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List your top 10 STAR WARS characters!

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Jun 21, 2020.

  1. Infinity Turtle
    Temple Guard

    Infinity Turtle Well-Known Member

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    My list is hindered by my very specific involvement in different fandoms...

    10. Kybo Ren. Make another trilogy about this lad
    9. Qunlan Voss, but only in this very specific picture:
    8. Nute Gunray (my crush told me I look like him, so if I don't put him on this list, then I might cry... even more)
    7. The first ever Wilhelm scream Storm trooper
    6. My boy Sheev
    5. 2003/Clone Wars Obi-Wan
    4. Aayla Secura in all iterations... except the live action version... she just seemed so nyeah...
    3. 2003 Animated General Grevious
    2. 2003 Animated Shaak Ti
    1. Obi-Wan (Ewan McGregor)

    My childhood was formed on 2003 animated clone wars. I'm not sorry. I can quote that entire series. I need help.
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    The fact that he would able to stave in a human skull with a single punch and wields four Lightsabers in a manner that can only be beaten by some of the best masters on the Jedi Council says otherwise. It’s only his weakness of not having Force-sensitivity that shoots him down, and that was a feature of his character in media other than the films as well.

    Nope, I agree with @NIGHTBRINGER, Grievous is a pretty cool name for a bad guy.

    I would have thought a man with your intellect and productivity would give a better argument than paraphrasing an infantile weakling like Plinkett. There is no explanation as to why you think Grievous’ name is stupid, only that you think it is. I could easily play that game by questioning why Darth Vader’s name sounds so similar to ‘pater’ (Latin for ‘father’), that an especially intelligent person could have spotted that Vader was going to be revealed as someone’s father before Episode V even came out and thus spoiling it irreparably, and that we haven’t seen his wife, Darth Mater, yet. (Disclaimer: I actually think all the names of the main film villains are good, including Vader’s, I was just using that as an example to show how silly it is to resort to such silliness as that particular Plinkett critique ). I’m only going to take this point seriously when you give a more mature explanation to your viewpoint.

    Again I agree with @NIGHTBRINGER, while Grievous did feature in a significant amount of Episode III, Episode III revolves around the betrayal of Palpatine and the creation of the Empire. Like Dooku and Maul before him, Grievous was just a pawn used to distract the Jedi from investigating more into finding out the mastermind behind the war, and Grievous actually does this pretty well. By luring Obi-Wan to Utapau, Grievous gives Sidious the chance to groom and manipulate Anakin some more while his master is not present, which ultimately sends him on the path to helping Sidious against Mace and turning him to the Dark Side.

    Simple - given that Episode III is set at the end of a 3-year war, it is likely that they’ve fought previous battles where the Invisible Hand has been the command ship, and used this logic to establish that would be the most likely place Grievous and his prisoner would be located. Use some imagination and don’t just take things at face value.

    It’s made pretty clear that Chancellor Palpatine being ‘kidnapped’ by Grievous was the reason they had to board the Invisible Hand - the Republic forces couldn’t just turn every gun they had on Grievous’ ship because that would be a sure way to blow up their Supreme Chancellor along with Grievous. What’s more, if they managed to capture Grievous they would be able to interrogate him to try and find out who the mystery Sith Lord was.

    Sending two especially fast and nimble Jedi Interceptors to board Grievous’ ship is much less conspicuous than sending a massive gunship full of Clone Troopers and Jedi - if the Separatists saw the latter coming they’d instantly know the Republic forces were trying to rescue the Supreme Chancellor and would turn every gun they had on it to blast it to pieces miles before it even got to the Invisible Hand. Two small Jedi Interceptors hidden in the middle of a wing of ARC-170s would not only get to the Invisible Hand a lot quicker but would also give the illusion they were simply out there defending the Republic Star Destroyers from Separatist fighters.

    The Jedi feel compassion to all other life forms, and it is a core principle of the Jedi path to help anyone in trouble, especially the Clones who showed such loyalty to their Jedi Generals before Order 66. Seeing them as expendable on the other hand is a Sith mentality that was happily applied to the Empire’s Stormtroopers because the Empire was evil.

