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The Random Thread of Random Randomness

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Feb 10, 2019.

  1. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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  2. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    This one’s another cool one:

  3. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    So being triggered is when a reaction is disproportionate to the stimuli that provoked it? That seems to make the whole concept very subjective. A safe space then is any environment which is tailored to protect its occupants from trigger events? To me this all sounds like slang with no real meaning outside of a group who coequally agrees with its usage.
    ravagekitteh likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    From the examples you have provided, it would appear that your definition of triggered casts a pretty wide net. Under your interpretation people are being triggered all the time. To be fair, I'd challenge you to actually define your interpretation of triggered as I had done in my post. You have provided examples of what fits your definition, but not the definition itself. I think it only fair that you have the chance to actually define it rather than me putting forth guesses as to what you actually believe.

    Of the examples you provided, the only one I feel could be argued as a triggered event is the Shapiro one. I saw that interview, and he got his ass handed to him. He most definitely did not do his research prior to the interview and made himself foolish. Frankly, it is a pretty rare example of Shapiro acting in such a way, which is what makes it so interesting. In the interest of being fair though, Shapiro did at least own up to it (something you seldom see on the left)...

    The key point is walking out of a lecture because they can't handling hearing someone state the fact that one average men are taller than women. Sorry, I don't believe you will find many right wingers triggered by something so common place and benign as that.

    I have more to say on your definition of the term, but as I mentioned before it is only fair that I give you a chance to actually define it (as I did in my post). I don't want to put words in your mouth.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I honestly don't think I can define it anymore clearly than I had in my previous post. I think it laid it out very well and I suggest you review previous passage if clarification is required.

    To be perfectly honest... yes, subjectivity is most definitely present. We're talking about human behavior here, subjectivity is par for the course. If you're hoping for a blood test or saliva mouth swab that can give you a quantified numerical confirmation of someone being triggered, then I am sorry to disappoint you; no such thing exists! Unfortunately, human interactions and behaviors are not so clean or tidy.

    It is a slang usage of the terms. Both triggered and safe space are real terms with conventional definitions. What we are talking about here is how they are being used in this SJW context. However, make no mistake, they have both co-opted from their conventional counterparts.
  6. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    What I fail to understand is how people being triggered has any baring on the greater discussion of social issues that preceded the triggered videos. It seems to me that all people get "triggered" by things they care about at some point. So why does showing someone being triggered have any place within the greater conversation of social responsibility within media?
    ravagekitteh likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I agree, as this is in line with the classical definition of the word. For example, a war veteran suffering from PTSD might be triggered by very loud noises that remind him/her of their wartime experiences. This of course is not the same use of the word triggered as in the SJW context (the SJW one is a ridiculing version of the original).

    This is why I clearly define a relatively benign stimulus and an over-the-top disproportionate response as the key features of the SJW version of the term triggered. In the case of our war veteran above, while the stimulus may be benign, the response is not disproportionate because the effects of PTSD are well understood. I assume you will be able to differentiate the example I provided above from something like this:

    (my personal favourite part is when she runs out of cardio at around the 47 second mark :D)

    Or perhaps you would prefer a dance remix...

    First off, I don't find media to be very socially responsible on either side. It's all about the clicks, views and dollars.

    As for the purpose of showing and ridiculing triggered people, right off the top of my head I can think of two functions that it serves. Firstly, I can't imagine how these people can sustainably function in normal society. If being told that on average men are taller than women triggers them, how will they handle the stresses of work, family or social interactions? Would you want to hire someone like that for your business? Imagine what type of minor stressing event will trigger them and over-the-top reaction they will have in response to it. Having too many of these people in society has a detrimental effect on the community and country at large. You don't want everyone playing the victim. Public examination and ridicule can go a long way in alleviating this problem. The people in the examples I provided may be beyond "saving", but scrutinizing those actions in the public eye might dissuade others from going down that path. At the very least, it might help enfeeble further public outbursts from them. Taken together, it is a method of fighting back against these sorts of actions.

    The second purpose is far less virtuous; simply put, it is funny and entertaining (for most normal people). You may view this as being cruel, which might be very fair assessment, but such is human nature (especially on the internet). If someone does not want to face public ridicule, then they should alter to their behavior so they don't act so foolishly in society. We all have to conform to social norms to one degree or another. Society does not make any more exception for me or you as it does for these SJWs.
  8. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Okay, to use your definition:

    1. Benign Stimuli: Person has different skin colour to you. Unreasonable Reaction: Screaming that they should be kicked out of their own country against their will because of it.

    2. Benign Stimuli: Being asked the sorts of difficult questions you would expect from an interview. Unreasonable Reaction: Throwing a tantrum and hurling playground insults before deciding to terminate an interview early because you can’t deal with being asked actual proper questions.

    3. Benign Stimuli: Presenting a hypothetical situation without men (and on a wider front, advocating for women’s rights in areas where they are not being upheld despite laws being in place that should prevent it). Unreasonable Reaction: being called a stupid feminazi bitch (and that’s one of the milder ones. She regularly receives an awful lot worse than that).

