AoS Killer Angel's BatReps

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Killer Angel, Sep 7, 2018.

  1. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Let's taste the new vampires!
    I've never played with this guy, but he's a friend of a friend, and he wants to do some test matches for a tournament.
    I'm happy to act as sparring partner.

    DISCLAIMER: i wasn't in great shape that day, and this will reflect on the pictures take, and on my battlefield performance.

    Seraphon Vs Soulblight Gravelords (Vyrkos)
    (2000 pts)


    3 main obj, one of them random will be worth 2 pts, the other ones 1.
    plus, the usual VPs for battle tactics.



    I am the defenders, i place a big forest, a baleful realmgate for teleport, a bunch of other terrains (that will all give +1 to bravery, except for an arcane one, that is on the opposite side of the realmgate)

    Army Lists


    -Coalesced +1 attack jaws, scaly skin
    - Thunderlizard

    (Stellar Tempest)
    Stegadon Chief (305), with flamer
    - Artefact: Incandescent Rectrices
    Skink priest (80)
    - Artefact: Fusil of conflagration
    Skink starpriest (130)

    Bastiladon w solar engine

    5 x Saurus Knights (110)
    - Lances
    5 x Saurus Knights (110)
    - Lances
    10 x Saurus Knights (220)
    - Lances

    Dread Saurian

    2000 pts.

    Mind you, this is a fun list, but far from optimized. I expect to see the usual vampire lord on zombie dragon... some heavy hitter.
    And anyway, if this wants to be a test for a tournamet, i rightfully expect my opponent will be able to deal with a 37 pts monster (otherwise against Gargants he would be toasted)


    - Vrykos dynasty

    Vengorian Lord
    (280) general
    Belladamma Volga (200)
    Vampire Lord (140)
    Necromancer with book(125)
    Mannfred (380)

    40 x Zombies (230)
    20 x Skeletons (170)
    10 x Dire Wolves (135)

    20 x Grave Guard (280)

    I'm not that impressed.
    Yeah, there's a massive magical phase, with 8 spells going, there's definitely more battlefield control than what i have, further increased by possible raising of dead units, there's a good potential of MWs (guards, zombies and a frightful spell by Mannfred).
    Mannfred is also annoying to deal with, given his ability to teleport out of combat.
    But the list lacks heavy hitters and 60 unused points are too many.


    My opponent chooses to pick the side with the portal to negate my the teleport, but leaves me with the arcane terrain

    He fields at my left: 10 wolves, Belladamma, Mannfred
    center: vampire lord, Vengorian lord, 20 skeletons
    right: necromancer and 40 zombies
    grave guards in reserve.

    3 gravesites near the 3 obj, one in my left side

    I field from left to right:
    10 knigts
    bastiladon, skink chief, skink priest, Slann & Starpriest near the arcane terrain, along with 5 knights.
    Then the dread saurian and the last 5 knights


    The priority is mine.
    I could already push forward and do a good alpha strike, but i want to see what this soulblight list can do, so i let him go
    Seraphage and Imrahil like this.
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    The obj worth 2 points is the one on the left

    UNDEAD turn

    Battle Tactic: he picks the one that requires to run with 3 units

    Some spell goes off, i manage to block just one. My opponent activates some generic buff for future fights (danse macabre and so on)

    Belladama and the pack take the left obj, skellies and zombies the other ones
    Mannfred, tnx to his move 16", is able to move forward and then charge my 10 knights.
    I failed to take the pic, so we'll do with what i have.
    Suffice to say: he rolled very well (3 successful hits with Gheistvor, 2 with the glaive, all 6 with ebon claws), and i save only ONE!. But that wouldn't be enough, i laugh at multiple damage.
    Except i forget i have scaly skin, and i let Mannfred deal the double of the damage i would have taken, so he wipes the unit by inflicting exactly 20 wounds (remember when i told you i wasn't in great shape? here's an example)


    with full obj control and battle tactic achieved, it's 6-0


    As battle tactic i decide to kill a battleline
    i decide to leave Belladama by herself.

    finest hour on stegadon chief, buffed also by the constellation and serpent's staff. The priest ability goes off on it and also Hand of Glory.
    my modified 11 with comet's call is countered by a nat. 12
    i shield the DS and kill 9 zombies with stellar tempest.

    the chief and the DS move to crush the center
    i redeploy the heroes and the knights to protect them and the other knights to take the central obj.
    The Bastiladon will deal with Mannfred by shooting twice with +1 to hit granted by the priest.



    double basti brings Mannfred to 6 wounds
    I forget that the buffed skink chief would shoot TWICE, so i shoot only once against the skellies, killing "only" 8. Yeah.

