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Blog Knave's intermittent paint and project log

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by knave, Apr 16, 2020.

  1. knave

    knave Member

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    Confession time. I've never finished an army. Never ever. But that's all in the past I swear! Armed with a fresh start playing Age of Sigmar, an active gaming group, and a more mature outlook, I'm aiming to field a fully painted Seraphon force and have it in pride of place in my FLGS display cabinet.
    As a typically slow and fussy painter I've been repeating the mantra "You won't get better unless you put paint on it."

    So firstly, theme and scheme.

    In my formative years playing fantasy I had the beginnings of a swamp themed lizardmen army spawned under Tzunki. I still quite like the scheme and the concept so I'm going with greeny bluey aqua skin and scales. Hardly original I know, but tried and tested. Lore wise I'm picturing Seraphon who've settled in the realm of life and started converting the forest into swampy jungle, thus upsetting everyone living nearby and throwing them into conflict with all manner of opponents, especially the local greenskins and sylvaneth.

    I've recently finished a skink chief who will be used as a starpriest, as proof of concept. I challenged myself here with more controlled layering combined with washes instead of speedy drybrushing, as well as painting some freehand on his shield and creating a much more detailed base. Unfortunately I'm let down by my photography skills a teensy bit.

    received_1497215953786256.jpeg received_638523993372438.jpeg received_3388065984540142.jpeg received_235999310977688.jpeg
  2. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Good resolution! keep it up. Also, not to bring the mood down, but an army is never ever finished ;)
    I like the Skink Chief, nicely painted.I like the jade weapon and the freehand on the shield.

    I love to see more

    Grrr, Imrahil
    knave likes this.
  3. knave

    knave Member

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    Thanks! I based the jade off the excellent Warhammer tv tutorial on YouTube.

    I'm working on some saurus warriors and ripperdactyls at the moment. I discovered the joy of contrasts with the rippers, so I've lost a little momentum with the saurus. The first batch are based with sotek green which doesn't cover very well in my experience. Future models will all be done with akhelian green contrast.

    I'll post some photos once I've got decent light.
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  4. knave

    knave Member

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    I'm so pleased that saurus lists are more viable with the new Battletome. I mean it hasn't changed my army composition a great deal, but it means my army gets tabled with far less frequency.

    On that note here's some in progress spear saurus.

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    They're really simple at this stage - skin based in sotek green (though as mentioned I will be moving to contrast as I don't love the functionality), scales based with stegadon green, then washed with black, and overbrushed with stegadon green again so the black is only showing in the crevasses of the scales.
    The whole thing is then highlighted with lothern blue. Extreme highlights will be done with a mix of lothern blue and screaming skull, which is where I'm almost up to with these guys. The stark highlights should pop nicely from the tabletop.
    Warden and Cuetzpal Pilli like this.
  5. knave

    knave Member

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    Today is a skink sort of day.

    These chaps have been liberally sloshed with akhelian green over a white base coat. Twenty one infantry and three ripper riders all up, though they're not all in the photographs.

    Some have even got as far as the first highlight with lothern blue which hasn't come up amazing in the photo.

    Attached Files:

    Warden, Imrahil and Aginor like this.
  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Wow that is a great start! I love your skink chief!
    knave likes this.

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