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Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew is saddened by the price and says to Drakk "Is there any way we can get more money? I know you have 3 gold and I have 29 so if there is something we can do to get less than 20 gold we could buy you this thing."
    Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd and Nazqua like this.
  2. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Off in the park, a beatdown is in progress. Garutis has the strength, the raw force, the almost primal fight within him. Izema, alas, has speed along with that strength. They run through several almost-kills in their awesome display of thumb war, but eventually the tally stands: Izema: 1, Garutis: 0. Trials, trip ups, plenty of oohs and aahs from the onlookers. In the end, Izema managed to lock the neanderthal's thumb in place firmly with the grip the startled Garutis cannot get out of! Dismay etched across his face, Garutis must admit defeat (de-thumb?). Nodding approval, the crowd slowly disperses. Now it just remains to be seen. Will Izema insist on eating Garutis' thumb? It is what Garutis would do, were he in Izema's shoes...
  3. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis does not know what to say, he wouldnt be upset about losing his thumb, but to lose in a strength contest?

    Garutis has to reconsider his life...
  4. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    Izema stand above garutis still holding his hand in a death grip his pupils drowning out the rest of his eyes leaving nothing but black ("victory! conquest! Meat!") ... but no no Garutis is still living("MEAT!") this is not the time this is a public square and what i do is reflective of my capten and my friends ("MEAT!") you know better it has been to long to fail here ("MEAT!") and garutis probably tastes awful ("...") izema lets him go and drops to his knees not his finest moment but he has not done wrong yet he needs a moment red slowly reseeding time will bring clarity
  5. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk pauses for a moment, he really had wanted to acquire a crystal to see what it did. He was a bit shocked Drew was being this friendly, Drew must have finally started trusting him. There had been a stint of time where Drew sort of did his own thing. Drew was a more recent addition to their group whereas the others were there alot longer. Either way, Drakk liked it and started thinking. Suddenly he had an idea of how to get some money. He would do another show! But this time, he would advertise it. Motioning for Drew to follow, Drakk asks "How good is your handwriting? Can you write? I thought of a way to get some money! I will perform another show the day before we leave again, but this time I will make flyers and post them all around the city! We should probably head back to the ship to start work, it's getting kinda late anyways.". With that word, Drakk starts leading Drew back to the ship.
  6. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew smiles and agrees to do what Drakk tells him.
    Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd and Nazqua like this.
  7. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Drakk and Drew: On your way back to the ship, you pass a small park just in time to watch a crowd disperse. In the middle of the crowd, apparently just having finished some kind of contest, are Garutis and Izema! Something seems... off... though, about Izema. As you approach, he looks like he's trying to control himself for some reason. You've never seen him like this before! Very unusual.

    Izema and Garutis: As you calm yourselves down, you notice that people tossed coins at you during your match! Counting it all up, you've earned a total of 7 gold, 9 silver! A nice earning! (That Natural 20 helped a lot for this). Up to you two how you want to split it. As you gather up the coins, you notice Drakk and Drew approaching. Drew has a worried look on his face, and the kobold is oddly excited for some reason.

    Tarkaz: Rushing back to the ship, you gather your coins but know it isn't going to be enough. Thinking for a moment, you wonder if Izema might be able to lend you some money. After all, he doesn't use it for much and you might be able to convince him that a pidgeygriff would make a good party mascot or something! On your way off of the ship, you see a dispersing crowd in the distance. Curious, you approach and realize that most of the rest of your party is there. Except for Ohmen. Can't see him anywhere, or his strange bird.

    Ohmen: Nope, still in jail. Kind of boring in here. You tried taking a nap, but the cot isn't very comfortable. Other than listening to the voices in your head, there isn't much to do. Maybe you can teach them how to sing? You impersonated a dwarf once. They had music. Dwarf music is pretty easy. Just has to have hole. It ain't dwarf music if it doesn't have hole.
    Sudsinabucket, Nazqua, Lizerd and 2 others like this.
  8. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    “V-V-Voices. F-Foolish Voices.” The broken up words slide down roof tiles before slipping into the gutter.

    Respite from the hoards of travelers, merchants and locals down below, each speck crawling in between the market like rats in a maze, a maze both physical and metaphorical.

