Saurus old-blood on carnosaur can buff (each within 20") one of a SAURUS HERO'S WEAPON. I've read online that people buff the carnosaur's massive jaws. Is that a "weapon?" I've been playing that he had to buff like a sword or a spear or a shield because I didn't think your own mouth really counts as a weapon, but I have no idea where I'd even find this information out. If you can, please, tell me 1. the answer to the above, 2. where I can show my opponent/frenemy that answer to prove to him he is a lying cheater, and 3. bonus question: can the carnosaur on old blood buff himself (or his own carnosaur) because right now he's my only hero.
A weapon is everything that has a line in the weapons table of the warscroll. Abilities affecting weapons (or melee weapons) mean exactly those lines. So the Jaws and Stardrake Shield of a Saurus Warrior are actually one weapon, and so are the two taking claws of a Carnosaur. Abilities buffing weapons usually specify the type or name of the weapon and any restrictions. For example the Blade of Realities cannot be a mount's weapon.
And yes the Oldblood can buff himself. as per the FAQ a unit is always in range of itself. He also has the correct keywords (Saurus and Hero) and the description doesn't say that he cannot buff himself (there are abilities that don't allow that but they all clearly say so). But IIRC he actually may not be able to buff the Carnosaur, just his own spear. Not 100% sure but I seem to remember a discussion and a FAQ about that...
It is not any buffs only some. It is definitely true for command traits and artefacts though. Maybe that's what I was thinking about because that is definitely in the rules. Disallowing Serpent Staff for Cold Ones or a Troglodon's bite would just be silly.
Any idea where in the rules (is it general's handbook?) I can find this? This debate is of utmost importance to my games against my most frequent opponent!
The definition of what a weapon is? On every warscroll. The rule about command traits and artefacts not applying to mounts is in the GHB2017. I only have the German version page number though, 117. I was also told that one of the English versions (not sure which one) contains a typo though and accidentally says "Command ability" which makes no sense at all.
Ok thanks. If the old-blood on carnosaur's command ability (it says ability on the warscroll) doesn't work on mounts then that's really the rule I was looking for. I wanted to use it on massive jaws instead of the spear, as I'd been reading people doing online.
I see no reason why it shouldn't work on the Jaws. Command abilities are not limited to rider weapons.
that interpretation has one big downside though, it implies that an auric runefather can now break your jaws with his latchkey.. And sillier, that he could break a stegadon's legs with it...
Sure. Everything has their advantages and disadvantages. It is a simple ruleset and that opens up such possibilities.
To be honest, I wouldn't mind distinctions between "weapons" and claws/teeth/etc. I like the runefather's ability and would love to see similar abilities. But without such a disctinction it'l quickly become overwhelming. Plus, they're already making the distinction with artifacts for heroes, you're not allowed to apply those to the mounts. It'd make sense to take that further.