    Both of those aren’t problems with the CGI, they’re (superficial) problems with the choreography, and the facts that Obi-Wan wins anyway and that the choreography of the Prequels is still unsurpassed in live-action Star Wars films in the eyes of many make these points rather moot.

    I thought Grievous‘ appearance in Episode III stood well on its own to be honest, because the cough could have been just a side-effect of his cyborg transformation like Vader’s asthmatic breathing (let’s face it there was no explanation to Vader’s cyborg nature in the OT, which was one of the reasons the Prequels were made in the first place). Additionally if you saw the Genndy series first it would have spoilt the big reveal of Grievous being a Lightsaber duellist in Episode III, whereas if you see the film first like I did it reveals the reason why Grievous collects lightsabers without spoiling anything.

    What’s more, despite the fact it makes Grievous look a better combatant, the Genndy series still suffers from a lot of artistic licence and altered laws of physics as any other 2D cartoon does, and I personally can’t really take it very seriously as Star Wars media when compared to the films and the 2008 CGI series. Would Grievous have been able to beat all those Jedi without cartoon-physics making his limbs more elastic and his lightsaber strikes faster? I’m sceptical about that.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2020
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  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Can’t be a very nice crush if he said you look like this


    Attached Files:

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  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I have a general grievance with the name. It's a bad pun. Darth Vader is based on dark father. There is a little subtly there. There is no subtlety with GG. In general, the prequels lacked subtlety so General Grievance is endemic of a more systemic problem.

    If he was Admiral Grievous or Commander Grievous, I wouldn't mind as much. Too many character names have alliteration and the only one that is acceptable with is Dexter Jettster.

    Of course the audience knows that Palpatine is the Big Bad. But as far as the characters know initially, General Grievance is the Big Bad and that violates Show Don't Tell. Like when Obi Wan and Anakin talk about exciting times they saved each other's lives. I would much rather see one than hear about four. Likewise most Anakin's heroic deeds are past tense and spoken about not seen. In the movie we don't see see a heroic person seduced by the Dark Side like Obi Wan talks about in A New Hope. We see an anti-hero with obvious flaws that are conveniently overlooked by Obi Wan, Mace, and Yoda but zeroed in by Palpatine.
    I concede the point.

    I reluctantly concede this point. There is a little bit of an issue with the Holdo Maneuver

    . If it was that easy to sneak a small ship aboard a shielded warship in the middle of a firefight than the same principle could be used to sneak kamikaze droids with bombs on to enemy ships, but I'll let it slide if they used the Force to get on the ship somehow.

    It's not the act so much, but this scene feels shoehorned into the movie. It didn't pop up organically and it was practically the only scene where Anakin does something heroic as an adult.

    Well choreography is important and Star Wars has a lot of problems with it.

    I disagree but I recognize that enjoyment of choreography is very subjective, so we can both be right. I believe less is more. The original series lightsaber fights felt more like real sword fights. The action scenes in the prequels felt like Gendy cartoons. I like Gendy cartoons, but I prefer live action to be a little toned down.

    Attack of the Clones broke me. When they had a chase scene in Coruscant in heavy traffic and Anakin jumped from one speeder to another and Obi Wan didn't even look worried. The killed the tension of all future scenes where Anakin fought someone without a lightsaber.

    You cannot go back after that. In the movie Don't Mess with the Zohan in the opening scene Adam Sandler catches a bullet in his teeth. That means there were no stakes in the gun fight in the closing scene because it showed the protagonist was invincible.

    While not as good as Batman the Animated Series, the Batman was a good series. Until they jumped the shark. There was an episode that ended when Batman and Robin fought Bane, Penguin, Joker, Riddler, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, the Manbat, the Joker's main goons, the Riddler's goons, the Penguins goons, Mister Freeze, and Firefly at the same time and won.

    There were some mitigating circumstances but on the whole, how can you go back from that. A couple episodes later how could Batman be threatened by just the Joker or just Mister Freeze?

    Tangent aside the fights were so over the top I didn't take them seriously.

    Clearly all of General Grievance's fans liked the Clone Wars animated series. I couldn't get into it because the characters do not emote as much as I would prefer. I watched a couple episodes of the first season then lost interest. It was Gendy action without Gendy heart.

