9th Age Discussion of OpenHammer (ETC) and Ninth Age (Swedish Comp)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Pinktaco, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    I reckon that I mentioned it, but a slight increase in the power and usefulness of the carnosaur would be great :) maybe lower the cost to a while 200, then add Ws 4 and perhaps the old krok-gar rule, the COR as core. Maybe too much, but by now it's really a fragile target and cost a lot!
  2. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    New page so I'll just say what I said on previous page. I believe ASL is getting reworked so you just have I0. This buffs our Bastiladon and kroxigors.
  3. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    If the bastilodons bonus stacks with other enhancements; that's a very nice addition and a new dimension of the use of great weapons for our army, in general :)
  4. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Just had a walk with teh dog and it always gets my head going. I came up with some slight changes to units I feel need them e.g. under utilized units so here goes:

    Units not mentioned here:
    * See previous page (15) for the list we created previously on the board.

    Predatory Fighter:
    Completely removed from the game.

    Comment: Since it would appear that ASF is getting reworked to remove rerolls we should do it ourself. While it can be a funny and fluffy rule it's unnecessary and confusing for people.

    Sacred Spawnings:
    * Only for the following units: Oldblood, Scar Veterans, Saurus Warriors, Templeguards and Cold One Riders.
    * Shouldn't increase stats, but instead somehow effectivness and synergy. If we go about and add +1A or something like that it'll be hard for people to accept, but giving saurus warriors +2M on charges allow them to be more mobile on charges. Just a suggestion ^.^

    Comment: Sacred Spawnings were in the 6th edition book and can allow for some flexibity and hopefully fiddle with some of the weaknesses we have.

    Skink Skirmisher Blowpipes:
    * Seperate unit entry.
    * Gains +1BS.
    * +2-3pts.

    Comment: This will allow them to actually do their job - fire massed poisoned shots, but without the flexibility of javelins. A seperat unit entry mean that we can take 4 of these and 4 of javelins, remember that javelins are getting a +1pts point increase so even though one can still go skink cloud it's considerably more expensive.

    * Drop price to 130pts.
    * Solar engine is +20pts upgrade.
    * Solar engine initiative augment can be stacked with other engines.
    * The laser beam becomes a one time use, but more reliable without being overpowered.
    * Ark of Sotek is an attack in close combat. Either 2D6 S1 no AS allowed or 1D6 S2 no AS.
    * Ark of Sotek add "they're everywhere" special rule (all unit fighting the same unit as the bastiladon gains poisoned attacks, including the bast itself and the skinks).
    * Remove adding more jungle swarm special rule.

    Comment: Both upgrades can add something to the overall army, where the Ark of Sotek previously only helped jungle swarms. It's still largely just an "okay" monster and that's good. I'd definately pick the ark of sotek like this every once in a while.

    * Add musician and banner.
    * Add magical banner (25pts).
    * Add free change to halbards.
    * Add +1 initative.
    * Drop price to 45pts.

    Comment: Magical banner can allow for M7 and thus easier flank charges or flaming banner to properly attack regen units and become a proper monster hunter unit. The combination of Solar Engine, Halbards and +1I will allow kroxigors to attack at S6 with I3. It allow for much more flexibility without making the unit overpowered.

    * Add +1I to the mount.

    Comment: at I4 they can engage many more units safely (as in they can deliver their load before they're hit) AND anything that adds to their initative or decrease the opponents will allow them to likely hit at same time of elves/chaos. This will make them a tiny bit easier to use while still being a hard unit to master.

    Special Stegadon:
    * Drop price by 30pts.
    * Add +1 Attack to the stegadon.
    * Allow skink chief to mount the giant bolt thrower.

    Comment: the current price different between the stegadons is ridiculous and people will only pick the ancient one most of the time. An additional attack will allow it to actually be decent in combat. Skink chief is to allow for more flexibility and options. It's still a very expensive bolt thrower and much worse than the cannon chariots.

    Ancient Stegadon:
    * Add +1 Attack to the stegadon.
    * Drop base price with 10pts.
    * Drop engine of the god price by 15-20pts.

    Comment: still 1 less attack than the baby steg, but now it can at least average 2 attacks in CC. 3 Attacks is ridiculous. Price drop on steg + price drop on engine mean that it's actually something you'd consider fielding. I hate the idea of spending 300pts on a steg with upgrades. It's still expensive though.

    * Reduce price with 30 pts.
    * Include the channel upgrade with the base price and not as an upgrade.
    * Add +1 Attack.
    * Spit Venom: Place the small round template withing range, scatter D6. All units hit takes S3 no armour save hit, (D3 multiple wounds?).
    * Primeval Roar: add +1A on all units within 6". Work every time it's your turn.
    * Give the Oracle a single High Magic or Light spell (no idea which).

    Comment: It's much cheaper, the oracle have an actual purpose and the roar is actually good now. It can also do *something* in CC. The spit is also more effective now.

    *Unit size at minimum 2 and not 1.
    * Add armour piercing to shots.
    * Increase price with 15pts.

    Comment: the increased minimum size can be remove if it doesn't make sense. Armour piercing allow for greater effectivity even in smaller numbers, price increase kinda counter that. Originally I wanted to cap the unit at 4 models, but people are against that. A unit of 4 with AP will be as effective as a unit of 6 without.

