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Lizardmen RPG

Discussion in 'Active games' started by Craken, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Ax-rodriq grabbed one of the silver swords from the wall and tested its balance. Satisfied, he then went to inspect the died turtle bone with interest.
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  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    The died turtle bone shield was expertly crafted, looks like it may have belonged to a saurus hero or champion, by the size of the straps on the back.
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  3. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((just waiting for everyone to decide if they are doing anything else or leaving the room))
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  4. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok was intrigued by the helmet, and put it on his head.

    Then, he walked towards the door. Waiting for his party to finish playing with their new toys. And to see what that helmet actually did to him..

    The Hunted
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  5. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Ilok donned the helm, instantly visions began to pass through his mind. Visions of a battle fought long ago, between the Saurus Scar Veteran who wore this skull previously. The Saurus was pale skinned with red scales, he wore a the red items now held by some of the Lizardmen in the room. The battle that Ilok in-visioned happened centuries ago, in the battle the saurus warrior battled flaming demons and seemed untouched by their flames, he swathed his way through hordes of foul beasts. Unit he reached a the portal that was spewing forth the beasts, and trusted himself into the portal. The portal closed around him sucking all the demons back in, then it closed. As it did though a backlash of flames exploded out, lighting up the Scar Veteran, his body smoldered, Ilok could feel the pain, and honor the saurus felt. The last vision Ilok had was of the Helm smoking, with the warriors gear surrounding it.
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  6. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    When the flashback was over, Ilok checked if he still had all his bodyparts. Satisfied with the result, he told
    the group what he just saw.
    He thought that that battle could have been fought in this very place, they just needed to move on.
    Ilok hoped that he would survive that battle though, it looked like a battle he has never fought before...

    The Hunted
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  7. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc nodded to llok. He saw the look in llok's eyes and knew that llok had seen something terrible but also honorable. The group Huaroc was with had faced battle against many foes thus far on this short journey they had. Yet Huaroc had not seen full fledged battle as he had been told of from his hunting party's leader, his Stalker.

    Huaroc slammed the banner's pole butt against the stone floor, calling the party out and so they could move onto the next room and get out into the canopy where they were needed.
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  8. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    The group moved back into the hall, there where the other doors where they had been, but they turned to the direction at the door at the end of the hall. This door bore the familiar guardian symbol, with the exception of a halberd being inscribed within the design.
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  9. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc knew that this was the only way they had to go. It seemed that the Old Ones tested them at every turn. They had new weapons and armour and now they must show they could use them and were worthy of such gifts. Huaroc took his place in the middle of the party where the banner's ability would best suit their needs. From that point he could also shoot at any attackers with his trusted blow pipe of doom!
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  10. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok saw no halberds in the 'supply room', so it had to mean something else.
    As always, it was likely to be danger. This time though, they came prepared. better than ever.
    Ilok made sure he wasn't the first in line, his frail body would be no match against a powerfull blow. He stood at the rear, to overview the situation and assist where needed.

    He ordered the party to continue

    The Hunted
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  11. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    The door was opened as it was the hall behind them lifted to a slippery slope at slid the party into the room. When the group retained their footing they where in a high ceiling-ed room, in the center was a massive statue with the look of a Kroxigor however twice as large, carrying a huge halberd. Immediately it came to life in radiated a red glow within its intricate markings, and its eyes.

    The Statue Requires 6 hits to be beaten. Can only be hit once per each character, though you get an extra attack for every extra attack on your profile. Also it cannot be wounded by blow darts.

    WS 2 or less - S3 - Wound - 8 battle
    WS 2 or less - S4 - Wound - 6 battle
    WS 2 or less - S5 - Wound - 5 battle
    WS 2 or less - S6+ - Wound - 4 battle
    WS 3+ - S3 - Wound - 6 battle
    WS 3+ - S4 - Wound - 4 battle
    WS 3+ - S5+ - Wound - 3 battle
    BS 3 or less - javalin - 9 skill
    BS 4 - javalin - 8 skill
    BS 5+ - javalin - 7 skill
    Magic - (they seem to be resistant to magics) - 8 magic (1 wound, only can be done once)
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  12. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok recognized the danger, and was quick to cast a spell. He noticed that when he tried to fire the spell, it simply did nothing. So Ilok cast a far greater spell to try and hurt the statue.
    Several strikes of lightning hit the statue, chipping chunks of stone from it's body.