    4. Benign Stimuli: An ad saying “let’s not sexually harass or bully people shall we men?”. Unreasonable Reaction: OH MY GOD F***ING MAN HATING BASTARDS!!! THIS IS CLEARLY AN ATTACK ON OUR ENTIRE GENDER WE MUST BOYCOTT GILLETTE IMMEDIATELY!!!!!

    No. Instead, the right wing equivalents to your examples only get upset about people being a different nationality/race/gender/sexuality/religion/etc to them, and in demonstrating that displeasure, instead of storming out of lectures they turn to hate speech, discrimination and in some extreme cases, firearms. It’s not the SJWs who are committing hate crimes.
    LizardWizard likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I notice that you still haven't provided your own definition and are continuing piggy back off of mine. I'd guess that either you agree with mine, don't have one of your own or don't believe that yours will stand up to scrutiny. Which is it? I now put forth a second challenge to define the term.

    In any event, let's get to your examples:

    Do you really believe this? Do you feel they were screaming send her back simply because of her skin colour (independent of other factors)? Maybe you are forgetting that she continually shits on the country and is seemingly ungrateful to not only live in the USA but also to hold a prestigious position in public office. She is supposed to be representing the country (or at least her district of it), but she seems to hate it.

    This is a prime example how your definition of the term triggered is at odds with the established usage of the word. I'm not defending those actions, but just because something isn't nice doesn't mean the person is triggered. Now, Trump's original comments to send the squad back was very poorly thought out to begin with as 3 of the 4 of them are actually born in the US... oops Mr. Trump! He did eventually soften his position to in relation to Omar that if she doesn't like the US, she is free to go back to her country of origin if she wishes.

    Even if it isn't the right thing to say, at least the sentiment of it can be understood. If you welcomed someone into your home and they spent all their time insulting and putting it down, how long before you tell them to get the F#$% out?

    I'm not sure if you missed this in my previous post, I have already address this at length.

    So according to your viewpoint everyone who insults someone is triggered??! So that would apply to just about every human being on the planet, making your (still unstated) definition useless. If you can't differentiate between insulting someone and the examples I provided, then you will never be able to understand the concept.

    I've been over the whole feminist angle with you and I provided you with articles and media to support my argument (most of which you chose not to acknowledge). No point, in repeating it here. Suffice to say, they aren't fighting for the things you believe they are fighting for. Sadly, your viewpoint is a couple of decades too late.

    Translation: this ad makes insinuations about my gender which I dislike so I choose to buy razors elsewhere. Seems pretty reasonable. @Scalenex presented very similar feelings a few posts above, does that mean you think he is triggered? I don't know, he seems like an extremely reasonable guy to me who is in full control of his mental faculties.

    I'm sorry, your (unstated) definition of triggered is simply too broad and unusable.

    First off, that is a very dirty and unjustified tactic. Those nut job white supremacists that go around shooting people are rejected by the right just as much as they are rejected by the left. The right isn't standing up for these people (like the left stands up for SJWs). As such, don't clump them in with the right as they have already been disowned by the conservatives. If I applied your same logic and tactics, then I see your white supremacist shootings and I raise you the the 9/11 terror attacks. Not very fair now is it? ;)

    And as for SJWs not committing hate crimes... uhmm.... o_O.... really? You've never heard of ANTIFA? How have you not been exposed to videos/stories of their crimes? I'm really at a loss for words. Either you have consumed a very very narrow band of media or you are deliberately trying to twist the facts and hope that I don't notice (spoiler...I will always notice and call you out on it). Now the case for ANTIFA is actually much different than for those white supremacist shooters, because democrats actually defend that group and enable their actions by tying the hands of police. Take a look over at what is happening in Portland.
  10. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  12. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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  13. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    This just in: Antifa is not even close to the category of people like the KKK and other crazy racists. They may be asses, and violent asses to boot. People that we have to get rid of, no question. But compared to their counterparts they are laughable.
    And btw: I don't know how it is in other parts of the world, but those people are not considered to fit into a leftist world view because of the way they act, and although there are occasionally left wing people who accept them, that is far from the majority. In the same way that right wing politicians applaud the crazy racists. Again, it might not happen publicly in you country, but it sure does here.

    As for the triggered people: those are mentally I'll and should be treated as such. And those absolutely exist on the right. The difference is that the left reaction is silly screaming and walking out, while the right-wing counterparts react with violence. The crazy extremists of both sides (and other extremists such as religious ones) are scarily close to one another in many aspects.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    The KKK is comprised of a bunch of sick losers. Nobody takes them seriously. Hell their leader is given the title of "Grand Wizard". They are clearly shit people, but they are not accepted at all by the right. Antifa is accept openly by some on the left, but we'll get to that later.