    DS devastates the zombies: but 5 (exactly five!) are still on.
    The skink chief charges the general (vengorian lord, which has a 5+ ward), and the skellies.

    4 massive horns will go on the skellies, it shoud suffice, all the rest on the vengorian.
    the attacks on the lord go pretty well, but he rolls great with his ward and remains alive with 1 wound.
    the 4 attacks on the skeletons... i hit only with 3 (i was at 2+, rerolling 1s). those 3 attacks wound at 2+, and i roll 3 1s.


    My opponent uses a cp to let the zombies pass their bravery test (the obj is contested, so i don't have it).
    the skellies pass their test, so the obj is still their.
    I failed to kill any battleline.

    end of first turn: 6-0 for Gravelords.

    to be continued...
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2021
    Seraphage and Imrahil like this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    The obj worth 2 points is the one on the right, where's my Dread Saurian is

    UNDEAD turn

    Battle Tactic: he picks the one that requires to have 2 units in my territory

    lots of spells, i'm able to stop just a couple of them (most importantly the one by Mannfred, that coul potentially deal 1d3 MW to a target and to every other unit within 6" from the target), however a spell rom Belladamma kills 1 knight.
    some minor raise, the general heals 3 wounds
    the Vamp Lord and the necromancer buff the skellies

    the general disengage and moves toward the very relative safety of belladamma's wolves
    Mannfred move toward my casters' castle
    the 20 grave guards appear in my rearline.
    the skellies and the zombies stay in combat with the stegadon and the Saurian

    Mannfred charges the 4 knights, taking 4 wounds by the unleash hell of Bastiladon (he was still at +1, so i was able to hit at 4+)
    the guards fail the 9" charge against the basti.


    Mannfred kills the 4 knights (because i forget again scaly skin), healing 1 wound to himself (now he's at 3)
    the skellies and the zombies die in melee.

    the plan obviously was to have them die, so (having killed one of my units with Mannfred), there was the chance on a 4+ to bring back 20 zombies.
    However, the roll is just 3, no turning back.

    Belladamma controls the left obj and the battle tactic has been achieved.

    9-0 for undead.


    I select "kill the general" as battle tactic


    As constellation i keep the buff to my combat hero
    Comet's call this round goes off (i still have +2 to casting, being nearby the arcane terrain), i take a couple of wounds from mannfred and the general
    Hand of glory is countered and so mystic shield
    Mannfred is sitting at 1 wound: arcane bolt goes off and he's killed in the hero phase.
    Command ability from the priest to give +1 to Bastiladon
    Serpent's staff on the 5 remaining knights
    the Stegadon chief buffs himself



    the dread saurian will stay there and kill the necromancer
    the knights move toward the Vampire Lord
    the stegadon chief move toward the vengorian lord and the wolves. THe Vengorian redeploy 5" away to force me to charge him or the wolves
    the bastiladons goes on the "platform"

    the stegadon chief shoots the wolves and i forget again the double shooting.
    the Bastiladon kills the Vengorian Lord (general dead, horray!)

    Steggy on wolves, only 3 remains
    Dread Saurian on Necromancer. Chomp.
    8" charge from the knights: i roll a 10, the Vampire Lord is taken down.


    i collect 5 points (3 for the obj, 2 for the battle tactic)

    9-5 for undead.


    The obj worth 2 points is again the one on the right

    UNDEAD turn

    they have 3 wolves, Belladamma and the unit of grave guards.

    as battletactic the soulblight are gonna try to kill a monster.
    The quards charge the Bastiladon, losing 6 of them tnx to my Unleash Hell.
    The Bastiladon takes 3 wounds and kills another couple of guards in retaliation.
    The wolves are wiped away, so also that obj is lost.

    my opponent rolls a 2, so nothing comes back from the dead.

    0 pts for undead



    Belladama and the guards are killed, i score 6 pts

    11-9 for SERAPHON, the undead suffered a total wipe out.