    The Hunted (+3 -8 magic)
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  13. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc immediately raised the blow gun to his lips. His sights were aimed directly at the golum's eyes where he thought the most amount of damage could have been done. A sharp exhelation of air and the dart flew streight and true to the target. But when the dart his the socket it mearly exploded and the creature didn't seem to notice at all!

    Huaroc let the blow pipe go and it dangled from around his neck and shoulders as it was attached to a string that kept it against his body unless needed. Huaroc reached behind him and pulled out the Javlin he had retreaved from one of his fallen compatriots. The shaft of the weapon slid easily from it's sheath and it's weight felt right in his palm.

    Hefting the short spear in his hand he flexed his arm and took aim at the Golum which was now in combat with the rest of his party. It's size would help Huaroc keep from hitting his own friends. His aiming point was high on the beast, where the neck would be. Taking a couple of runing steps forward Huaroc heaved the Javlin with all his might! The momentum carried him another few steps forward and he only just caught himself. The Javlin sailed through the air under so much energy it actually flexed as it raced towards it's target and slammed into the joint of stone where the neck and shoulders connected.

    The beast roared in anger and pain as it took it's second wound from the party. Huaroc roared himself, raising the banner of llok high so that his friends would be emboldened by it's presence.
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  14. lordofwar

    lordofwar New Member

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    ((this sounds really fun i would like to join sometime
    thanks craken))
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  15. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Hexec, seeing Huaroc's blowgun being uneffective, immediately reached back and unsheathed a javelin. The statue spotted him and started to charge. Testing the javelin's weight, he waited for the statue to come within range. As soon as the statue was close enough, Hexec released the javelin and rolled out of the way. Hearing the decisive smack when his javelin struck, he hissed in satisfaction and took a fighting pose. The statue might come for more and he needed to be ready.

    ((+4, -8 Skill))
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  16. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    (missing a couple of people's posts will pm them.)
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  17. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Roaring, Ax-rodriq charged at the beast from its flank. He threw himself to the ground to avoid a swipe from its mighty tail, and then rolled out of the way of a huge foot trying to stomp him. Recovering quickly, he drew his sword and drove it down with all his might, pinning the beast's massive foot to the floor.
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  18. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    ((Was waiting on Zap's post but looks like that's not gonna happen.))

    The beast looked worn from the damage inflicted upon it, it stone body crackled with energy like a short in a wire. It's movements seemed a little more robotic, but it managed to Swing its massive body around, rotating the massive halberd striking Zap the Kroxigor, across the chest, wounding him, though he remained conscious, he was bleeding and stunned. (2 wounds/can't make any posts for the next two posts, unless healed) The saurus warrior ducked under his swing with ease from his position beneath him, the skink priest managed to push himself against the wall narrowly avoiding the blow, the chameleon skink leaped over the halberd.
    The last of the party; Hexec miss-guessed the halberds range and got struck by it. The halberd connected with Hexec's head, the blade cut deep into his head and next before hurling his limp body across the room where he crumpled unmoving in a pool of blood.
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  19. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Ilok knew he had no time to waste, the healing would be done after the stone giant was slain.
    He immedeatly started casting after evading the blow.
    After he finished, nothing seemed to happen. With the rest of the party looking worried that their priest might have lost his casting powers, the spell took place.
    The giant weapon began to crackle, snapping in half. Although it seemd that the guardian now had 2 weapons, the spell wasn't quite finished yet. With a loud bang; several fingers seemed to explode, forcing the (former) shaft of the weapon out of its hand. The giant halberd was reduced to a rather large and unwieldy pointy end of a halberd, wounding the beast in the proces.

    The Hunted

    +3-8 magic
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  20. JohnMavrick

    JohnMavrick New Member

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    Huaroc took full advantage of llok's spell casting. As the monster reeled from the explosive energy which rocked it bewards and stumbling Huaroc made his move. With an agility unincumbered by the lack of sunlight and heat thus far he left swiftly onto the arm of the monster and scrambled up to it's shoulder.

    Grasping the shaft of the Javlin he'd thrown previously. Holding onto it with all the strength he possessed in his frail looking arms he kicked out from the creature's shoulder and jerked around violently. Huaroc's legs swung over the opposite shoulder and he clamped his legs down over the chest.

    The additional leverage he gained from the half of the Javlin allowed Huaroc to wrench the Javlin's tip around and through the creature's join at the neck. There was a crackling sound of stone chipping and breaking and an otherworldly groan as Huaroc left off the front of the creature.

    Huaroc's weight was too much and the creature's head simply popped off from the lever action created by the Javlin. Huaroc hit and tumbled away from the creature in case it fell in his direction.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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