The Batman: Pics, Videos, and Other Awesomeness

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Bowser, Sep 1, 2016.


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Eight years? I thought it was closer to eight months if we are talking about The Dark Knight Rises. But that is part of the reason why I think the Dark Knight Rises was the weakest of the Nolan trilogy. He had only been Batman for about twelve months. The level of damage to his cartilidge was not realistic.

    But mostly the economics stuff was unrealistic. If a bunch of terrorists hijack the stock exchange right before Wayne Industries blows a bunch of money, it shouldn't be binding. We have fraud protections for a reason.

    It also made no sense that Repo Men took away Bruce Wayne's furniture when his company goes broke. That's insane. The whole point of a incorporating your business is so your personal assets are not tied to your business. Even if they were, no one puts up their couches as colateral for a loan. That's the tip of the iceberg for the plot holes in The Dark Knight Rises. Still a good movie, but I think Christopher Nolan half-assed it. He's just so good at what he does that his half-assed work is better than most directors' best works.

    I looked into a lot of alternate universe versions of popular superheroes. Batman By Gaslight is one of the best animated movies in the DC. In this, Bruce Wayne is a wealthy heir who took to fighting crime in a bat the Victorian Age.

    There are a lot of alternate versions of Batman, but there is never a poor or middle class version of Batman. It'd be interesting to see what someone with his willpower and drive would do if he didn't have millions of dollars. Other non-powered DC heroes are usually comfortably well off. Mister Terrific and Green Arrow both have fairly deep pockets.

    The Question is the closes thing to a middle class Batman. He's not poor, but he's certainly not rich. He's smart and has no super powers and he's a good detective. He's good at McGuyvering stuff. Batman Beyond extended universe has a few poorer non-powered heroes who make due with gadgets on a budget, but that's pretty obscure.

    Young Justice has a few middle class badass normals, but Batman or Green Arrow end up sponsoring most of them, at least indirectly.
    Last edited: May 11, 2019

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That always bothered me as well. What's worse, is that it is a critical plot point.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Batman Beyond uses this theme all the time.

    A villain tried to use advanced sound technology to make an elderly Bruce Wayne hear a voice in his head to drive him to suicide or starvation it.

    When Terry asked him how he knew it was fake.

    Bruce "One, I know I'm not psychotic."
    Terry "I hope your second reason is more convincing."
    Bruce "It called me Bruce, that's what I call myself."

    The comic book had the oposite situation. Spellbinder tried to put a hypnotic suggestion in the television/net air waives to snare Batman and caught Bruce Wayne instead of Terry McGuiness. (Terry was grounded at the time and wasn't allowed to watch TV).

    Bruce almost beat Terry despite being in a nonpowered Batsuit and being over eighty years old and not being at full capacity mentally.
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  9. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    This team of aimators and voice actors has never disappointed me and Hush is a very well-written underappreciated Batman villain.

    Looking forward to this. This will probably be great.

    I have to use the word "probably" because some the dream team from the nineties Batman The Animated Series marhlect up The Killing Joke.

    At some point I migh post short reviews for animated Batman movies but there are so many that would be a daunting task. Also, is a Justice League movie a Batman movie if it has Batman in it? In the majority of Justice League animated movies, Batman is star or the most important supporting character to the star.

    I admit I haven't seen them all. I've never seen Scooby Doo! and Batman the Brave and the Bold. Don't tell me how it ends, I want to be surprised when the Joker brutally murders Shaggy.

    The only Batman animated movie I've ever seen that I disliked is The Killing Joke. I would warn people that I think Batman Ninja is so bad that it's good. If you don't like ironically watching campy stuff, Batman Ninja is not for you.

    My favorite animated movie is probably Gotham by Gaslight. I would recommend it for any hardcore or casual Batman fans.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    Well without Batman there is no Justice League, and since he basically runs the whole thing, it makes sense that he is given so much screen-time (oh, and then of course because he's Batman :p).

    Truth be told I don't remember a Justice League movie where Batman isn't basically the main character; Although there are a few where a lot of the members are shown, but I would hesitate to call them Justice League movies. I don't mind though, for me the more Batman the better.
    Lizards of Renown and Scalenex like this.
  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Lately Warner Brothers has been releasing a lot of animated movies in the same contiuum largely based on the new 52 series of comics. I'm not super fond of the comics but the team they got for the animated movies is top notch.