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2021
    Seraphage and Imrahil like this.
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Some brief considerations

    men, what a horrible game from my part. Rookie mistakes, and more than once. I've had a strong headache and suffered from a badly sleeped night, but come on.

    Now, new undead are strong, but this list was just wrong.
    they rely on buffs from heroes, but to have more than half of your armies in heroes is too much
    it could work if those heroes can do some of the heavy lifting... but Mannfred is not that strong, and if you are not going to use a VLoZD... you just cannot afford Mannfred AND Belladamma AND a Vengorian Lord.
    so, what do you have is 40 zombies, 20 skellies, 20 guards and 10 wolves. The zombies and the guards are scary, but they are just two units, they can be killed... and at that point you are relying on a roll of 5+ to bring back one unit at half strenght.
    If it goes wrong (highly possible, if the rest of your army is weak and you're not able to increase that roll of 5+ by killing units) you're just dead meat (more than what you already were).
    This was NOT a tournament list, not even close... as demonstrated by the simple fact that my oppo couldn't handle a single dread saurian, let alone it along with the Stegadon Chief.
    Without mistakes (scaly skin and double attack by the chief), the game would have ended in turn 1

    I know Soulblight Gravelords are stronger than this.
    Seraphage likes this.
  5. Kakalou1

    Kakalou1 Member

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    Hi thanks you very much always nice to read some Battle report.
    Quick question, why do you mean by double shooting with the chief ? Only EotG and Basti Can Do that
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    If you pick thunder lizard subfaction and the skink chief is your general, with the command trait you gain +1 attacks to ALL the weapons of the mount (crew is counted as mount); so you gain 2 dices rolling for the sunfire thrower (the profile of ST is “attacks = 1"; so it turns into “attacks = 2").
    plus the javelins and the melee (horns and stomps)
    Just A Skink likes this.
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Second battle against Kharadron Overlords.

    Seraphon Vs Kharadron Overlords
    (2000 pts... with Kroak!)

    Not the first time I play against the flying dwarfs, but this is a new opponent and my list is also different: NO Dread Saurian this round, but Lord Kroak!
    (Note: I don’t have the new Kroak model, so I play the old one with the big base of the current model)

    Army lists


    Barakh-Mhornar (among the various things: at the beginning of the battle, a skyvessel with the general aboard can be set-up anywhere at more than 9" from enemy units)

    Admiral (general)
    2 khemists

    3 x 10 arkhanaut companies

    1 x 10 Thunderers
    1 ship
    Allies: Gotrek

    Artefact: spell in the bottle (with the usual skaven endless spell… I wonder if I will ever play against a KO list without this combo)

    SERAPHON – Thunder Lizard

    Lord Kroak
    ScarVet on Carno (general, Amulet of destiny, mount trait Beastmaster)
    Sk. Starpriest (fusil of conflagration)
    Sk. Priest
    Astrolith bearer

    10 x skinks
    5 x Saurus knights
    10 x Saurus Knights
    5 x Saurus Guards

    5 x Chama skinks

    Endless spells: Lauchon the Soulseeker (proxied model), Emerald Lifeswarm.


    Warlord: Kroak, Astrolith, priest, guards
    Battle regiment (single drop): all the rest

    a 5 drops army, with 2 artefacts. Nice.

    you should have noticed a weird things in this list. Notably, the endless spell Lauchon the Suolseeker.
    This is a thing that i wanted to try since 1 month ago, and that i've also explained in the Seraphon Overview Thread
    i really wonder if this has already been used by someone else.
    Imo it has a potential, and of course a test was needed.

    BATTLEPLAN: Apex Predator

    This one is interesting: 3 main obj only, and they can only be controlled by heroes that moves within 3" of them; you collect points not only based on the number of obj, but also if you control more than your oppo. Gotrek cannot control them.


    My opponent is the defender, and he picks terrains in the worse possible way for me: 8 very small sceneries, placed in a way to leave basically empty our deployment zones and that won’t give much cover in any way, to maximize his shooting and completely negate any defense or advantage I could gain. At least I don’t have problems in placing my Realmshaper Engine.

    Now, the set-up was tricky, as the game has already begun in this phase.

    We both have the battalion "Battle Regiment", that let us one drop a certain number of units; however, despite having maximized the number of units of said battalion, my opponent got one drop less than me, so he will end before me.