    Gently Wisdom’s beak clacks together before slitting through a series of navy black feathers. It was almost scary how aware she was of Ohmen’s fate. Having watched him get dragged out from the store Wisdom had slowly hopped from rooftop to rooftop, positioning herself now directly above the jails. A perfect position to wait and watch when considering no other birds would dare to contest her up here. Not only was she of abnormal size but a lessened gravity made her flying so much easier than it already was.

    Wisdom portrayed no illusion of Knowledge or Mastery, rather showing what she would within actions. and for that some could easily argue that the bird was in fact wiser than the owner she was bound unto.

    Sitting silently every now and again eerily quiet noises that vaguely resemble words slip out of her beak.

    Some phrases are clearer than others, their arrival partnered with a couple hops as if they were some sort nursery rhyme or jolly song. “I-I-It is J-Just a RAvEN. JUSTT A lIt-ttle R-RAVEN sSitting I-in The trEE, In t-the Tree” "T-T-Through the FielD down the laNE. VoicCES never heard aGAIN."

    Whilst others seem to reflect her master's voice down to his very tone and speech patterns.

    “W-Watch and… Watch and wait W-WISdom Watch andd wait…”

    But worst of all were those phrases quieter than night, muffled and wild.

    “J-JUST a FaBLE.. A sStory to SCaRE children”

    “SeE ITS JusT a RRAvEN

    "THey haven't cCome back from the fields. It's beEEN THREE DAYS

    There was however something about these… almost as if they were sentences or words stolen from forgotten places, the kind burned away from the maps.

    “T-There Is SoMething WAtcHING iN THE TreE’s ”

    “I-ILl Help YOU follOW my Voice”

    loST. IS T-there AnYbodY therE?”

    The way in which these sentences sounded so much like hoarse or panicked humanoid voices twisted and made animalistic is more than unsettling… chilling rather… Cold, like the night air deep within archaic woods shunned by the world, where even the light dare not shine.





    Heart sprints Skin crawls and face twitches as he fights his owned insanity.

    The words spoken beyond his own mind dulled and mellowed, just like what was beyond the darkness of closed eyes remained still… Ohmen did his best to block out his own mind, doing everything in his power to focus on the phrase he repeated and his own breath… but it… or rather he was unrelenting. The only music he could hear was that of Hands clawing at the door, Screeching manically ‘GET US OUT, GET US OUT,GET US OUT”.

    Oceans rage, waves crash against cracked and rotten stone pillar upon which he sits. Hungry half-starved waters grind away at the stone. Ohmen struggles to stay motionless and still as the storm rages around and within. Feeling the surge of blood within his veins. Mind beginning to numb. Breath faltering… This is just what Ohmen wanted. Something to focus on… that something however was the overwhelming urge to hurl oneself into the black waters.


    Those parts of himself that had desperately searched for excuses were soon forced to look upon reality. A view which made their attempts urge him back into anger and spur on the extent of his foolishness ever more unrelenting.. To say ‘parts’ however would be wrong, There are no ‘Individual’ pieces of his mind making battle with one another, there is no ‘Evil’ side nor one of ‘Good’... Ohmen was all. He is not a fraction of mind. He is all. All is he.

    There will be no attempt at escape for the conditions do not favour it. And even if there was, Ohmen’s right wrist still screamed. Each pulse of the heart bringing in a fresh bolt of pain for the bracelet still remained, and would so until its removal... Ohmen knew that such a thing served a purpose, whether that be a tracking device or the denial of casting further spells is unknown. And unknown it will remain for no good will come of it, and to see what would is to be foolish, and Ohmen would be that no longer!
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
  9. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Ohmen: Out in the center of the jail, the kobold guard hears Ohmen whispering to himself and sighs. "Mages," he mutters, then proceeds to pull out a pipe, and tamp some aromatic herb you're not familiar with into the bowl. A quick snap of his fingers and a tiny flame appears on the tip of his index claw. Using it to light the pipe, he takes a long drag until the flame catches, then shakes his hand to put out the flames. "We're all kind of crazy, aren't we?" he muses. Glancing over at you, he notes the bracelet on your wrist and frowns. "Here now, what's that?" Getting out of his chair for the first time since you were brought in, he walks over towards your cell and regards the bracelet with a sour look. "Oh, Silgisarr's Claws," he spits, a look of disgust on his face. "They clapped one of those on you? Was it the guards who brought you in, or the shopkeep?"