    You are all free to like whomever you wish. Just like some people like Ashoka and some people dislike her. Some people like GG and I do not.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2020

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    The OT lightsaber fights were more like real sword fights, so much so, that I feel I could step in myself and stand a fair chance. The prequel fights were far more fitting for combatants that wielded the supernatural power of the force. If a Jedi and Sith are having a fight, and it appears to be realistic by common human standards, then what good is the force? The prequel fights are unrealistic by our standards, because we can't enhance our capabilities with the force. The Jedi and Sith can strike substantially faster and can utilize the precognitive edge that the force provides them. Simply put, the PT fights better reflect this. I'm nearly always on the side of the OT over the PT, but the lightsaber fights are one place where the PT really shines over the OT. It's also yet another major disappointment of the Disney trilogy.

    The OT fights did have more emotional weight to them as a whole. That is their real advantage in my opinion. But in terms of choreography, they look a little dated by today's standards.

    That said, to each their own.
  6. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Well, like I said in the other thread I am a Padawan compared to the rest of the posts on this thread. I will take @ravagekitteh 's advice and get going on Clone Wars the next time I have a bit of time to kill (or if I ever get to go on an airplane ever again [sigh].... UK's back in lockdown, thanks a lot BJ). So going by who I know currently it would be:

    1. Darth Vader
    2. Yoda
    3. Chewbacca
    4. Han Solo (mostly Harrison Ford from OT and the other guy from Rogue One, nothing really from the ST)
    5. R2-D2
    6. Chirrut Imwe
    7. Luke Skywalker (but really only in RotJ)
    8. Boba Fett
    9. K-2SO

    As gone over, I dislike Jar-Jar (purely personality clash) and also a host of characters from the Rise of Skywalker Series. I dislike the Anakin character from the PT as I felt the acting was sub-par. C3PO also annoys me.

    I personally feel that Vader (from OT only) is such a good evil villain that he makes the series. Not to mention the character arc as he saves Luke and redeems himself as a Jedi.

    Yoda is up next. I loved the character in the OT and then the love deepened when he was his younger self in the PT (I love the Dooko fight scene, has to be one of my favourite fights in all my Star Wars experience).

    I loved the introduction of the Force Mystic (Chirrut Imwe) in Rogue One and I feel that this is a great example of how the Star Wars universe can branch outwards into something NOT ALREADY DONE BEFORE but maintaining the same universe which we have all come to know and love.

    I do agree with lots of people in that we need a new director on board, which in my opinion needs to be the Peter-Jackson of the Star Wars canon: meaning someone who really LOVES the universe created and is in it to bring a fantastic experience to the fans, not just squeezing a rock for the rest of the blood that comes out (and after watching the three ST films, it is definitely blood).
  8. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    Here's my list:

    1: Luke Skywalker
    2: Han Solo
    3: Leia Organa-Solo
    4: Admiral Ackbar
    5: Mara Jade-Skywalker
    6: Kyle Katarn
    7: Yoda
    8: Obi-Wan Kenobi
    9: Plo Koon
    10: Darth Vader

    Honorable mentions go to Chewbacca, Kit Fisto, Talon Karrde, R2-D2, C-3PO, Lando Calrissian, Boba Fett, and the Solo children Jacen, Jaina and Anakin.

    And my brief reasons:

    1: Because he's the main hero of the OT, and I loved his continued progression in the EU, despite some of the flaws in many of those stories.

    2: Again, because he's one of the main heroes of the OT, and he's just got a cool personality. Plus he was extremely important to the story, and the continued stories with him and Leia in the EU were great to see.

    3: And of course, another main heroine of the OT. Leia helped lead the Rebel Alliance and was one of the primary reasons for the Empire's defeat. Her continued stories with Han and their family were also really great.

    4: Admiral Ackbar was a minor character, but he did get more development in the EU, and the fact that he was the only commander that Admiral Thrawn didn't want to face head-on shows how awesome he was. I also really like the Mon Calamari, they're my favorite alien species in Star Wars.