    Justice League War is basically the same plot as the live action Justice League movie only it's better in eery single way. The movie did a fantastic job balancing the ensemble. The live action movie sloppily jumped from subplot to subplot going round robin switching between Batman's subplot, Flash's subplot, Wonderwoman's subplot, etc. Justice League War managed their B-plots by pairing all the characters off. In Batman's case, he kind of has a buddy cop trope going with Hal Jordan.

    Justice League Throne of Atlantis is basically an Aquaman flick though Batman's brilliant plan saves the day even though Aquaman does most of the heavy lifting.

    Justice League Dark is primarily about the magical members of the Justice League, Zatanna and Constantine but Batman gets to be the token non-magic guy that tags along able to come up with straightforward non-magical solutions to problems that stump the two wizards.

    I could keep going but I probably shouldn't. I guess now that I think about it, Batman is usually the deuteragonist of of the newer Justice League movies.

    Enjoy your word of the day. Hopefully it will help for those about to take their ACTs.
    ASSASSIN_NR_1 likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    This trailer looks very good. I am quite excited to see this movie.

    Certainly better than this SJW dumpster fire...

  13. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    There are three things that set Batwoman apart from Batman. If she shows up in comics or animated movies.
    1- Her methods are harsher and often at odds with Batman.
    2- She tries to live a semblance of a normal life more than Bruce does.
    3- Her upbringing is less wealthy so for a long before she won over Batman's trust she had to make due with less fancy gear. That's part of the reason she fought crime with a gun for a long time.
    4- She is a homosexual woman.

    Which one is the least important character trait? (4). Which one do all the bad representations of this character choose to focus on? (4).

    I don't have a problem with non-binary characters in media but a person's sexual orientation or identity is not their most important trait and should not be treated as such.

    Beyond this, CW's flagship shows have been running for year and they are getting stale and tired. Even without SJW issues put to the fore, I would be skeptical of a new CW show under the best of circumstances.
  14. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    I genuinely don’t see what makes this a “SJW dumpster fire” outside of a female lead that happens to be lesbian and a slightly provocative line and the end that you’d have to be pretty sensitive to take the wrong way. I’m not saying it’s guaranteed to be good or anything - my response to the trailer is pretty meh, and they may well go the way @Scalenex said and focus too much on the ‘romance’ side, although that seems more of a general ‘entice the general public with a love story’ rubbish as opposed to any attempt at SJWism (and besides, we are kind of missing an onscreen LGBTQ+ relationship for superheroes). I get that you would criticise it, but I don’t see how you can base it on being some “SJW dumpster fire”.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    In fairness, you like all that stuff (and fair enough, to each their own). I'm not trying to convince you to dislike it, but in past discussions you were never able to identify the SJW taint, so I'm not really surprised that you don't see it now. Rather than a your opinion vs. my opinion stance, I'll just refer you to the pure simple beauty of math...


    You may not see it, but the numbers don't lie... it is there (and apparently they have been removing dislikes!!). How long until they disable the comments and the like/dislike button? ;)

    If you want to make a strong female lead, the primary focus should not be on continual bold proclamations of "I'm a woman". Just make her story interesting and intriguing and you'll win over the audience. However, it seems like they just can't help themselves and simply fling it around the room like monkeys with feces and then try to smear it in our faces. If the character is well written with the focus on the story, then people will appreciate the strong female lead (just as they do with a well written male lead). You don't see this same type of writing and attention when it comes to male leads (unless it is deliberately satirical).

    The whole trailer is littered with SJW propaganda, but seeing as we'll never agree on it anyways, I'll just present you with the worst offender:

    "I'm not about to let a man take credit for a woman's work"

    This is a pretty ironic statement considering that she will likely be...
    • using his equipment
    • using his bat cave
    • using his bat suit (another nausea inducing SJW line: "The suit is literal perfection. It will be when it fits a woman")
    • using an altered version of his symbol
    • copying his persona
    • etc.
    Interesting that she is literally trying to take credit for a man's work! :oops:

    It's not all bad though... the YouTube comments are absolutely hilarious. I was not disappointed! [be warned, it is most definitely not a "safe space"]

  16. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Hey speaking of Batman if anyone is interested I have a lot of old Batman comics I plan to sell. PST is interested
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  17. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    where's my daily dosage of memes (?)
  18. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Some of the stuff you’ve written is fair enough, but you can’t use the dislikes as an argument for it being “SJW”. There are a multitude of reasons why people might dislike it, the primary one being (and one I’d be inclined to agree with) that it just doesn’t look that good. The point I’m making isn’t that it’s going to be good, but rather that the reasons it will be bad aren’t really related to “SJWism”. Likes and dislikes mean nothing on that front.

