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AoS NEW *rumor*

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Logan8054, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. Vexcor

    Vexcor Well-Known Member

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    the next updates should be a destruction and/or order army, because we got chaos und death last time.
    if chaos goes agian, i would say tzeentch too.
    for destruction some orc stuff would be nice.
    Its so strange, that GW got rid of greenskins.
    the last orcs we have are bonesplitterz and ironjaws and thats not enough :D
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2019
    Torxhol Drakescale and Crowsfoot like this.
  2. Torxhol Drakescale

    Torxhol Drakescale Active Member

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    Last night I got pseudo-confirmation from the owner of my local GW store that GW has removed the current Seraphon Battletome from his ordering list, which he said most likely means an update is on the horizon.
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Well, April is only a couple of weeks away, which should be enough time for GW to release all the Chaos Space Marine stuff they want and then move onto something more interesting, and of course, Adepticon will be next week, meaning that most likely GW will preview the last of the Chaos stuff this coming Sunday in time for Adepticon to reveal what the next army will be. Honestly, I agree with you all that it’s got to be either Seraphon or Fyreslayers, one of the two oldest current armies, but we’ll just have to see.
    IggyStarhost and Seraphandy like this.
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Yep, me too.
  6. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Makes me wish I can go to my local GW and ask this about the Seraphon book but won't be able to until maybe in the next week or so. If the book is coming soon then I may have to shuffle my plans on what to buy.
  7. Bandicoot

    Bandicoot Active Member

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    I’ve been holding out on buying extra Razordons just in case we get a battletome update and some plastic doggos. Do you think it would be more beneficial to hold out hope or just press the button and grab them now?
    zubrin likes this.
  8. Vexcor

    Vexcor Well-Known Member

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    you will not like the answer :p

    do both, buy razordons, then buy more razordons.
    Lets be serious, i would wait a little bit and see what is coming next, it is only a little chance but still a chance.
    Bandicoot and PieterPieter like this.
  9. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Looking at Adepticon now. If update coming anytime soon, it will be announced there. My greatest fear is still that Seraphon just won't work the way they do now. As it was mentioned many times, we are indeed in a good place. We need update, not rework. Even most of our Warscrolls just need to be changed according to FAQs. I believe, even Warriors and Knights can be made good just through spells, warlord traits and constellations. Only starseer, probably, needs total rework. I'd like to see him utilize Tzeentch-style dice pool. Like, say, throw 6 dice and use them any time through out the game instead of rolling, but each time you roll 1, your opponent can use it instead. It can be used to auto-cast critical spells, get needed results on EotG or on charge after LoSaT. It would be in great synergy with our army, IMO, because we heavily depend on some critical rolls.

    In short, Seraphon gameplay is easily broken, if book is written for people, who doesn't understand how our army works. And I'm afraid, that this is exactly kind of people, who gave Starseer Command Point replenishment ability and rewrote Kroak's CA. Oldblood is really the one, who should give additional command points, not Starseer.

    So I look at the future both with exitement and fear.
    The17thYak, Killer Angel and Val Muna like this.
  10. Vexcor

    Vexcor Well-Known Member

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    i agree with nart, sad enough.
    i fear stupid ideas like" OP shadowstrike/thunderquake/slann" force GW to do stupid nerf to them and dont see the week points in our warscrolls.
    Even summoning could get a bad hit. i dont want a rework which makes us OP, i just want Seraphon the way they are, a lot of options and funny flavor stuff. i mean, i have never seen a forum post here about other OP units and how we are not be able to win. Yeah, we have hard matchups, but hey, Dinosaurs dont fear challenges! (ok, comets gets us :D)
    update us like the others, terrain, spells, reworks and maybe 1-2 models. i am fine with that, just dont through everything.
    would love to see a switch from summoning away from the slann. slann is fine, but sometimes i want to play a game without him.
    and oh boy, the general traits from saurusand skinks could really need a buff.
    PabloTho and Workschmock like this.
  11. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    My LGS just closed this month :(
    But the Owner is actually my buddy, and he is in the running to manage the local CITADEL (goes for a final interview next week)... so maybe ill still have some sort of in? only bad news is it means I cant hang out like I used to, Citadel over here don't want players hanging around, and they restrict table usage. (previous manager wouldn't let you play a casual game if your entire force wasn't 3 color and base tournament legal). but if I hear anything ill keep you guys posted.
  12. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    I don't think that our powerful stuff will be exactly nerfed. We are rarely seen at the tops of large tournaments and I don't remember if we have ever taken first place. I'd even say, that we literally don't have OP stuff. Strong - yes, but nothing OP. Rippers are countered by chaff screens, bastiladons vulnerable both to mass attacks and mortal wounds. Even summoning, while lacking internal balanced, only a tool for which you can pay. Not even close to a GK on Terrorgeist that activates twice or 40 skeletons/30 grimghasts that can be returned by merely 1 CP and warlord alive.