    5: Mara Jade was introduced in my favorite series of EU books, the Thrawn Trilogy. She's a really cool character and I felt like she fit perfectly with Luke as a couple. If they wanted more female leads in Star Wars, all they needed to do was look at Mara Jade.

    6: Kyle Katarn has a really cool story, and was the one who actually helped steal the Death Star plans. His journey to becoming a Jedi Knight and eventually a Master was very enjoyable, and I really wish he had gotten more to do in the EU.

    7: Yoda is Yoda. Enough said ;)

    8: Obi-Wan was an important character in the OT, even though his time there was quite short. Seeing him in the prequels and Clone Wars stories just made me enjoy his character even more.

    9: Plo Koon is probably my favorite Jedi from the prequel era, just barely squeaking past Kit Fisto. He was everything a Jedi should be. Wise, skilled, level-headed, but also compassionate, selfless and brave. He could also use Force Lighting without being influenced by the Dark Side, and his orange lightsaber was cool.

    10: Darth Vader is honestly probably the most iconic character in all of Star Wars, even more than Luke Skywalker. Sure, the prequels didn't do a great job of portraying his origins, but even before we had more details about him his personal journey in the OT was still a great thing to see. He's the consummate villain up until RotJ, where his eventual redemption and sacrifice will always remain one of the most impactful moments in the entire series.
  9. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    [QUOTE="Lizards of Renown, post: 351378, member: 20063"
    I do agree with lots of people in that we need a new director on board, which in my opinion needs to be the Peter-Jackson of the Star Wars canon: meaning someone who really LOVES the universe created and is in it to bring a fantastic experience to the fans, not just squeezing a rock for the rest of the blood that comes out (and after watching the three ST films, it is definitely blood).[/QUOTE]

    In my opinion if they just keep John Favreau directing star wars stuff they will be fine. The Mandalorian is amazing! And what's great is that the Mandalorian has references and easter eggs from alot of the older starwars stuff so that it not only appeals to newer fans, but older ones. It's really an amazing show.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  10. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    In my opinion if they just keep John Favreau directing star wars stuff they will be fine. The Mandalorian is amazing! And what's great is that the Mandalorian has references and easter eggs from alot of the older starwars stuff so that it not only appeals to newer fans, but older ones. It's really an amazing show.[/QUOTE]

    Well, I evidently need to watch some of that then as well.

    With this glowing recommendation, it finds a place on my list.
    DeathBringer125 likes this.
  11. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Well, I evidently need to watch some of that then as well.

    With this glowing recommendation, it finds a place on my list.[/QUOTE]
    Yeah The Mandalorian is amazing, probably one of the best TV shows being made right now.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  12. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    1. Uhura
    2. Picard
    3. Spock :vulcan:
    4. Kirk
    5. McCoy
    6. Quark
    7. Garak
    8. Scotty
    9. Spock with the Beard :oldman:
    10. the Gorn

    Oh wait... :D
  13. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Just corrected a couple of errors here for you - the first is a spelling mistake, the second is a case of mistaken film identity (Solo is the one that features young Han, Rogue One features the team who steal the Death Star plans)

    I agree that Luke was at his best in Return of the Jedi. In Episode IV he was a bit of a clueless nurk and in V he was especially whiny and saved by coincidences all the time.

    Have a thumbs-up from Arnie pal

    Finally another Chirrut fan arrives on the forums! I agree that Chirrut is a great character that helped branch out the idea of 'Force reverence' to groups other than the Jedi and Sith, which really fleshes out the galaxy a bit more. Also I think his buddy Baze is a cool character, as he was a real trooper in the film (the scene where he machine-guns several of the Empire's finest Death Troopers to avenge Chirrut's death only to die from a fallen Trooper's grenade was both badass and moving).

    If you want to see more of them, I'd heartily recommend this novel:
    It's set on Jedha a few years before Rogue One and features Baze and Chirrut trying to survive in occupied Jedha City amongst Saw's Partisans, smuggler gangs and Imperial garrisons. It really helps to give these underrated characters more of a backstory and is a great companion to Rogue One itself.

    Yes my friend! Yes! Peter Jackson is a great director! I love all the Middle Earth films, and I think he'd do wonders for Star Wars, especially as he's not afraid to have heroes die.