  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    For razordons, I'd be tempted to add "quick to fire" as well.
  6. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    You got to check your book mister :D
    skink chief likes this.
  7. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Oh is that already in 8th, it wasn't in 7th...
    (haven't used them in 8th yet)
  8. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    It's part of the shooting profile (S4, Quick to Fire, Range 18"). :D
  9. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    I like the idea of being able to use Templeguard as core at the same cost if we have a Slann in the army. Since other armies already have similar rules, this is not far fetched either.

    I would not mind Blessed Spawning of Quetzl coming back... (that was the biased part of me talking :angelic:)

    I think you are correct in your assessment, but I also think several of the ones from 7th Ed can still be used. Some might even be used to balance other parts, like Blessed Spawning of Itzl (add cost for using Carnosaur and Cold One for characters).

    The ones I believe that is too much from the spawnings is: Quetzl, Tepok and Mark of the old ones.

    The ones I believe is in the gray area, but still not bad.

    Tzunki, we have so low initiative anyway, than getting another 1 is not that big of a deal breaker. Though perhaps increase the cost a little.

    Sotek, getting +1 attach on the round the unit or character charges. I think the cost of this one is ok, especially if we make certain to note that we only get the attack if we make the charge (i.e. dont get it if we are charged by the enemy).

    For those of you that does not have 7th Ed book, I have taken a few pictures of the two pages and assembled in photoshop (sorry no scanner), I have also attached the chronicle article on sacred hosts, tho this one is slightly different than just the spawnings.

    Sorry, I cant seem to find the post that explain how it is more reliable? Could you point me to the post, or explain how you envision it should work if its one time use?

    I think one thing we can do to make Kroxigors better, without causing a massive uproar could be to bring back Skirmish Screen from 6th Ed.

    For those that did not play back then, this allowed us to charge through a Skink unit that was not fleeing. The Skink unit had to take a leadership test afterwards.

    On itself this does not sound that good, but having this option, open up a lot of uses for Kroxigors with proper tactics on the battle field. I am thinking of adding this together with the spawn kind rule allowing us to have kroxigors in a skink unit (i.e. 5th, 7th and 8th ed), allowing both options.

    If we have a unit size of two, I feel the price increase is a little much if we want to see the unit used more. I think 10p increase instead of 15p sounds more reasonable.

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  10. Yrtomin

    Yrtomin Member

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    Why is there so much drama behind just High Elves? Is it because of the big player base?
  11. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Finally got to read true the whole thing of the 9th ed. And i must say they seem to be on the right track IMO. I like almost all of the rules they added or changed (made them more clear). I have to say I absolutely love the new lores of magic. On first glance no spell seems to be overly broken. Some are still hardcore and playtesting will show if they are maybe still to much, but I'm all for magic being strong as long as one spell isn't the end of the game or somethin like that.
    The way power dice are generated should be done somewhat like in 7th ed imo. But the spells themselves were my biggest issues with 8th and I'm overall content with these changes enough to keep our powerdice generating system like it is.

    The beastmen army book looks really good. I have absolutely no gaming experience with them or playing against them but comparing them somewhat to others i think they look very strong but def. Not OP. Really like almost everything in their book. There are just some minor things...

    Slugtonge: after deploy but before scouts: if he rolls a 6-> all units in 36inch of him take D6 wounds no AS allowed. Might be really really painfull...
  12. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Beta update will be out within 2 weeks. I think they're hoping it'll be close to finale, with only minor tweaking needed.

    After that I'm assuming they'll continue on with armies.
    skink chief likes this.
  13. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    I am a big fan of the Miscast table.

    That Irresistible force is removed in conjunction with miscasts only happening if the defending player decides not to dispel opens up for quite some meta changes!

    also this
    "Characters (Heroes and Lords). A maximum of 50% of the Points of your army may be characters. Furthermore, the same character choice cannot be taken more than 3 times, regardless of differences in mounts, equipment, or Special Rules"
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2015
    skink chief likes this.
  14. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    ....................wheres the carpet?
  15. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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  16. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Any Openhammer new? I know we sort of dismissed them, for a good reason, though :) But I was just wondering, if they perhaps had gone to their senses, perhaps redone some of the ridiculous changes they made to the lizard army book :p

    Side note: I saw someone talking about an interesting change to BS, Here on the warhammer forum. Giving a +1 hit on short range. This could be the fix to blowpibe we have been looking for. It's not OP, since it's a general buff for all shooting and not just us. Giving our Skink guys a reason to final take that iconic weapon of theirs :happy:
  17. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Hmm.. Yeah well the issue is their lack of Quick To Fire in that scenario so they cannot shoot any chargers, but yeah it would be a *fix*.

    Also no news on OpenHammer. I often check, but their translation haven't finished yet and I cannot be bothered about the Italian version.
  18. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I just read the suggestion and it sounds great.

    0-12" = short range = +1 To Hit
    12-24" = medium range = no modifier
    24+ = long range = -1 To Hit

    Interestingly it would also buff razordons since they'd be hitting on 4+ (18" range with quick to fire).

    It also wouldn't be too extreme for our skirmishers because we just want 6s anyway.
  19. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    My thoughts, exactly! :D

    This would help a lot of shooting units, to perform slightly better. Shooting also being a part of the game, that hasn't been very useful, for most races in the 8th ed.

    I'm looking forward to see what the 9th age guys got to reveal for their 2nd update. Hopefully something, like this for shooting :p
  20. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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