AoS Starting Seraphon

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Tip4Tap, Feb 13, 2016.

  1. Tip4Tap

    Tip4Tap Member

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    Hey guys, I don't know exactly where to post this so I've put it in two places.

    Firstly I'd like to say that I'm completely new to AoS. I've watched a few games at my local store and a few on YouTube. Other than that I have no experience. However, I have read the rules and the fluff. Also, I'm not new to Warhammer I've been collecting 40k for ten years and have played many games of Warhammer Fantasy

    So down to brass tax. I have £150 to spend and would like to get started playing Seraphon. The main armies I'm going to be facing on a regular basis are Skaven, Fireslayers, Stormcast Eternals, Bretonnians and Chaos.

    From what I've read so far on these forums, there are two main ways to play this army defensively or offensively. Personally I'd like to think of myself as an offensive player. When it comes to 40k I like to push forward and bring the fight to my opponent.

    However, with Seraphon I like the idea of being aggressive, but also have the ability to do damage in all phases of the game. I have brought anything as of yet. However, so far I like the look of
    Saurus Knights, Saurus Scar Veteran On Cold One, Saurus Sunblood, Slann Starmaster and Saurus Oldblood On Carnosaur. However, I have no idea what works well with what and where a good starting point would be. For example, is the Start Collecting! Seraphon a good purchase?

    I do want the army I build to be at least somewhat competitive as I attend a lot of local events and tournaments.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
    Freddy25 likes this.
  2. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    I've seen this post has reached mora attenction in the other forum, so I'll copy there!
    Loo at the following link before everything else.


    YES, IT IS A GOOD PURCHASE!!! :joyful:

    No, really, it is an amazing offer:
    at the price of a Carnosaur you also get 8 Knights and 12 Warriors (and a battalion warscrolls, which is always nice...)!
    This way you get 3 agressive units, and 2 of them are among the units you aesthetically like: not bad at all. :)
    And you would still have £75 to spend.

    You have a big nasty monster (Carnosaur/Troglodon), a "base" infantry melee unit (Warriors), a (quite) fast cavalry unit.
    I assume you have read and understood Age of Sigmar rules and took a look at the Seraphon's Battletome/Compendium.

    To me, you need some magic and shooting at first.

    A possible option (remembering you have a budget of £75... and it seems you prefer Saurus towards Skinks :D):
    1 Skink Starpriest + 1 Skink Priest (or 2 of a kind, possibly the Starpriest king for the magic :p)
    1 Stegadon or Bastiladon
    1 Salamander or Razordon
    Total = £75 ca.

    You should have a quite balanced army, but you should face a couple of problems:
    having not a slann, you don't have the ability to summon.
    You wouldn't have the right units to use Battalion warscrolls apart from the one you can find in the "Start Collecting!" box.

    I'd suggest you to
    - build the Carnosaur model (not the Troglodon) to have a powerful monster-hunter general;
    - build the Warriors equipped with spears and field them as a single unit;
    - get the Salamander to spit some fire toward your enemies (grill some skavens or use its Rend to damage chaos/stormcast);
    - decide which monster you prefer.
    (Stegadon with bow means long range shooting.
    Stegadon with sunfire throwers means infantry destruction.
    Engine of the Gods is useless if you don't have a Slann, in my opinion.
    Bastiladon with Solar Engine means powerful long range shooting.
    Bastiladon with Ark of Sotek means a stop-the-enemy unity dealing Mortal Wounds.
    I'd take the Basti with Ark of Sotek seeing the races you are facing. You need a monster capable of blocking the enemy and ignoring his armour... or killing easily a lot of rats :D

    In the future you should value the possibility to get a Slann for its magic/summoning abilities,
    and maybe to buy a couple of support units (Kroxigors/Chameleons/Flying units) or core reinforcements (other Warriors, shooting Skinks or Saurus Guars to protect your Slann).

    Of course, if you want your tactic more shooting/magic based, this post is not so useful... :confused:
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
  3. Tip4Tap

    Tip4Tap Member

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    I was just reading your post in the other topic!

    Ok so I think I'm going to get the starting boxset. Thats only £50 though right? So I'd have £100 to spend rather than £75? Or am I missing something?

    I have indeed read the AoS rule set and am working my way through the Lizardmen rules as we speak!

    I agree the Carnosaur model does seem better from I've read/seen.
    Again people seem to agree that spears are better. I'd equip the knights with Lances as well.
    When would you recommend getting a Slann? I've read a lot of people saying they are a must have in any Seraphon army.
    I like the idea of the Stegadon based on the fact that some of the people I'll be facing do use a lot of infantry. However, how does it cope in combat?

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