    Of course, there’s a solid chance he will force me to go first. I’m not sure, I could go second, but I still need to plan my set-up accordingly. The other tricky part is that my opponent can make a free redeploy of his main airship, loaded with heroes, artefacts and troops. I need to “lure” my opponent where I need.

    I place the pyramid slightly toward my right, in an already garrisonable position, placing inside the and the astrolith bearer, with Guards behind it, Kroak and the priest near it and some

    I keep my last big drop to see the placement of the KO army, and of course, my opponent places Gotrek in the middle, as ahead as he can, threatening almost immediately the center of the board. The most obvious choice, and the best one. With Gotrek, the center is made stronger by 2 units of Arkhanaut company, backed up by one Khemist. With such a deploy, clearly my opponent wants to take control of the middle and strike with the main force wherever he wants.

    At this point, I place 5 knights to protect the right side of the pyramid, and my big threatening block (10 knights + ScarVet on Carno), in an aggressive position that points toward the left. My goal is clearly to push with sauri toward the left, keeping at a distance Gotrek.
    I also put skinks in the rear, to block nasty drops. The Bastiladon goes near the priest and Kroak


    My opponent bites it, and makes his redeployment in the most logical way (I would have done the same, to be honest): he moves the ship to my right, to stay away from my knights + Carno, and where I don’t have many troops: if I want to face the threat with my cavalry, I need to cross the center, where Gotrek awaits.

    Set-up 2.jpg

    He thinks if it could be an option to go first, but Gotrek cannot charge and also the 2 companies wouldn’t do anything, so the efficacy of his first turn would be limited.

    So, he lets me go first. YEAH!!!
    Imrahil, Just A Skink and Lizerd like this.
  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    As battle tactic i pick Ferocious Advance, the one that I need to run with 3 units.

    Hero Phase.

    Time to put in practice the tactic i wanted to try since I’ve updated the Seraphon Overview Thread.
    I set the constellation on Sage’s staff.

    The Skink Starpriest cast Lauchon: after modifiers it’s an 8, and my opponent fails to unbind it.

    I move the starpriest on my right with Lauchon, placing it at 12” from Kroak and at 15” from the IronClad

    It’s Kroak time, enjoining a +4 to his casting: triple successful Deliverance and Stellar tempest: despite rolling an annoying amount of 1s with Deliverance (triple 1 against the admiral), at the end of the hero phase, the Khemist and the Navigator on the Ironclad are dead (thus denying also the use of the spell in a bottle… another 90 pts gone unused), the admiral is wounded (stellar tempest) and one thunderer is dead.

    The rest.

    I run with the ScarVet and the 10 knights, grabbing the obj on the left.
    I also run with the 5 knights, the skinks and the Saurus Guards to complete the tactics and “shield” my starpriest.

    The double shooting by the Bastiladon (previously buffed with the Priest’s c.a. for a +1 to shoot and furtherly enhanced by All out Attack) is unable to put a single wound upon the second Khemist. A pit, I was hoping to strike a full house, killing also the third hero.

    Turn 1_1 Ser.jpg

    I score 4 points (2 for battle tactic, 1 for the obj, 1 for controlling more obj than my oppo).

    What a MASSIVE turn!


    Same battle tactic as mine, the 2 Companies and the survived khemist run.

    The admiral and the troops disembark from the Ironclad. The shooting phase kills 1 knight and put the starpriest on 1 wound (all out defense + some 6s by the Astrolith). My opponent dices were disheartened…

    4-2 for Seraphon

    Turn 1_2 KO.jpg
    Imrahil, Just A Skink and Lizerd like this.
  9. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    ROUND 2

    I win the priority roll.


    I select the "Savage Spearhead" battle tactic, I need to have 2 units in my opponent’s deployment zone and I also pick the extra CP granted by the battalion, plus 2 additional ones tnx to Kroak – Starpriest.

    I select Hunter’s Steed as constellation (I need +1 to run and charge) and Finest Hour for my ScarVet on Carno.

    Hero phase.

    Well, if I manage to kill the general, it will be basically game over.

    So, before anything, I go again full Lord Kroak… despite the +3, I fail Celestial Deliverance twice and the Comet is dispelled. Kroak manages to cast only the Emerald Swarm, healing the starpriest and raising the dead knight.

