Great additions! I love the little creatures as a scale reference, but also to make it an interesting base Grrr, Imrahil
Small Blog Update: Admittedly when this years blog set out I was aiming for a Kruleboyz vs Seraphon, however that plan is being put on hold. After I finish Skalglum Priestsnatcha & Rakkadak the Snoutless Ill be done with Kruleboyz for the time being due to financial reasons. Ill instead be switching to Deepkin as I have a few more models to work with and honestly they interest me more. Anywho, just wanted to let yall know, but Kruleboyz aren't going away for ever, dont worry
I finally got to starting the Karapiti today, beginning with the neck & head. For the neck I made a mold of the top of the tail to act as a spine for the neck, it turned out pretty good - good enough I didn't feel I needed to redo it. After the milliput harded enough I began adding greenstuff to reinforce and I also used the Leviadon fin to imprint the scale design to make scales on the greenstuff. Continuing on, I also attempted to make the shell armor scales on the bottom of the neck, mimicking the ones the Leviadon has on its own tail and neck. I think the scales turned out fairly well but I did end up adjusting them a smig. For the head I first began adding greenstuff & milliput to create the mouth floor and ceiling within the bits im using. I then added some teeth and behind those many "tongues" with greenstuff that are all kind "active" looking. Also filled in the back sides to connect to the neck, allowing to attach the large mandibles. Real happy with the progress so far, waz really nervous to begin lol C&C welcome
6 legs done for Crabnos! Using dampened greenstuff and then one of the fins of the Leviadon to press the scale design into the GS. Not totally the same but it gives texture which will be good for the paint More to come, but first lots of studying today
Great conversion works dude. Your greenstuff sculpting is on point! I am following with interest and adoration Grrr, Imrahil
Thanks man! We are almost ready for priming, some last checks are left I am real happy & proud of the greenstuff work on this one. I just hope to keep getting better. I do need to get back to painting some other projects though....
Hey everyone Hope you're doing well! I've been having a lot of fun with this latest conversion project, and it has definitely taught me a few things (like renewed patience lol). I'm pretty pumped to do the Seahorses at some point, I think as a group they're gonna looks awesome. This is the nearly final build, baring last look overs. I attached the legs, which I think look great with the texturing I did over the jewelry and smooth skin of the KoS arms. I did this same texturing on parts of the tail, flukes, neck and back of the head as well. The legs do allow it to stand on its own, but I will likely keep it on the stand; the model is a little heavy and I dont want to stress the claw plastic too much. After the legs I added the flukes to the tail, first with plastic glue and then filling with greenstuff, really love how they look and am glad I decided to add them back on. Most of the texturing was done on the underside where the main gap was. I personally really love how this has turned out, very alien yet terrestrial looking - which is perfect for a mostly ocean dwelling creature. Excited to paint it up at some point along with the crew that rides it. I plan to get some better pictures later. C&C welcome
Wow! awesome man, I like that it is able to stand on it's own but would keep it on the support as well (for safety) I like the textured greenstuff on the legs, but at the tail it somehow seems misplaced. A bit like it is bear flesh in between the two pieces of scaled tail. Do you know what I mean? I am not sure how much it will show when painted though... Overall extremely impressed by your work. Grrr, Imrahil
Yeah, the more I look at it I can see that and earlier as I looked at that picture... yeah, I see it now lol the texturing there didn't quite work out as intended I think. At this point it may do more harm to try to fix it though, main worry would be it being uneven and too high compared to the plastic around it. Perhaps I can paint it as some sort of battle damage? We'll see. I appreciate the feedback I really do appreciate it man, I think ive come along way for sure, but lots to learn still. Definitely need to work on better scale work!
That's DEFINITELY for sure. We are all eternal students, but you're definitely in university on the modelling side of life.
Thank you man! We are indeed all eternal students... and sometimes I feel like Im in an elementary school art class hahaha, just throwing putty around
Added an electrical current to this guys stuff using precisely cut Realm Shaper lightning. Working on the crew a bit now