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Blastoize, humble lizard with rat heritage

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Blastoize, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. Blastoize
    Cold One

    Blastoize Well-Known Member

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    Oh snap this will be embarrassing.
    Not unlike many before me, I would like to step out of the shadows and introduce myself.
    (It is gonna be long, please don't feel obliged to read it, I will do TLDR at the bottom)

    My name is Blastoize and I emerged from spawning pool located in Czech Republic 27 years ago. My Warhammer journey is long but interwoven with long pauses in the hobby itself. It all started approximately 16 or 17 years ago when I was introduced to Warhammer by my friend. The game enticed me, but being poor bugger I couldn't afford anything but single vial of paint (rediculous prices man, rediculous. British pound was twice what it is now in exchange rate xD).

    It didn't stop us from having fun though. My friend already owned some O&Gs and I cut squares from hard paper, labeled them "skink" and "saurus" and it was on! I don't remember much of that, only that I was hooked. We played Magic cards back then and used to visit one peculiar small vintage shop in the old town, where we would spend hours just staring in awe at blisters with WHFB models.

    It took some time, but I made a decision and bought my first box of models. .. Black Orcs. Well, yeah. Later on I sold them to one of my buddies and started collecting Skaven (there is my rat heritage I was talking about) and was therefore known as Skaven in my group of friends ever since. It was only logical, since one of my school friends was collecting Skavens and with joined efforts our army was growing at an incredible rate (you can imagine.))

    Later on my school buddy stopped with the hobby and sold me what he had, so I could bask in the glorious gaze of The Horned Rat. Meanwhile my friends around me jumped into the hobby on higher level and were competing in tournaments (one played High Elves, other one Dwarves while my Orc buddy stayed in the shadow and amassed his horde in the secret of his home).

    My progress was slow (that at least did not change - I think I am one of the slowest painters in the world) but steady and I managed to collect solid army. Starting around 5th edition, going in and out of the hobby, but always returning to it magnetized by its magic.

    Meanwhile my Elf friend stopped playing, but we picked another fellow during start of 8th edition who jumped head first into the hobby starting with Vampires, later buying Wood Elves and finishing his collection with Daemons at the brink of End Times, which rekindled our interest in the hobby (having finally someone to play with), Orc friend picked up WoCH and I couldn't be left behind and faced with hard decision to either starve and purchuse some Lizardmen or stay reasonable and pay my rent I did not have a choice ... and got Lizardmen batalion, 2 stegs, Terradons, Bastiladon, Carnosaur and regiment of Cold One riders.

    Age of Sigmar delivered a huge blow to us, but we did not give up and started to tinker with 8th rules.
    What they did to Skaven dampened my love for those furry bastards. I loved their nature, their fluff and unreliable machines, but when Stormfiends emerged I just gave up and shelved them in order for my Lizardmen heart to shine through.

    I am a huge dino sucker, so I instantly fell in love with Stegadons and Carnosaurs (I always have been actually). My current goal is to finish painting all my lizardmen models I currently have before I start collecting new ones.. but that never really worked out for me. But I belive that one day I will be able to lay my eyes on fully painted army taking battlefield by storm. Sounds great.

    I followed lustria online also on old forums but Skaven agents did not allow me to leave UnderEmpire, so It was only recently I joined your ranks here on new forums.
    This awesome community, genuinly nice people and your passion is helping me so much to stay with the hobby, even though I can be easily distracted by real life and other (less valuable) hobbies of mine.
    I have my hopes high for 9th age, for Lizardmen of all colours and I would like to thank you all for being so warmhearted (and coldblooded at the same time).
    I am looking forward to posting some of my painted models (Skarvet on Cold One, BSB on Cold one and Krogar) and cannot wait to hear what you have to say about them as soon as I get home from my working mission I am currently undertaking in Eastern Europe.

    I am SO sorry for such a long post, but it is always nice to be able to share my story.)
    I wish to stay around for as long as I can.

    TLDR: Hi, lovely to see you all. I play Skaven and Lizardmen, even though not competitively. I love how nice every single lizard in this sector of the internet is. See you around!

  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Welcome aboard! Lookig forward to pics of your army, even if they are bits of paper with skink and saurus written on them! :p
    Blastoize likes this.
  3. Bracnos

    Bracnos Well-Known Member

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    ditto on that :p
    Blastoize likes this.
  4. Toltecatl

    Toltecatl Well-Known Member

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    welcome blastoize :D thanks for taking the time to write this. Looking forward to see what you've got on your shelves, whether skavens or lizards! bring it on :D
    (And I definitely agree with you on the good things about that community, it sure helps one stay focused !)

    So see you around :)
    Bowser and Blastoize like this.
  5. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Welcome and get the pics up, we love seeing your models.
    Bowser and Blastoize like this.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

    We look forward to your contributions. I hope you managed to log on to Lustria-Online at least once on April 1st.... :)
  7. Blastoize
    Cold One

    Blastoize Well-Known Member

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    Thanks Scalenex!

    Indeed I did, I even went to check what was happenning on Underempire .)

    I just have to base my carnosaur to post it .)
    n810 and Bowser like this.

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