    Then I move the Starpriest with lauchon, placing it a 6” from the central obj and try to cast Hand… failing again.

    I just buff the Bastiladon with the priest.

    The rest.

    I move the 5 knights, the bastiladon and the skinks, to form a bastion to protect the Stapriest, the priest and the Astrolith, as Gotrek is ready to roll. The guards go into the Pyramid.
    I use the once-per-battle mount trait to have my carno Run and charge, using a cp for a 6” run. Its target is the Khemist near the 2 arkhanaut companies.
    The chameleon skinks appear. Them and the Carno will give me the battle tactic.

    The double shooting of the basti will target the arkhanaut company and the thunderers disembarked from the ship, this time inflicting some heavy damage (the company will flee)

    The Carnosaur charges the Khemist with All out Attacks, supported also by the knights (another successful charge).

    After the combat, the chemist is dead, and so one of the unit of arkhanaut, while the second company loses 2 dwarfs.

    Turn 2_1 Ser.jpg

    I collect 3 points
    7-2 for me

    KO TURN.

    The chosen Battle Tactic is Broken Ranks (destroy one battleline)
    Gotrek is uncertain if go back and charge my general, or push forward toward the bulk of my forces, aiming at Kroak with a double turn.
    In the end, Gotrek charges my 5 knights and the Bastiladon, while the Ship flies behind my lines and the thunderers and the admiral guard the right obj.
    The ship’s fire kills a couple of temple guards.

    Gotrek, against my knights (buffed by All out Defense) inflicts only 2 MWs, but I need to make 6 saves at 5+. I make 5 on 6 (disgusting luck), and so I lose only 2 knights. Gotrek is stuck with the Bastiladon, so he’s forced to do the second round of attacks on it, reducing the beast to 3 wounds.

    Turn 2_2 KO.jpg

    Having failed to score the battle tactic, it’s only 1 point.

    7-3 for Seraphon.

    ROUND 3

    I win the priority roll.


    Long story short: I select the battle tactic Slay the Warlord, and I keep Hunter’s Steed.

    My carno runs 6”, bypass the thunderers and charges the Admiral, killing it.

    Turn 3_1 Ser.jpg

    I score 5 pts (12-4) and my opponent, with no more heroes to control the obj, concedes the game.

    Imrahil, Just A Skink and Lizerd like this.
  10. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Some brief considerations.

    The game was almost never in doubt. In the moment my first hero phase went so perfectly, my opponent’s army was crippled and unable to put me under pressure, especially considering the scenario.

    However, this was merely a test for the combo “Kroak + Starseer + Lauchon = long range kroakbomb”, and from this pov, it was an AMAZING SUCCESS. There are many good things with this:

    Lauchon is an endless spells that usually is not played, so this will take your opponent by surprise more often than not.

    Lauchon + arcane vessel + Astrolith bearer, means that Kroak is threatening a 12”+16” with +4 to cast that triple celestial deliverance. It’s a 28” bubble, more than enough to strike hard even in T1 and even if you go first, when usually you are too far to do something effective.

    When your opponent is aware of this trick, its power will put the fear of the Old Ones in him. A 28” bubble is a MASSIVE threat and will severely hamper the tactical movement of the enemy’s army.

    Lauchon got a large base. If you’re not playing Starborne with LoSaT shenanigans, use the model to hide the sterseer behind it and follow him with some fast screen to give look out sir. Lauhon won’t stop your opponent to shoot at your wizard, but will stop the charges (as you can pass through an endless spell, but you cannot stop on it)

    That’s it. Hope it will serve you as it served me; IMO it’s certainly a nice and nasty option, that can work also with a Slann and some usually short-ranged powerful endless spell.

    as pointed out by @ChameleonGnom (thanks), this was an illegal use of the spell.
    Lauchon is a predatory endless spell. So you can cast it whenever you want, but you can move it at the end of the hero phase. Kroak wouldn't be able to cast spells afterward. :(
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2021
  11. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    You just made a new kroak list but I see one issue. Your army does not have many wounds and definitely is carried by the combo you're using. What would you done if they killed ya starpriest or if you didn't have that diety esq 1st turn
    Lizerd likes this.
  12. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Mind you: the combo with lauchon is merely a tool that helps you to have an additional way to let Kroak do his work.
    If they kill the astrolith, so be it... you'll play kroak as usual. Lauchon is "only" 55 pts, the problem in the list are not related to that.