    I also think bringing back Gareth Edwards (the director of Rogue One) to make other films would be great, as Rogue One was deliciously grimdark and the characters definitely had some humanity to them. More films like that would be fantastic.

    As an aside, you've only made 9 votes - a tenth is required for you to complete the exercise! ;)
    Warden and Lizards of Renown like this.
  14. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Trust my favourite Trekkie to put up a Trek list in a Star Wars thread ;)

    As an aside, I'm surprised Uhura's your favourite character, out of all the Trek characters out there, though all the others in your list are great.
    Scalenex and Warden like this.
  15. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Of course!

    Main reason Uhura is top of the list is because she happens to look a lot like my wife :shamefullyembarrased:

    And funny enough, as a kid I used to think my Grandpa was Picard, as they were both bald :D

    ... but seriously now, here is what I came up with for Star Wars:

    1. Boba Fett
    2. Luke Skywalker
    3. Darth Vader
    4. Yoda
    5. Donnie Yen's character in Rogue One (I am One with the Force and the Force is with Me)
    6. Darth Maul (because of that one lightsaber battle scene with the epic music)
    7. Admiral Ackbar
    8. General Grievous (only cuz he looked cool, didn't care for his actual portrayal in any media I have seen).
    9. The sarcastic droid in Rogue One
    10. Green Leader (in the A-wing who blew up the bridge of the super star destroyer)
    I was (and am) 100% one of those kids who loved Boba Fett's armor as a kid. He has kinda combined places with the Mandalorian in my mind now? I have a hard time where I want to place any of the Mandolorian characters.

    I forgot about this guy!! :joyful:

    Wonder if he was a mentor to Kylo Ren?
  16. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    -Gul Dukat
    -Ben Sisko
    -Kira Nerys

    Have you ever checked out Star Trek Online. I am rubbish steering a ship with the asdw keys but the story is excellent. I really like Certifiably Ingame's let's play videos. (Minute 8:25 is the old school Trek moment) He doesn't just read the lines but he puts a bit a dramatic voice acting in and comedic ad libs. In his storyline on Star Trek Online he is a Original Series era 2270 officer who through time travel shenanigans ends up in the post-DS9 era (2409) where most of STO is set but he makes sure he carries the spirit of the 2300s hitting on all the female aliens and not hesitating the blow stuff up.

    STO has added a lot of development the Gorn. The Gorn Hedgemony got compromised by Species 8472 and the Klingons conquered them. They were made a vassal state so they got to govern themselves provided they provided military aid and most of the Gorn are fine with that. The Klingon's values are similar to their own and they decided to expand militarily when the Klingons were doing so. You can even play as a Gorn, though power gamers say Gorn are one of the weaker races because hand-to-hand combat is fairly rare in STO but if you want to be a slow tank that bites people, Gorn are the character for you.

    When they had to beam on to a friendly Romulan ship that was under attack by a hostile forces. They end up beaming to the commanders quarters as a ploy. "Why did we beam to Commander Jarok's quarters?" was the official line, but he added "and why am I able to recognize what her quarters look like?"
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2020
  17. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I love Star Trek Online! Really enjoyed playing through as multiple characters, crews, and ships! #3 on my steam with over 360 hours... :confused::D

    First character was a federation ship with an Andorian captain with a heavily alien crew, dressed them all up in TOS uniforms before that was a separate playstyle and flew around the galaxy zapping other aliens.

    My two favorites though were my playthroughs as a Klingon and a Ferengi. The Klingon was named "Eddarg Thark," an obvious Blackbeard reference (Edward Teach) and he blasted around the galaxy with his piratey-named crew. Super fun.

    eddarg thark.png

    The Ferengi was a businessman. The storyline in my head cannon was he got rich in a Risa gambling casino, bought some old derelict Federation starships, and slowly turned them into an intergalactic cruiseline. Everytime I did a mission with that crew I enjoyed calling them either "business ventures" or "acquisitional enterprises." :D


    Been ages since I played the game though.

    P.S. it is rare to see a Star Wars thread be derailed with Star Trek talk :vulcan:

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