    I won't speak on how things are in Germany. When it comes to ANTIFA, I'm looking at it through a USA lens. I never said that everyone on the left accepts them, but they are openly accepted by some democrats in elected positions. The mayor of Portland actually thanked the the group. I've seen them take over streets and harass cars while the police were watching from 100 meters away and did nothing. Why do you think the police did nothing, because they were obviously told not to interfere by those above them.

    Obviously a white supremacist shooter is worse than antifa (at least for now, hopefully things don't escalate) but they are disavowed by the right, so it is not the same thing. Mind you that there are also many instances of leftist shooters, but they don't garner the same level of media coverage.

    Then there are a hell of a lot of mentally ill leftists then, because such triggered instances are becoming increasingly common. The ultra-progressive universities are pumping out soyboys (and girls, but soygirls doesn't have the same phonetic ring to it) by the thousands.
  15. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I believe the term "grid" is a reference to the checkered flag. They chose Grid Girls because it's utilitizes aliteration.

    I appreciate the compliment but you sort of invited me into this discussion which I wasn't eager to join. Though I do like that it is remaining civil.

    EVERYONE has a different defintion of the word triggered! A person is "triggered" when their subjective assessent of a stimulus is considered unreasonable based on another person's subjective assessment of that person's response.

    Everyone has a different definition of benign and everyone has a different definition of reasonable. I don't like the term microaggression but in some cases it fits.

    One thing that was pointed out was that "men" are only mentioned in the news when they do something bad. Not when they are heroic or victims.

    Mining collapse kills seventeen men. Nope, it kills seventeen miners.
    Three police officers dead ina shootout. Nope, three police officers were killed.
    Three hundred people die in a building collapse. Three hundred people died, including thirty seven women.

    But when men are comitting horrible crimes they are nearly always "men" not "people" not "criminals" not "murderers"

    That is fairly benign, and I'm internally triggered by it. Sort of...I generally don't lash out about it. If I don't lash about something am I triggered? I don't know. "Triggered" has a very broad definition to the point where it is meaningless.

    Good response!

    I think the random thread should go back to random things. We could create a general political thread and take bets to see how long before the thread catches fire and a moderator has to lock it down, but I'd prefer not to have to tempt fate.

    If we do want to talk about political or social issues I think it's better if we had one-topic threads. I know, @NIGHTBRINGER , the king of the off-topic section loves his giant sprawling threads, but I don't believe that is the best vehicle to discuss controversial things like Antifa or the KKK. Both organizations are bad. The KKK has around 150 years of history and Antifa is new. The modern KKK is a withered husk in terms of the influence and power it once had and Antifa is growing. I did research on the Klan for a school paper long ago. The Klan didn't start out as murderers, they started out mostly as vandals, with the tacit approval of their local government...like antifa is now. Both groups are at least 90% made up of peaceful assholes with violent assholes only making up a small percentage of the group, but the peaceful assholes condone the violent assholes which is a problem. That being said, not every bad contempory group needs to be compared to a past one.

    I believe the mayor of Portland is either thoroughly corrupt or utterly terrified of Antifa. Not unlike a lot of mayors in Klan heavy regions during the 1920s...

    Anyway, back to the random stuff...Here is one of my favorite silly videos.

    I think I'm going to go buy a hamburger now.
  16. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Most likely they are more visible than on the right side, just because the left is far more acceptant of them as the right. The right side uses their idiots for other things.
    I dislike the fact that those on the left side are encouraged that much by the so-called "progressive" persons and organizations, and I am glad that's not the case here, at least as far as I know.
    But as always the media most likely exaggerate how many of them exist (for different reasons depending on their world view) so it is unlikely that we can come up with good numbers for that.

    As for the KKK, perhaps you underestimate them, they are certainly not just funny wacky dudes.
    Sure, they sound silly, but just for perspective: the total number of people they killed is most likely over 3000, and there might be a lot more that just were not confessed and thus recognized as KKK murders. Sure, they might not be what they once were (which is good), but that's still a lot of violent history.

    For the left side it is hard to put numbers to it. Partly because for someone from the right side everyone who isn't clearly far right is labeled leftist, and because quite some of those who say that they are leftists are so far from any ideas most people would consider left like a monk in a brothel.

    Edit: sorry it did take ages to type this post on my phone.
    I agree with @Scalenex that we should probably tone down the politics a notch.
    ChapterAquila92 and LizardWizard like this.
  17. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    I had seen that one before.
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  18. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    YAY! Zfrank!
    Scalenex likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Interestingly enough, things get more heated when talking about Disney Star Wars! LOL :D

    I don't think of them as even remotely funny or wacky (with the exception of the grand wizard title). They are absolute shit bags, my point is simply that currently they are virtually powerless shit bags. The world has moved on, and their influence is largely extinct. Good riddance.

    This pretty much sums it up...

    But as @Scalenex says, let us move onto to something else (not to worry, I'm sure it will organically resurface at some point anyways). On the plus side, it is somewhat time consuming debating with @Aginor , @ravagekitteh and @LizardWizard simultaneously! Especially as Nurgle has currently gifted me with the flu.

    In that spirit...

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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