    In regards to few bodies on the battlefield... the problem with Kroak lists are that often you simply cannot afford many things, especially if you don't want to put aside a minimal units of guards and the astrolith bearer.
    Within these self-imposed boundaries... well, Emerald Lifeswarm has proven to be of little use; i could discard it and the chama skinks to save 175 pts.

    That would be 2 additional skinks units (20 wounds instead of 5, so 15 more bodies) and 25 saved points for maybe a triumph.

    EDIT: but all of this is moot, Lauchon cannot be used as i used it. :(
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2021
    Lizerd, Imrahil and Dread Saurian like this.
  13. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I still don't know when, but i think in my next game i will finally try Starborne!
  14. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    Finally getting teleporty are ya?
  15. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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  16. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    As promised, here I am.

    This is going to be an exciting battle, with plenty of new things.
    1 - my very first try with Starborne (right after the points increase for sallies and laserdon)
    2 - i will face Lumineth. first time!
    3 - also for my oppo this will be his first game with his new elven army!

    Seraphon Vs Lumineth
    (2000 pts)

    (Note: my opponent is going to proxi some model. He owns them all, but they are currently on painting commission)

    Army lists


    Scinari Cathallar - general
    Lord Sevireth (the guy with high move that can make an additional free 12" move after any shooting phase.


    2 x 10 Wardens (melee warriors with lances)
    2 x 20 Vanari Sentinels (the archers that deal MWs)


    3 x 5 WindChargers (the kangaroo cav)

    Endless Spell: Umbral Spellportal
    Faction terrain: shrine Luminor

    Grand Strategy: wizard must survive

    Right, a very annoying hero that snipes other heroes, a powerful terrain, highly dangerous archers with 30" reach that don't need LoS, 3 fast units.
    Plus the spellportal to increase the short-ranged spells. All the battlelines include a caster within them, so I'm facing 5 wizards

    SERAPHON – Dracothion's tail

    Allegiance: Seraphon

    - Constellation: Dracothion's Tail

    Slann Starmaster
    - General
    - Command Trait: Ancient Knowledge
    - Artefact: Godbeast Pendant
    - extra Spells: Stellar Tempest, Celestial Apotheosis

    Skink Starseer (145)
    - extra spell: Hand of glory
    Astrolith Bearer (150)
    EotG (265)
    - Artefact: incandescent rectrices

    10 x Skinks
    - Meteoric Javelins Celestite Daggers & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (75)
    10 x Skinks (75)
    5 x Saurus Guard (115)*

    2 x Salamander Hunting Pack
    - Reinforced x 1
    2 x Salamander Hunting Pack (240)**
    - Reinforced x 1

    Bastiladon with Solar Engine

    Warlord (Slann, EOtG, Starseer + guards)
    Hunters (skinks and sallies)

    Grand Strategy: to end with more initial units than my oppo

    1) my list is 1975 pts, my oppo's 1995. I pick the Bloodthirsty triumph.
    2) the seraphon FAQ says that the units put aside in DT are in reserve. Reserve units (by core rule) don't have limitations on their placement other than 9" from enemy. This should bypass the harsh limitation "wholly within 12" from a Slann" since the reserve units from other armies (nighthaunts, stormcasts...) don't have any. Since Reserve and Summoned units are treated in the same way in the general rule, it seemed logical to extend "appear on command" to Astrolith and Oracle, as the summon by celestial conj. By raw it's probably not possible, but it wouldn't be the first time GW corrects partially a rule, forgetting to update interactions.
    I would like to hear your opinions on the matter.


    The Veins of Ghur

    no obj in the first round, they will drop randomly 1 at the beginning of the second round, and the other 2 at the beginning of the third.
    for each obj you score a number of VPs equal to the number of battle round. Deep strike and high move will be vital in the last part of the game, and I'm happy with it

    My opponent is the defender and places the terrains, the most interesting ones are a couple of portals, an obsidian archway (-1 to shoot who's behind it) and a mysterious terrain with arcane rule.
    I pick the side with arcane, mostly to don't let my oppo take it.


