closer to his tree-lord ancient, but ended up rolling too high to get the d6 mortal wounds to his tree lord and summoned some Terradons in instead. Brought my Terradons into the fray in the middle and between the mortal wound stone drop, shooting and combat killed two of the Kernoth hunters.

    Round 3

    After rolling for turn order ended up with Seraphon, Sylvaneth, and Nagash.


    Could not ask for a better time for a double turn. This is where things came really undone for the Sylvaneth player. Teleported my Slann closer to the action so he could move to possibly pick up the artifact. And used my Engine of the gods to do d6 mortal wounds to the Tree-lord ancient for 4 mortal wounds. Moved my Terradon unit that I had summoned in the previous turn over his Treelord and dropped their rocks. Ended up hitting and doing 9 mortal wounds instantly finishing off his general. Which made the Sylvaneth player pretty mad, and he ended up pulling all his models and cleaning up. To be fair he only had about five models left at this point anyway. At this point I figure Nagash is too far away to get to my general and ran my Engine of the gods forward to speed bump and summoned in an Oldblood on Carnosaur and 10 warriors around my Slann to protect him.


    At this point we both ignored the fight in the middle because it was too far away to make a difference. Ran forward and charged with Mortis Engine and Terrorgheist into the Engine of the Gods and nuked it.

    Round 4

    Turn order Nagash, Seraphon


    Nagash ended up getting a double turn at this point. I had misplaced my summoned units in a way that let the mortis engine get a charge onto my Slann. That on top of the once per game Reliquary ability of the Mortis engine just barely managed to do enough wounds to kill my Slann who then rolled a one on the Incandescent Rectrices roll. The Terrorgheist also straight up murdered my Carnosaur. So at that point we called the game in favor of Nagash.


    I know I made quite a few positioning errors at the end with the Engine of the Gods and summoned units. Otherwise I could have protected my Slann for the hopeful double teleport to pick up the artifact and hide in a corner for the win. I also have mixed feelings about summoning Carnosaurs. They are such fun models but every game I have played they just get focused by the other teams bigger (and feels like better) big stuff. I wish that Carnosaurs hit a little harder or were just a bit harder to kill.

    This game was a bit on the fly so with us all making lists on the spot so I am sure I could come up with a better 1000 point list.

    Overall still a really fun game.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I think you posted in the wrong section and with the wrong tag, as this looks like an Age of Sigmar battle report.

    Can a moderator please move it?

    Other than that: nice report, you had a fun game and learned something. Good job! :)
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Done! :)

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