    A lot of your other points are relatively fair enough - that last line was definitely not very well thought out, and I don’t really know why they stuck it in. However, if you’re going to base your opinion on a piece of media based on one or two poorly though out lines, I think you’d better reevaluate your view on Star Wars - for every iconic line there is definitely one or two absolute clangers, even in the Original Trilogy!

    Also, with the focus on the fact she is female, there seems to be one key point about that that everyone’s missing. The superhero and sci-fi genre has always been traditionally male oriented, but now more and more women are starting to get into it. However, due to the prior fact, there isn’t that much that really is aimed at them - certainly not enough for us to be able to really consider it gender equal. So is it really that far fetched that companies are now trying to make (and sometimes focus on making) their media appeal to women? They are approximately 50% of the population, so it isn’t exactly bad business to try and capitalise on them. Yes this attempt may be very hamfisted, and their intentions for doing so aren’t pure, but it does seem an equally likely possibility.

    Chances are it’s a combination of both, and including progressive values into the show isn’t a bad thing, even when it’s done poorly, as it seems to be here. Do we just ignore the LGBTQ+ community just because a few writer some involved in it happened to not be that great at writing? Heterosexual romance has been a key enough part in enough comic book based franchises that the LGBTQ+ community deserves their equivalents. There have been enough male led superhero films compared to female led ones that it means it’s about time there were more female led ones to, as much as anything, appeal to an increasing female audience. The way they draw attention to it being female led isn’t really very good writing, but surely the fact it’s worth drawing attention to in the first place shows the problem itself. If there was equality in on-screen media, it would not be considered especially worth doing to draw attention to it at all.

    Basically, in a nutshell, what I’m trying to say is yes it does look pretty shite, and it does include progressive elements, but it isn’t the progressive elements themselves that make it shite. Poor handling of them maybe, but in that case, blame the writing. As the comic book industry has shown, it is extremely possible to make great stories featuring, and in some cases revolving around, progressive elements. When your criticism is purely on those things, you encourage them not to be featured and thus encourage inequality in our society. It’s perfectly fine to hate and think pieces of media that happen to feature or revolve around progressive elements have been poorly written, but when you do criticise them, criticise the writing and the handling of those elements, not the inclusion of the elements themselves, otherwise you (inadvertently as it may be) breed inequality in our society - something none of us want. :)
  19. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Just prior to the release of Captain Marvel, came Alita Battle Angel a great movie with a strong female superhero as the lead. While Disney were pumping up the social justice credentials of Captain Marvel, their numerous subsidiaries leaned on critics and movie journalists to try to bury Alita because Alita didn't fit their narrative. Captain Marvel was a symbol of great social justice and somehow Alita was somehow not despite having a Latina star in the movie and Latino as teh primary director.

    Alita didn't constantly say she was a strong woman. She showed that with her actions. She wasn't a Mary Sue either who never failed. She got knocked down a lot, both figuratively and literally, but that makes her character more compelling. She always got back up. Alita Battle Angel was a coming of age movie. She is "born" (in a fashion), learns, suffers, grows, adapts, takes on challenges, and becomes an adult over the course of the movie.

    Before Captain Marvel, females never led a an action movie before. Except for Supergirl, Elektra, Catwoman, the Hunger Games series, Aliens, Tomb Raider series, Kill Bill 1 and 2, The Bloodrayne series, the Underworld series, Aliens, Divergent, Wonder Woman, Charlies Angels, Atomic Blonde, Sarah Conner in the Terminator movies. I'm sure I'm missing a view. To paraphrase a Youtube video I cannot find again. "Apart from those 42 movies, there has never been a strong female leading an action."

    Not all of these movies were good but there are plenty of really awful action movies movies with male leads.

    In a way a trailer is like a car commercial. If a car commercial doesn't mention the gas mileage, it's probably not very fuel efficient. If a car commercial doesn't mention high special features it probably doesn't have any.

    If a trailer doesn't show witty banter, the show or movie probably doesn't have much. If a trailer doesn't show good action scenes, the show or movie doesn't have much. The Batwoman trailer only had two things to showcase. Women's empowerment and a potentially interesting villain.

    I don't have a problem with women's empowerment, I'm all for it. But when I see a movie or tv show I want a good story first and good politics second.

    It's the hamfisted part that bothers me. I don't have a problem with strong female characters as long as they have a compelling story arc. Moulan, Alita Battle Angel, Pacific Rim, and many others manage to create compelling female action characters.

    I've never heard anyone use a bad movie as an excuse to marginalize a minority group. There is a difference between adding a character who represents an underrepresented demographic and replacing an existing character with one of these.