    My oppo uses the battalion "Battle Regiment", so he's got basically 4 drops against my 11.

    the elven set-up, from left to right:
    5 windchargers + Lord Sevireth
    20 sentinels screened by 10 wardens
    Cathellan upon Shrine Luminor in the middle
    20 sentinels screened by 10 wardens
    2 x 5 windchargers

    i place the Slann, the Astrolith and 5 guards in my left lower corner (behind the realmshape), and 3 units of skinks. the rest is in reserve.


    The archers threaten 30", +4 move, but only 1 unit of skinks is in range.

    So, he lets me go first.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2022
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  17. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    As battle tactic i pick Ferocious Advance, the one that I need to run with 3 units.

    I could already drop and alpha strike, but with this battleplan would be too soon, so i will play cowardly.

    i forego one spell and all in all collect 7 CCPs.
    The Slann casts comet, slaying 3 and 1 archers, a couple of wardens and puts a couple of wounds on the general. Shield on the Astrolith and uses Gift of the Heavens on himself.
    then i move back and sideways my skinks, puttin them as far as i can.


    I score 2 points (for battle tactic).


    if the battlelines run they lose the rule that gives them a -1 to be hit, so he cannot copy my battle tactic. Instead, he chooses to slay a Battleline (my saurus guards).

    in the hero phase, all of his spells are countered, except a ward on a warden unit and the Umbral Spellportal, placed in a way that could be useful later (a bad use of the spell imo, but hey).As heroic action, the general heals himself.

    he moves forward everything, Lord Sevireth with his shooting manages to kill 3 guards, but the battleline is still alive.

    2-0 for Seraphon

    Last edited: Jan 8, 2022
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  18. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    The first obj, that drops in the central line, falls where Lord Sevireth is.

    i win the priority roll, but I'm very unsure.
    Can i deep strike? sure.
    pros: I could collect another 3d3 CCPs, comet away some other dudes, deep strike + summon and wreck a good portion of the battlefield.
    cons: i would still be under the risk of a double turn by lumineth and we still don't know where the other 2 obj are going to fall (albeit this is a minor issue).

    ATM i'm still in a good potition, the archers are still too far to damage the Slann and the Astrolith (assuming i will dispel the spell that can give double move). I don't think i will lose any fundamental asset, so this is the best moment to "suffer" a double turn.... or so i think.

    so i give Lumineth the double turn.

    (what would have you done, in my shoes? I'm curious)


    As battle tactic he picks Savage spearhead (have 2 units in the enemy's territory).

    in the hero phase i'm still able to shut down the most critical spells (no double move), but a spell that forces me to spend double points to activate command abilities, goes off.

    However, in the move phase things begin to go downhill...
    one of the right windchargers unit uses the portal to teleport right in front of my left block, so i have not one, but TWO units of shooters plus the seviroth.
    the volley by the 1st windchargers kills the saurus guards but one with 1 wound left. No ward save by the Astrolith.
    the volley by the 2nd winchargers hits 5 times the Slann. i have Gift of the Heavens AND all out defense, and i manage to fail 4 saves. I roll a 1 trying to redirect one dam to the Guard, the other 3 wounds no ward save by the Astrolith.
    the volley by Sevireth inflicts exactly 3 damages to the Slann. i roll a 1 trying to redirect the dam to the Guard. The Slann dies, then Sevireth goes back on the obj.
    I roll for the GodBeast pendant, and i fail.

    Great, my general is dead, i lose my key magical support and 2d3 CCps. :banghead:
    congratulation for the brilliant tactic!


    The only positive thing is:
    one unit of windchargers charge the rest of my dudes, but are able to do a couple of wounds to the Astrolith and kill 6 skinks, while i kill 3 of them in return.
    And in the battleshock phase i roll a 3 for the skinks, while a 6 for the windchargers wipes away the 2 survivors.


    Lumineth score 4 points (2 for battle tactic and 2 for obj).

    4-2 for Lumineth.


    Looking at the position on the battlefield, thing are only vaguely better than the previous turn, regarding my ability to deepstrike, but that's it.
    I roll a 2 for CCPs, so i have only 9 (no extra sally, babe!).

    i need to stay in the game and so my battle tactic is Savage Spearhead.
    LoSaT the Astrolith in the upper left corner and drop everything i have:
    sallies and basti to have LoS on archers and Wardens.
    Starseer near the Astrolith
    EoTG ready to charge the rear of the archers
    Then i summon 10 skinks arond the Astrolith and the Starseer, as ATM they don't even have Look Out Sir.

