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Will I ever be a good person again?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Realjuan, Dec 22, 2016.

  1. Realjuan
    Cold One

    Realjuan Well-Known Member

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    When I first saw a catalog of WHFB I imminently liked the Empire, I liked their fluff, their models, and the variation in general (units, colors, etc). It was a simple choice, and I do not regret it. I still love the Empire models, and would love to collect them. Sadly the opposite happened with Stormcast Eternals (SE), the main reason I did not get into AoS from the go, was the SE models are just not appealing to me. They seem to robotic, or to plain. Doesn't help that most people paint them basically one color. Nevertheless, I got a AoS starter set because it was a good deal and wanted to give AoS a chance. I still have not played a single game, but more and more I get pull towards the dark side.

    Looking to get myself a present this Christmas and considering that I need more models for an AoS army, I decided to take a look the BattleForces boxes. Even with the bonus of continuing my "empire" collection, I cannot like the SE models. What is that a plasma gun? Why no faces in most of the models? Why is there no more diversity in the human race? No poor villages rallying to fight the evil Orc horde? Or the nerd engineer with his rifles with way too many gadgets? The great swords with the smug faces and determination? Who are these people, and do the models say anything about them?

    Basically I blame the helmets! Why do SE have to wear helmets. The models with some face are more easy to get like, more human (which is +), and even other types of helmets seem to be more warm, friendly, and/or interesting (i.e. even 40k Marines).

    So I am asking you, to save this soul and help me continue my line as a human race defender. Give me some inspiration so I can love the Stormcast Eternals, what drives you to battle with these robots against the evil forces. What is the most interesting model you seen? Have you written any fluff about them? Please share, else I think the bullies, over tan and blood monger will take another innocent soul and I will join their ranks.

    Note: I have found out that I am more of a aspiring painter and lover of fluff than I am a gamer, so even if SE were OP that wouldnt be a interesting aspect (more likely a negative, why play something that is OP?)
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Well, luckily for you they aren't OP, for me, I could easily make them look like a metroid bounty hunter like Samus, or a megaman style robot, I still think if them as an order support army. They do fine on their own, don't get wrong, but I feel that they work better as part of a larger order army. I know one guy was toying with modding them to look more steampunk, but as for the lack of faces it may be easier to think of them as Golems with human souls. That is basically what they are fluff wise. Metal constructs brought to life. Imbued with heroic souls.
    Crowsfoot and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  3. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Gather all of your extra bits from Empire kits, gather the Stormcasts, start dry fitting parts...

    ...one figure at a time convert them to look more like Empire guys. Buy bit parts from online sources if you need extra pieces or more heads. Don't like their Sigmahelms? Do head swaps.

    One has a weapon that looks like a plasma rifle? Assemble him without it. Give that one a spear or a lance instead.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Or just start up collecting Lizardmen...
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Granted, the above answer is the best answer.

    BUT that being said, I agree with your original post @Realjuan

    The helmets on the age-of-sigmar poster children don't cut it for me. Did some research into options for you:

    First some generic AOS conversions from pinterest; tons of stuff on there, I don't want to go completely down that rabbit hole.


    Beards! Beards make everything better, especially if you are a dwarf. But they can also work on stormcast too, for some super-upped bodyguards or something:


    I also found this guy:

    empire head.jpg

    Looks like it could work! Maybe a bit too big though? I have found some better examples though, mostly with better looking helmets:


    I am partial to this one because I like bretonnians. Got some awesome :wideyed: stuff at this link; the huge armor makes them look like an over-the-top medieval fantasy brawling squad come to like. Like conan the barbarian, but he was from medieval france instead of a celtic barbarian tribe.

    bretonnian head.jpg

    bretonnian on dragon-thing.jpg


    These Dudes:

    Looks like the warriors of Valhalla have risen from the dead to fight alongside Thor in the battle of Ragnarok!


    norse ish.jpg


    This version has a lot of potential at least for maybe a hero or something. Rank and file skeleton dudes are fine; but what if you want a giant leader with some killer armor? Green stuff some battle damage on a stormcast. (link)


    undead 2.JPG

    or you can use them for...


    only if you really want too, but that doesn't help with playing Warhammer fantasy/AOS. I have seen tons of examples of people using these guys as ultramarines and blood angels with some head/weapon swaps and a few minor changes.

    This one kinda bridges the gap, he looks like he has a blood angel head, but reminds me of something out of an old He-man comic instead.

    Attached Files:

  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Couple more...


    What if you gave them all greek helmets? They could be Spartans, except actually wearing armor to protect them from arrows instead of just capes and speedos


    Maybe with helmets like this:

    greek 2.jpg

    Other examples:

    brutal dude.jpg

    imperial sorta.jpg

    I'll be honest, the ONLY example of AOS stormcast army that I have really truly liked is this one:

    aos statues.jpg
    the Immortal Tribunal; by Jake (Bruticus) (link)

    But in the end, its only one or two main colors. And I don't have the skills to get that kind of a marble effect on my minis.

    I still wouldn't by them, too expensive. And I have too many other projects to finish first, like my lizardmen and bretonnians. And bases.
  7. Realjuan
    Cold One

    Realjuan Well-Known Member

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    Wow that marble effect is too OP. I love the painting, but still not a fan of the models.

    On the other hand,
    The Bretonian and the Spartans modifications do look pretty nice. Today I will go pick up my Battleforce box so I will take a last look on the Stormcast Etenals but I may still go with reserved box of Bloodbound.

    Thanks a lot for the inspiration and help, I still have the starter set so I may try something on those.

    Now for something that may derail the topic:
    I have always been interested in Lizardmen, but with AoS I am afraid this army will disappear or at least change a lot. With Stormcast Eternals or Bloodbound you know what you getting into, but with Lizardmen or Skaven (also interested) you dont know. I would like to wait, but knowing G.W. it may take a few years until we see the new looks of all the armies.

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