There is an errata for BwV in the Skaven list on the community site. It clarifies that the BwV follows a model when the model isn't removed from having been slain. GW has said that is applies across the board and not just to the skaven.
Exactly, So if they take an extreme just take the other end. Then meet in the middle where you're right to begin with and happy
@LizardWizard Skaven Designer's Commentary talks about BwV in combination with a "Skitterleap" ability. No idea what that does, and no mention of that interaction being some kind of default. No mention of BwV in the Skaven errata. Did you mean something else?
skiter leap is a teleport you remove both the wizard and the BW and move it. later GW confirmed that it aplise to all model removal
Nope that is the one. GW has said that BwV moves with the caster and that it doesn't only apply to Skitterleap. I will try to find the follow up post where it was clarified.
I can't see anything regarding objective control here. Maybe I'm blind or something Page 11, Gaming Book. Terrain.
There is currently nothing that would stop a garrisoned unit from controlling an objectives. However, If GW lets us place our terrain within 3" of objectives, like other factions, then we might should expect an errat specific to the Realmshaper Engine if it doesn't already have a rule on its warscroll. That being said. I hope it can be placed within 3" and that they don't make any errata regarding the garrisoned units holding objectives.
I don't feel bad about shooting Slyvaneth Trees. I will feel a little bad about shooting Herdstones and killing the Ungors who were gonna be scarified. BoC have a hard enough time as it is.