    Shooting: The EotG rolls a 4 and at least heals my Astrolith.
    one sally does 3 dam to Seviroth
    one sally kills 5 archers (i want to merely soften them and to deal them with the charging EotG
    2 sallies kill 7 wardens
    Basti does nothing (good job!).


    the EotG charges (going around the corner it's a 10", but tnx to the 3d6 granted by the Starseer i roll a 14. Suffer 4 dam due to unleash hell.
    CA for All Out Attacks and Triumph (bloodthirsty)... the 14 survived archers are wiped away, with only 1 wound in excess!


    i score the battle tactic.

    End of Round 2...

    i'm still in the game, the loss of the General hurts, but my main force is there.
    We also must see where the obj are going to fall AND now it's me the one with the chance to grab double turn.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2022
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  19. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    the 2 remaining objectives, that will land in our respective deployment territories, fall both on the right side of the battlefield.
    Basically, one is near my two 10 skinks units, and the other is behind the obsidian archway, where there are 5 windchargers.

    Priority roll: my oppo rolls a TWO! ...i roll a 2 too. it's Lumineth's turn.


    Battle tactic: kill a monster.

    as heroic action my EotG manages to heal 1 wound.
    i shut down the spell that gives MWs on 5+ to the remaining unit of Sentinels, but that's it.

    the sentinels and the near wind chargers shoot at my sallies but only a handful of handlers die
    Sevireth , the 3 previously survived wardens and the 5 windchargers charges the EotG, and inflict EXACTLY the number of wounds needed to kill it.
    i roll for Incandescent rectrices, and i fail. Again.
    no coming back from the dead today, baby!


    Lumineth score their tactic and controls 2 obj: it's 8 pts.

    12-4 for Lumineth.


    i need to kill that damned Sevireth, so the Starseer gives him a -1 to saves with Control Fate.

    As Battle tactic i pick conquer: i must steal an obj from my oppo.

    Move phase:
    i move the sallies and the basti, which goes near the obj that was controlled by the windchargers.
    Seviroth reacts to my move with redeploy, putting himself out of LoS from both sallies units.
    I LoSaT one of the sallies unit to have LoS again on him.

    All Out Attacks on the LoSaT sallies... Sevireth dies.
    the other sallies kill 3 windchargers


    the sallies charges and kills the 2 survived windchargers.
    THis is the battlefield at the end of the turn:


    i've completed my battle tactic and i control 2 obj (you don't see the one in the lower right corner, where i've had 2 units of skinks)

    Last edited: Jan 8, 2022
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  20. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Priority roll: i roll a SIX! opponent rolls a 6 too. it's Lumineth's turn.


    Battle tactic: Steal an obj.

    we are on par on points, but i've got a better position.
    his archers have no way to kill both the skinks unit on the lower right corner.
    his last unit of Windcharger cannot move from his top right obj, or i would steal it with LoSaT.
    Basically he's got the general, 17 archers and 10 + 3 wardens, and only 3 wardens are near me.

    hero phase: i can only shut down a spell, and i negate the MWs on 5, but cannot avoid the double move.

    NOw, this is where my opponent crushed under the pressure.
    the archers target the Bastiladon, but only 3 wounds are inflicted (the MWs on 6s)
    the wardens with double move charge the sallies, in a way to have them also in range of the obj... but he charged the sallies with the unit of 10, before than the unit with 3... so i unleash hell upon them, rolling like three 6s and killing 8 even before the fight!.
    when the dust clears, my 2 sallies are still there, and only 3 wardens remains.


    no battle tactic and only one obj (which this round are worth 4 pts)

    18-14 for Lumineth


    Long story short (sorry, no pics taken, i will adapt the previous one)

    i select "kill a battleline", as my sallies are in melee with 3 wardens
    LoSaT the 4 skinks on the left obj, and move upon it also the starseer, the astrolith, the bastiladon and the 10 summoned skinks
    one unit of sallies shoots the general.
    the other unit of sallies kill the battleline.
    basti kills no one.


    I score the battle tactic and controls 3 obj: it's 10 pts.

    24-18 for Seraphon

    in the fifth turn Lumineth will have no way to steal my 2 obj, so that would be 10-5 to me as a minimum.
    My opponent concedes.

    Last edited: Jan 8, 2022
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