    When you reply the shopkeep did this to you by surprise, the kobold nods slowly. "Within his rights to do so, I suppose, but that's a nasty piece of work. I wouldn't try any magic while that thing's on your wrist. You'll get a nasty jolt that will send pain right into your nerves. Kind of like a reverse healing spell. We had a were-rat in here once. Thief who got caught trying to break into a gem shop. Tried to use magic to break out of his cell. Pain was so bad it forced him out of his 'were shape. That you haven't tried anything is a point in your favor where your trial is concerned. Means you have some idea that you did something wrong and might even have some regrets. One way or another, I'll make sure they get that thing off of your wrist after your trial. Nobody deserves one of those things..."
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy, Nazqua and Lizerd like this.
  10. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk walks up to Izema hesitantly, staff at the ready just in case and tries to pull on his arm a bit to get his attention. "Izema? You ok? I found and interesting shop with some crystals that glow in the dark!". Drakk had found before when Izema started to act weird, the best thing was to talk to him about random stuff to bring his mind back. There was almost and "incident" with a half orc in a bar once..... Luckily, the half orc only lost a few fingers before Drakk got Izema back on track.
  11. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    "i am find drakk it's just been a wile since my blood has been up. most of the time fights don't do this to me but the talk of blood...thank you." he smiles "tell me more of your stone work do you have any plans?
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
  12. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    At first Ohmen eyes burn and glare at the kobold who steps toward his cell. The clicking of his boots against cold floor and the sound of Ohmen’s intense breathing break the silence, making way for the speech soon to come.

    That were-rat is a fool like me. Being willing to take a risk but not the punishment bound to it.”

    Thinking of how the pain managed to transform the creature back to its original form thoughts crossed, or rather besieged his mind.

    It would be wise to reveal his true form for it would be only a matter of time before the court would find out. Ohmen did not want to be found hiding yet another thing… It would look a lot better if one revealed it of thier own accord, rather than being found out or forced. Although that being said he would prefer not to alarm his fellow kobold, Being of the same race was more useful than it seemed.

    Cautious, assessing back and forth it was still within the realm of possibility that perhaps the court already knew and were biding to reveal this information for prime evidence and shock. He should transform sooner rather than later, lest they come to the conclusion that he remained in kobold form as an act of further deception. Once again faced with decision, one that he could not afford to fail.

    Speaking Ohmen’s voice is as cold as the stale air, all sense of tone and pitch burnt away. He cared not to speak in Draconic.

    “Some proclaim regret is punishment in itself… Regret is weak. Weak like me. Another trick by the mind to exempt one from consequence, too falsely prove that they have learnt. Only by action may one make amends for the past…”

    Struggling internally Ohemns face twitches a couple of times before he manages to drag out another handful of words from his throat.

    “This job must get dull if one wishes to speak to me… Do not throw your pity away. It is a resource and should not be spent on those unworthy of it. Especially when your aware of the foolishness which I have committed, Which I am.

    “I appreciate the notion, But my appreciation is worthless. Evidently, You know this more than I. Don’t be fooled by words and a friendly face…”

    Fitting. That's what Ohmen had blindly fallen for.

    Sitting up a little straighter the smaller and younger kobold looks up toward the guard.

    “You already know that im not native here… thanks to my actions."

    “before I endure them Is there much I should know of the trials here? Silgisarr is your Draconic deity correct? Truly testaments to my distinct lack of this area’s knowledge and lore. How could I have been so foolish…”

    Another jab in the side. How could he have been so blind, so arrogant and foolish to portray as one of their own? He knows nothing, nothing at all…

    Understandably these questions were a gamble on his part not knowing how the guard would react… Ohmen could clearly tell that boredom was indeed gnawing away at the kobolds mind and it would be hard to resist a topic that kind would be passionate about…Clearly Drakk, being a true kobold knew little of Silgisarr and thus Ohmen's lack was reasoned. Like all knowledge, that of this area could, and most likely would be useful in the future.
    Last edited: May 14, 2020
  13. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Nodding slowly, the kobold takes a long draw on his pipe and blows out a ring of smoke. "Not much to tell you. Trio of judges. They ask you questions while you're under a truth spell. You'll witness it in person in the morning, regardless." Taking another draw on his pipe, he lets the smoke waft out through his nostrils. It drifts upwards and disperses into the air, but seems to form a sinuous dragon-like shape in the air for a moment. "As for Silgisarr, she's more of an ancestral divinity than a goddess for us. A living one, don't get me wrong. I'm going to guess you were just trying to skim a bit off of the asking price with your charm spell, but why the poison? That stuff is contraband in most ports, and they do use spells to detect such things aboard ships in some of those ports."