    In the new 52 animated movie Batman Bad Blood, Batwoman is introduce as a new addition to the Bat Family, not a replacement for Batman. Young Justice is actually quite progressive in their casting. Robin, Kid Flash, and Superboy are white males, but nearly all of their new characters represent some underrepresented group. Batwoman is a new character introduced in season 3 but she hasn't done much yet. Batman and his new group of Outsiders are supporting characters in this series. Supporting characters who like to remain under the radar.

    I will say that Batman Bad Blood is, while still good, it sits in the lower tier of the new 52 movies. Not for social justice reasons but because the movie's cast is too large. Batwoman is one of many new characters introduced and it's kind of difficult to give all the new characters the screen time they need. I prefer DC movies that focus on a much smaller cast.

    It just gets back to writing is the most important thing. Some critics are saying the Game of Thrones final season was weak because they abandoned social justice principles that they set up in earlier seasons. Media doesn't fail because of social justice or a lack thereof, bad writing is bad writing.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    In this case, I most certainly can use the likes-to-dislikes ratio as evidence that the Batwoman trailer is an SJW dumpster fire. The reason being is that a quick scroll through the comment section perfectly describes why people dislike it. 95-99% of the comments support my argument.

    We're each entitled to our view of the matter, but time and time again I've seen that my analysis and instinct for this kind of thing is backed up by evidence. On the other hand, I've never seen you accurately identify woke propaganda in film/TV. We've had this conversation many times, but you're either unwilling or unable to see it. I'm not trying to change your mind, if it doesn't bother you, then by all means enjoy and support it. However, facts are facts.

    Interestingly, I tested the trailer out on my wife. Under the guise of "this looks like a cool trailer, maybe it could be a show we can watch together" (since Game of Thrones is now over), I got her to watch it. She spotted the SJW woke garbage immediately and made note of the exact same points as I had. And that is a WOMAN's opinion! (of course it is a bit biased, as I very carefully selected an awesome wife!). Of course this is only a fun anecdotal aside, but the comments section of the video provides you with concrete evidence [check it out for yourself, but be warned, it will likely be disabled soon].

    If you want further proof, I've got a fun little exercise for you. In YouTube, search the following:
    • Alita Battle Angel Woke
    • Batwoman Woke
    Both contain strong female leads, but you'll see the exact opposite reaction in response to them. Batwoman is called out for being woke trash, but Alita is championed (in fact it is the SJWs that attack Alita). So the issue isn't the female lead, but instead an obvious leftist SJW agenda.

    If after all this you still can't see it, then I'm sorry you never will. I'm not saying that you have to hate it, but at least acknowledge its existence... or don't, up to you.

    You'll have to explain your point here. I'm not sure what constitutes as SJW propaganda in the Original Trilogy.

    Also, it is more than one or two lines (in a short trailer).

    Nor does it have to be gender equal. Not everything has to be gender equal. Romantic comedies (rom-coms) are primarily targeted at females... and for good reason. You have to know your target audience. As a random example, it's better to focus on selling muscle cars to men and lipstick to women than vice versa. That doesn't mean that women can't like muscle cars, but you have to maintain a clear vision on who your target audience is. The target audience for comic book material is men/boys, while the target audience for rom-coms is women/girls. It doesn't mean that you can't include elements into either of those genres to attract people outside of the target audience, but deviate too far away from it at your own peril.

    Plus, many men like well written female characters in comic book movies. People have been crying out for a Black Widow movie for years. They just don't like SJW woke infused female leads. If you want a good female lead, write her as such. Focus on story...let her face adversity, let her fail, let her show her worth and let her overcome those hurdles and people will like it (men and women). But if your primary story focus is on "I'M A WOMAN!", then enjoy the backlash.

    So why aren't women supporting it then? Why are wokefests like Ghostbusters 2016, Doctor Who and Batwoman being rated so poorly? Why aren't women up-voting these videos? Why does Batwoman have a 4-to-1 dislike to like ratio? Women typically make up the voting majority, so why aren't they supporting your viewpoint?

    Probably because most normal [by which in mean non-sjw] females don't like this junk either. That's why my wife thought it was a dumpster fire too!

    Just curious, by "equivalent", do you mean 50/50 or based on percentage of the population?

    It does show the problem, namely that they can't keep their identity politics out of entertainment!

    The comic book industry has not shown this at all; it is literally dying!! SJW progressive comics produce terrible sales figures. The new Carol Danvers Captain Marvel comic has been started up and cancelled over half a dozen times in the last few years.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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