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AoS Seraphon WARCRY: the thread

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Killer Angel, Feb 15, 2020.

  1. Grumpy One

    Grumpy One Member

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    Personally i would go with nr. 3. And kroxigors are good choice. Although this answer may be a little late...
    Just A Skink likes this.
  2. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    That's okay, I appreciate the response. I ended up going with Army 3, but more for story reasons.

    Since we're playing with the Gnarlwood book, my Saurus Guard leader is one of the last surviving Saurus from the crashed Seraphon ship at the heart of the Gnarlwood. Not unlike a ficitional ronin, he feels that he has failed his Slann master and lost his honor. So, he's leading a group of lizards back into the Gnarlwood to recover what relics he can and hopefully make it back into the ruins. Once there, he plans to either retrieve his master's remains, or remain there indefinitely to defend the fallen Slann, or die in the attempt.

    Anyway, that's the very general fluff that I have in mind. I played against Soulblight yesterday. I killed everything but his leader. It was still a VERY close game and I won as much by luck as anything. I had a more bodies and only lost three fighters. I liked the Krox, but only 2 attacks is a bit frustrating. But, he has a lot of wounds and tied up the Kastellan vampire leader and a vampire knight for a round of combat.
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  3. Grumpy One

    Grumpy One Member

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    Well, kroxigors are a bit tricky, but they are tough, fast and can kick like a horse, especially with onslaught. And with big base they can block a lot of movement. I think they are something between saurus guards and rippers, and have they own unique role.
    And of course congratulations on your win. May the dice be in your favour.
    Just A Skink likes this.
  4. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Here is my current Warcry narrative warband.

    12 Glory
    Saurus Guard Alpha: Thick-skinned and the Cursed Blade
    Terradon w/Sunleech
    Saurus Knight w/Spear - DEAD
    Saurus w/Club
    Skink w/Boltspitter
    Skink w/Boltspitter
    Skink w/Boltspitter - Broken Leg (-1 move)

    I just completed the "Secure a Powerful Ally" quest, which allows me to add another hero or ally. I was planning on adding a Skink Starpriest/Priest, but my Saurus Knight was killed. It will cost 3 Glory to buy a Starpriest or Priest. It will cost 4 Glory to buy either a new Knight or add a Saurus Knight Alpha.

    Would you add a Starpriest or Priest?
    Would you add a Saurus Knight Alpha?
    Would you just replace the Saurus Knight and wait on the hero?
  5. Grumpy One

    Grumpy One Member

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    I is hard to decide, as we don't know your playstyle. It is you who should answer this question, but hou have to consider few things. Was your knight useful, or maybe even essential? Would you prefer more ranged option, to pay for the priests? Wouldn't you lack some meat to keep enemy away from your skinks?

    Personally, i think you should take some melee fighter, as right now you have only alpha, krox and a surus, and this may be not enough. Knight alpha is hardly an upgrade, so may scar vet on co? or sun/oldblood, for better survivability? Or stay with a knight. I am also not a fan of priest heroes, right now a salamander/razordon is bettter, as with new errata they can shoot in melee, and are fairy cheaper.
    Just A Skink likes this.
  6. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    That's fair. I guess, I was asking from too much of a "power game" angle. Or at least, which fighter would be "better," which is a bit subjective.

    I think I tend to play more aggressively (too aggressively?) and I rely on the speed of my Terradon, Knight & Skinks. I try to use my various Saurus fighters to keep enemy fighters off the Skinks. The Knight was very effective in my first game, and took down 3 fighters. In my most recent battle, he got bogged down and I used his reactions to help him survive my opponent's leader. That didn't work out. Then it was just a bad roll in the aftermath sequence. Shouldn't "snake eyes" on the dice be good for Seraphon? Lol.

    I like the Knight for his speed and combat. The Knight Alpha isn't a huge upgrade, I suppose. The Scar-Vet on CO is a beast, but is expensive.

    I haven't used a Starpriest/Priest much in Warcry. But I like his range attack and the versatility to do more with my doubles (Tide of Serpents). Right now I only keep them for Skinks. That said, I like the suggestion about a Salamander/Razordon. I just don't have those models. :(
  7. Grumpy One

    Grumpy One Member

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    I am more of a saurus guy myself, so most of my high doubles end as a triple for a tearing bite. It is true that scar-vet is expensive, but shouldn't you be able to increase max point pool in a campain? It is exactly 50 points, so it should fit in perfectly once you expand a territory, and in the next game you could field him instead of one of your skinks.
    Just A Skink likes this.
  8. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Understood. Saurus are pretty solid in Warcry. I just try to have too much, so I like to mix in some shooting.

    Yes, you can expand territory. But you have to go on a quest to discover one and then you have spend Glory to move to it. New encampments are relatively expensive. So it would probably take two different quests, one to get more Glory and then one for a new camp.
    Grumpy One likes this.
  9. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    Hey guys!! What’s a descent warcry list these days?
  10. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    It depends a lot on if you’re going for Hunters of Huanchi or Seraphon, the Starblood Stalkers are a great addition to either faction and honestly a great ally in most order factions, everyone loves getting some cheap extra bodies.

    Hunters of Huanchi want you to convert every skink you can into a Huanchi’s Claw because they’re the only good fighter in the warband, but for Seraphon proper Saurus are your best friends. That said, the mounted skinks are great if you can squeeze them in because they’re so mobile and can be a big threat to weaker fighters.

    Hunters of Huanchi are kind of one-trick, I’m playing in a weekly tournament this month with a list that’s just as many of them as I can fit into the list (8) with the Blessing for +4 wounds and an allied Aether-Khemist who can use his ability to turn them all into a gunline. Seraphon is in a weird place because they have such huge profile diversity and a lot of them are useable, but because it’s all based on the old models some of them just aren’t available anymore and some of the profiles were built with stuff like older and smaller base sizes in mind (like the Slann, who’s new base size makes them the biggest non-monster in the game on a profile built for like 50mm or whatever it used to be)- they’re still very useable and still good, but sometimes that stuff can get weird.
    SnappingTurtle likes this.
  11. Egres

    Egres Well-Known Member

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    Thx lots of great info!!! So if using a slann should one use the old model? I have both so no big deal!!! I have most models just lacking kroxigors I think but that can be fix oh and the hunters but always wanted a box of those so that can also be fix!!! Saurus knight and the salamanders any good since it’s the only place we can play them now hahahaha

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