    Looking you over, the jailer takes another puff of his pipe and lets the smoke waft skywards again. "Now me," he says calmly, "I'm a little more curious as to what brings a shapechanger to Silgis." You consider protesting for a moment, but he holds up a clawed hand and waggles a finger at you. "Now, don't try to deny it. The others haven't noticed, but I recognize someone in a body they're not used to, and you, sir, are not a kobold." Before you can change back though, he gestures at you with the hand and motions for you to back down. "Don't change form now though. With that bauble on your wrist, you don't want to try changing form. It'll hurt like a swarm of hell-wasps trying to turn you into a pincushion. So what brings you to Silgis? We don't get a lot of 'shifters here, other than that were-rat. You're, hmm, a changeling, right? So why are you here?"
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy, Lizerd and Nazqua like this.
  14. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    It is true. The second upon which Ohmen had been thrown away into this jail he had dropped most of his conscious efforts to keep up the portrayal of kobold form. Allowing hand actions, breathing patterns and other such movements to slowly decay and drop away until foreign and removed… This change however had been of his own decision. His form would be revealed eventually, the sooner one finds out whether of his own accord or not the better, Especially this guard… he seemed to understand, Though Ohmen’s trust had gone for all once again, even for himself.

    If this guard’s will was of ill intent there was little Ohmen could do to stop him… Stop his words from being twisted and turned like his own ambitions. He however, cared not. There was no point in lying, not here, not now.

    OIhmen's eyes gazed elsewhere whilst his voice was dragged along as if pulled forward unwillingly, a tug of war between himself whilst he continues to speak, spill truth.

    “I am indeed a changeling and all will be laid bare eventually… I guess the more lies carried the less freedom one can know. And that freedom is long lost within myself. Be it by iron bar’s or rather enslavement by my own mind it matters not, only that it is and will continue. For as long as I allow trivial desires and meaningless efforts to be acted upon.”

    His eyes close as he speaks as if thinking deeply.

    “The day I transcend these burdens may be yet another one of my illusions. Hope no longer. Only action may drag yourself towards them… Else if my ways continue my end will come soon. Whether that be in the form of execution and death, or rather losing myself and everything I am thankful for.”

    “I work for a cargo company, For pay and not much else, perhaps a part of me wishes for the thrill of adventure… Whatever gets a small trickle of gold into dirty pockets will do these days…"

    Ohmen swallows.

    “To shave a handful of coins off goods was the idea, if it could even be called that… although I foolishly wanted… Or rather deceived myself into thinking I wanted that poison for the security it provides, the power it gives you… those thoughts… The only person foolish enough to sell me such an item would be myself. It is no wonder I am here. Gluttoned, Casting spells without experience, without knowledge. Blinded by my own arrogance… The past is not to blame, I am and it must change.”

    It is visible that the changeling is struggling within himself, Battling off the urge to cast a spell or change form… allow pain to wash over him, a punishment placed unto him. A punishment deserved.
  15. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Nodding, the jailer took another puff on his pipe and smiled at Ohmen. "Well, it is nice to feel vindicated. The others thought I was insane for thinking you were a shapechanger. Of course, I have more clout than they, so they do as I say." As smoke continued to waft from his nostrils, he seemed to take on a different cast. He - or now, perhaps, she? - continued to let smoke ooze from her nostrils, but without taking another drag on the pipe. "The others only see what is in front of them no matter what I try to teach them. Your disguise was better than you suspected, if it helps," she adds as her form begins to grow. "After all," she says as she grows taller and taller, until she towers over you, "it takes one shapechanger to know another." Her form fills out and grows more draconic before your eyes, long horns spiraling from her head as she takes on a form more suitable to a half-dragon. Long, white hair spills from her head, down her back. Her eyes shift to black, almost depthless pits that seem to suck in the light, stars seemingly visible within them. "Deep down, I suspect you are not as evil, or as dark as you would have others believe." Reaching a long-fingered hand through the bars - and when I say through, I mean her arm passes through them like the iron isn't there - and places a single digit on the bracelet gracing your right wrist. With her touch, the bracelet cracks and falls to the floor.

