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Game Room Projects... 2.0

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Warden, Jan 1, 2018.

  1. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I haven't added anything new in fantasy armies (except for the realmshaper engine).
    Of course, i could start with 40k...
  2. Cho'qomel

    Cho'qomel Active Member

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    That's such a great Gaming Room! Really cool, Warden!
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Shame to hear you missed out on the 8th Edition Dwarf Book, because that one actually shakes the cobwebs out of a lot of our special rules and makes them much more useful, such as Resolute giving us +1 Strength on the charge, or Shieldwall adding 1 to our parry saves in turns we didn’t charge.

    Interestingly enough the previous army book was actually a late 6th Edition one that appeared just before 7th (and thus had 7th in mind).
    You should have a go at collecting some Dwarfs, I love mine to the moon and back (they hold a special place in my heart as they were my first army)
    It looks to me like they’re the 4th and 5th Edition Ones given they are both grey paperbacks. 6th Edition 40K Codices were hardback like the 8th Edition Fantasy Ones and had black spines with white text (like the Tyranid one in this shot of some of my 40K books):

    The Ork one in this pic is early 7th Edition and the Genestealer Cult one is late 7th Edition (given that 7th was essentially 6th with some pointless extras, you can easily use 7th Ed books in 6th). I don’t have any Genestealer Cult minis yet, but I bought the book not long after Genestealer Cults returned because I was so happy to see them back and wanted to read their rules).

    Orks never got a 5th Edition book, so I imagine yours is the 4th Ed one by Phil Kelly (but it was produced in late 4th Edition so probably had 5th in mind - it certainly lasted throughout 5th and 6th).

    I look forward to seeing any Necromunda terrain you make! If it’s going to look anything like your Mordheim terrain we will be in for a treat! :)

    I’m interested in the Cawdor and Orlock gangers (the former because of the obvious Medieval aesthetic and the latter because they have a classic smuggler feel), though I’m not so keen on the current set depicting them as human Skaven with joker masks - if I get any, I will have to look for spare Bretonnian heads from one of my local model shops that has massive bits boxes so I can give them some classic medieval peasant heads.

    I can only hope I can find someone similarly enthusiastic to spend my adult life with! ;)
    (I am only 21 though so I imagine it will be a good while yet).

    At the moment I have my parents though who are very understanding with my hobby, and I have great games with my dad who is a keen wargamer himself, so I’m faring decently well at the moment.
    Lizards of Renown and Warden like this.
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Thanks again all!

    All good points, I went over to the WH40K lexi to figure out exactly what editions my books were from, and went back and edited the original post. Some were older than I thought, didn't realize I had so much 4th edition stuff! To be fair that is roughly when I started collecting my space marines, it was definitely before the Orks got their new codex (which was 6th ed.). I am a bit out of date!! :D

    • WH40K Battle for Maccrage ruleset (4th ed.)
    • WH40K Black Templars (4th ed.)
    • WH40K Space Marines (4th and 5th ed.)
    • WH40K Orks (4th ed.)
    • WH40K Kill Team (current edition so 8th)
    • WH40K Rulebooks 4th and 6th ed.
    The WH40K rulebooks are the blue one with the hammer-skull (4th) and the Dark Angels cover with the sunset-desert-ish background (6th). Wish I had gotten a codex sooner, the 3rd edition codex had Black Templars on it!!

    Orlock are interesting too, I would love a group of them with genestealer heads (saw a really awesome conversion somewhere).

    I am considering Cawdor with Adeptus Mechanicus heads, only because I have a few Bretonnian-guardsmen around here somewhere. They will probably be assorted goons for the gangers to fight against though. We shall see!
  5. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Just make friends with girls and whoever you get on best with should be the one.

    Well, you have that. It would have been absolutely incredible to be able to play WH with my dad, but sadly he’s never been into it (and constantly back and forth between amusement and shock on the money I spend on it) ;)
  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    For me it was always my brother. I have played a few games with my wife, and a few with my sister too, but mostly I grew up playing with all those rulebooks many, many games of WHF. Really hoping to get more into Mordheim with him in the future, as well as whatever other game strikes us at the time.
  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Funnily enough, I got into WHFB with my brother too. We played a lot when we were kids, but he's not interested currently.

    I'm trying to reel him back in by inviting him to come watch my next battle.

    Whenever that is.... :(
  8. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Wonderful stuff your room :cool:

    That will be one of the requirements for my next house ;)

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Warden likes this.
  9. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Did some organizing for my game room recently, adding labels to my new bits shelves:

    warden20201116_game room updates 3.jpg

    Also relabeled my old shelf, and reorganized by books:

    warden20201116_game room updates 2.jpg

    Smaller books are over on the other side now:

    warden20201116_game room updates 1.jpg
    Wargaming/RPG Books (left to right):
    • X-wing/Warmachine/Hordes Card Binder
    • Stardrive (RPG setting)
    • D&D Big 3 books from 3.5 ed.
    • WHF 8th ed.
    • WHF 6th ed.
    • WHF Lizardmen 6th, 7th, and 8th ed.
    • WHF Lustria Campaign Setting
    • WHF Dwarfs 6th and 7th (didn't buy 8th for some reason)
    • WHF Bretonnia 6th (the last one :()
    • Kings of War Historical
    • WH40K Black Templars (4th ed.)
    • WH40K Space Marines (4th and 5th ed.)
    • WH40K Orks (4th ed.)
    • WH40K Rulebooks 4th and 6th ed.
    • WH40K Kill Team
    • Blood and Plunder (w/ expansion, collectors edition)

    [smaller] Wargaming (left to right):
    • Test of Honour Ruleset
    • Pike and Shotte Ruleset
    • Kill Team scenario Ruleset
    • Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago Expansion- Lost Colossus
    • Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago Expansion- Gods of Fire
    • Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago Rulebook
    • Savage Core Rulebook (binding is blank)
    • WH40K Battle for Maccrage ruleset (4th ed.)
    • Hordes and Warmachine Rulesets (3rd ed.)
    Rules for Necromunda (rulebook and gang war) are on the way in the mail. Also got the rules still in the box for Maelstrom's Edge/Battle for Zycanthus.

    One last piece of good news, I have cut my pile of shame in half since June of this year, and now is just down to the contents of these two boxes! (and the battle for zycanthus box)

    warden20201116_game room updates 4.jpg
  10. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Orderly and great system!
    Bit jealous of your room in general:oops:

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Warden likes this.
  11. - Q -

    - Q - Fourteenth Spawning

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    Whoa, that is impressive!
  12. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Hey thanks!

    It has been a few years since this old game room existed now... we have moved a bit since then and sadly the gaming table has not been set up since.

    Hoping we can get to a place in the future where I can set up the full game room once again!

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