    Lately fellow LoN player insisted that Seraphon has zero chances to win against LoN builds like Nagash, some Necros, 80 skeletons and 20 graveguard. So, generaly Seraphon not considered OP among casual players too. At least, I rarely hear about it. Unless rulewriters suddenly decide it by themselves, I don't fear direct nerfing. What concerns me is the possibility of changing the way how our army works. Here's a quote about Khorne I read on one of the boards; "We don't know if Khorne would be strong or weak army, but it will be, for sure, different". I really don't want Seraphon to be different.
    Seraphage, Killer Angel and Schwaaah like this.
  13. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I play LoN (not using some of the very strong stuff yet, just mediocre builds) and I am pretty sure that most of my Seraphon lists barely stand a chance against my LoN stuff. So yeah we need quite some luck or specialized lists in order to halfway consistently beat LoN, especially the stronger builds.

    Edit: as for the "different" feel... I don't know... one of my points of critique of AoS was that many armies played quite similar to each other. So different styles wod be something I'd like.
    Canas, Putzfrau and Seraphandy like this.
  14. Asamu
    Temple Guard

    Asamu Well-Known Member

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    Idk, 12-16 razordons and a shadowstrike with a slann and astrolith has a shot against just about anything if you play it right. Aside from that or maybe some kind of saurus alpha strike that locks them in their deployment area on turn 1 and blows up all of their front line, yeah, you'll need to tool the list to have a decent shot vs LoN.
    Saurus alpha strikes struggle vs armies with multiple layers of screening units and some really heavy hitting units to wipe the saurus, and Skaven can do a similar list, but significantly better using plague monks.

    Still, some Seraphon battalions will probably get nerfed: Shadowstrike will likely be changed to drop 9" away, or just the first turn 2d6 move. Few battalions have had more than a single benefit in the recent releases.
  15. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    I'm with @Aginor on this one. Seraphon simply can't compete consistently with the best books in the game at the moment. Death walks all over us.
    PabloTho and Canas like this.
  16. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    To be honest, that's by far our biggest problem, and it's noticeable even when playing against a mediocre list. Against my girlfriends SCE I can either bring a) a shadowstrike or thunderquake host & stomp her into the ground or b) bring something else and probably be utterly crushed myself. There's not much in between where it actually feels balanced.
    PabloTho and GuaDan like this.
  17. PabloTho

    PabloTho Well-Known Member

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    Death walks all over just about everybody right now - as do Daughters of Khaine.

    Even using the sweatiest lists Seraphon have to offer, there is very little I can do against Nagash and the boys, Daughters of Khaine, and to a lesser degree, Deepkin. Against the ultra-fast hyper-aggression of DoK and ID, a double turn for the enemy will generally result in instant, crushing defeat. Against Nagash, if 40 skeletons can plant themselves on an objective there is virtually nothing in our arsenal that will reliably remove them - except maybe Razordons in bulk - but I don't have enough of them).

    Sure, if we get to the objectives first we can score some early points, but anything we can field en-masse is hopelessly squishy and will be erased by the meta horde units of the other factions.

    Basically, it's tough to say whether Seraphon need a boost or whether the power of the dominant factions needs to be curbed. Looking over the buffs that Blades of Khorne received I'm starting to think any update we get will at the very least afford us a bit more variety in our builds. Mighty Skullcrushers are looking absolutely filthy right now - if our Kroxigors or Saurus could get a motivational kick up the arse in the same way, I will be very happy.
    Aginor and Seraphandy like this.
  18. Womboski
    Temple Guard

    Womboski Well-Known Member

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    Right let me just go out and buy 12-16 old expensive models and play a spam list.. I think a codex isn't "good" if you are forced to spam 1-2 units and far from fun.
    PabloTho likes this.
  19. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    ironicly it's not even a spam list, it's only like 500 points worth of razordons. Which is normal enough to pay for the core of your army..

    But yeah, we are rather heavily dependent or one or two tricks... which doesn't exactly speak of a healthy state.
  20. Bandicoot

    Bandicoot Active Member

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    It may be due in large part to inexperience, but I get flattened by most competitive lists at my lgs. I can definitely hold my own, but the consistency with which mortal wounds are being dished out just melts whatever I table. I think we do need a little tweak to how Seraphon play. Our lizards are stuck in an old world mindset in a modern meta. Buffing our Sarus units, such as giving our guard more survivability against mortal wounds or overhauling Kroxigors to dish those mortals out would be a good start in my opinion.

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