    "Ohmen," she says softly, "if that is your real name. I suspect it is not, but that is neither here, nor now. I would offer you some advice. Think more before you speak. Your actions are less believable if your words do not match your attitude. If you pretend to be better than you actually are, then the shock your betrayals cause will be all the greater. But most of all," she says, leaning down to blow smoke into your jail cell, "buy a change of clothes, or perhaps two or three. Wearing the exact same thing no matter what shape you wear is a dead giveaway as to your nature..."

    By the time the smoke clears and you can see again, she is gone. But to your surprise, so is the door to your cell! Her voice echoes throughout the room as the two guards enter. "Hear my voice and know me," she says. "I am Silgisarr, and my word is Law. The being Ohmen has been tried. His sentence is to be as follows: Exile from Port Admon and Silgis, for a period of thirty days. Payment of twenty-five gold coins to the shopkeeper he attempted to ensorcell. Take him to the docks, to the Moonsister, for his berth is aboard that vessel. Give him time to make his fine, then he is to be confined to Moonsister for the remainder of his stay upon the moon." As she pauses, the two guards bow deeply and mutter in unison. "Thy will be done," they reply.

    "Oh, and once his payment is complete, you are to enact punishment four upon him." To your horror, the two guards cast each other evil-looking smiles. Collecting you, they escort you back towards Moonsister...
  16. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As the guards haul Ohmen back towards the docks, some of the townsfolk pause what they are doing to watch. Some shake their heads, other stare curiously. Walking down the breakwater towards where Moonsister is berthed, Ohmen is worried to see his companions off to one side. They were clearly discussing something else, but their attention is drawn towards the guards carrying their crew-mate. They follow in Ohmen's wake, nervously watching on. As the dock reverberates under half-dragon feet, they walk up to Captain Naresh, who looks away from the kobolds unloading her ship and glares at Ohmen. "Oh no, what did he do?"

    The guards explain calmly, laying out his crimes in short, quick sentences, before stating his sentence in blunt terms. Rolling her eyes, the captain reaches into a purse at her belt and counts out the coins required. "If I wasn't in such desperate need for a helmsman," she mutters irritably. Handing the coins to the guards, she glares at Ohmen. "That's coming out of your pay," she tells him in a tone that brooks no nonsense. "Was there anything else, other than enforced ship-time?"

    "Yes," the first guard replied with an evil grin. "We must enact punishment number four," the other says. Gripping kobold-Ohmen by his shoulders, they lift him up between them, and swing him back and forth a few times.

    "What is punishment number four?" Captain Naresh asks, oddly curious.

    The two half-dragons swing Ohmen way, waaaaaaay back, and then fling him into the lake! They watch the kobold-Ohmen fly through the air, reflexively flapping his arms like wings, before he plunges into the cold water! Nodding in satisfaction, the first guard turns to Captain Naresh and smiles innocently. "A bath," he explains. Nodding to his partner, they take their leave, the dock shaking once again as they stalk down it, back to their post.

    Slapping her face with one palm, Captain Naresh gestures to one of the crew with her free hand, her face never leaving her palm. Laughing like only a monkey can, Seek ties a rope to one of the ship's yard-arms, swings down, and plucks kobold-Ohmen from the lake. Powerful arms climb back up the rope, carrying the limp kobold, and depositing him on the aftcastle in the sun to dry. "Perhaps this one should consider a different hobby," the vanara muses before returning to his work.
  17. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk couldn't help but to chuckle at "Punishment Four", yet he almost felt bad for Ohmen, he doubted Ohmen would take public humiliation well. The shapeshifter always tried to have control over everything, this would not sit well with him. Nonetheless, Drakk Izema on his shoulder and says he and Drew will be back on the ship. Luckily, a potential crisis was averted.... Drakk and Izema still didn't talk about the "incident" in the town of Arkabess...... It wasn't pretty........

    Once they had arrived back on ship Drakk took Drew to his quarters before instructing him to write
    "Come and visit the Public Forum in the Market for a Spectacular Show of Mystical Magic! The Show will be presented at Noon on Resstinday this week only!"

    After this, Drakk got to work inscribing the same thing in Draconic above the words and handing them to Drew. After they had created 20 flyers, they stopped to try and see about posting them up.
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Upon seeing Izema Tarkaz explains the situation and wonders if he'd be able to loam the minotaur the needed coin to get the pidgeygriff.....and his curiousity got the better of him as soon as he noticed Ohmen wasnt around, "had anyone seen the strange changeling lately? I was hoping to adl him.about his bird and if it'll be an issue for my pidgeygriff...."
  19. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    i have not seen him since yesterday but thats hardly a surprise shore leave is a time for exploring. if you need funds i'd gladly walk down to market with you i can help you settle your bills and find my self a black smith i need some iron work done
    Last edited: May 18, 2020
  20. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    A seed of suspicion had been placed within the forefront of Ohmens mind shortly after arrival… There was something about the way in which the kobold approached a prisoner, A criminal. The way in which the smoke from their pipe coiled and twisted into draconic shapes… This however, This was something else.

    If one had been wiser would they have been able to recognise that this was not some guard but rather a divine entity of supreme power? I doubt it.

    Hearing the figure in front of him speak with such emphasis and control, hearing their voice reverberate around the room and feel their words echo within the ears. Watching the bracelet bound unto him so tightly to snap with a flick of the finger. Its pieces to shatter and bounce across the floor in a twisted mosaic made to represent freedom. Freedom of the physical form.

    Without saying a further word Ohmen knew his silence would say more than anything ever would before being handed off to the guards and marched away. Shoved into fresh air once more.. Air that would not last long however. Despite what most would think about the changeling's view on being publicly shamed and humiliated Ohmen was in fact rather uncaring of those eyes which laid upon him. If he could barely hold anything within himself, How could he be expected to feel the views which others placed on him.

    Taking the most direct and shortest route toward the dock Ohmen was stood up straight and forced to watch and hear the coins of his pay clatter into clad palms. It was not this however, but rather the way in which the two guards smiled which got to him. A smug expression written across their faces like a banner. His punishment would soon come. A punishment deserved.


    Being propelled forward with such strength the water felt more like a slab of cold, hard stone upon impact… It would not cushion the guilty’s fall, allowing the sound of Ohmen’s form shattering upon it to ring out for all to hear.

    Despite knowing he was soon to undergo punishment Ohmen was taken by surprise like any would be. Once second standing straight, the next melted surroundings, dazed sky, lost breath and mouthfuls of water.

    Seconds played out in slow motion as shock and reaction caught up with the impact. Freezing flames pulse through his veins towards a heart left without the time to race. Frigid fire runs deep into his nerves toward a brain left without time to think, limbs left without time to act.

    Ohmen felt nothing. Ohmen felt everything.

    within an instant his whole body burned from the freezing waters and impact, disconnected and numb. Every thought, feeling or emotion forced to bow down to their king and cease under pain.

    In a strange, terribly distorted way Ohmen could only describe those fractions of a moment after impact as… As peaceful. The war that raged within his mind ceased. His limbs were no longer. His body focused on only one thing. Pain. Pain and peace, Liberation and punishment.

    His vision was black, Dark as Silgisarr’s eyes. Mind as powerless as a mortal within her presence. Sinking down Ohmens huge cloak billowed out, its every deceitful fibre soaked and purified, Rusted gauntlets and footwear smothered in another layer of water and flaking metal.

    Consciousness, Crawling hands, light. Returning back to this world, back to this mess. He would rather sink. Slowly drift down to his grave. It was quiet here. Noise, sense blocked out by screaming pain and cold.

    Hauled out of these thoughts, This lake.

    Ohemn’s body splayed out upon the floor, all feeling was lost and every limb numb. Wrapping around him as if trying to conserve heat his cloak did little more than weight him down, crushing already frozen lungs.


    Wisdom did not move. She was already angled in such a way to watch as Ohmen was forced out of the building, Into her vision. No noise but thoughts and the tapping of talons against grimey roof tiles… As if she were a shadow.

    Her eyes were unlike those of the crowd however, they were invisible. Watching her master get tossed into the lake like a plaything. The feeling of being powerless, One she had come to know. Watching Ohmens rag doll of a form get shattered against the lake's water as if he was prey sent plummeting to his doom or a rock sent skimming Wisdom reacted with little more than a blink. A regard not for his pain. But for his foolishness.

    Dread it. Fear it. Fate would have caught up all the same. It was better it had taken such a form. He was lucky in both her eyes and that of all.

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