AoS Killer Angel's BatReps

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Killer Angel, Sep 7, 2018.

  1. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    At the end of the BatRep i wll do an analysis of my list, and i won't be soft, so stay with me...


    SERAPHON's turn

    Hero phase
    Not so much to do, after selecting the Sage's staff, i start with celestial equilibrium, double 1 but tnx to Grubs i reroll positively. Stellar tempest + arcane bolt kills 3 boys, Kroak's comet rolls a 10, but on a d6 units i roll 1, so i kill just one Brute on my left.
    double 1 on hand of glory, then i also cast geminids, placing them in the mausoleum: they could came handy at the beginning of the second round.
    Pretty unimpressive, but there was nothing more i could do.
    Move: i shift my screen units, anchoring the two 5-knights to the central mausoleum: it's a very solid defensive line, that will be able to block the charges in the following turn.
    The problem could be the second round: with a double ironjawz turn i would have exposed the rear units (salamanders on the left and carnosaur on the right)


    IRONJAWZ turn

    Hero phase, spell countered
    Move, all the army moves forward (while accumulating waagh points).
    Charges: 1st boars on the left made it, 2nd boars on the left fail; on the right, tnx to the mausoleum and his huge base, Goddrakk needs a 8 (even with a +1), he rolls a 4 (2+2), and doesn't even bother to use the CP to reroll in hope of a 6.
    Just one knight dies.
    Excellent… at this point, a double turn by ironjawz should be manageable, but there's always the Waaagh that could give them a huge buff.

    Last edited: Jun 14, 2020
    Nart likes this.
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    The central objective lands on my left (in the picture is hidden by the wall)

    i win the roll!

    i move the bounded geminids, and Goddrak suffers 3 MW, plus a -1 to his number of Attacks

    SERAPHON's turn

    Hero phase
    I select again the Sage's staff, starting with a successful celestial equilibrium,
    Goddrakk is in range of celestial deliverance for less than 1", but it's enough for me: it's the only target along with the unit of boars on my left, but i need so soften the beast. (in the picture I've traced the range of CD)
    triple successful casting (not that hard, with the massive bonuses): double 1 on 3 rolls against the boars, but i hit goddrakk every time: 3d3... 9 damages!
    I cast on a 10+ the comet, but again it's just 1 unit: Goddrakk, of course… and again, 3 full damages!
    i try arcane bolt, another wound. He's barely alive, But I've only one spell from the slann.
    The starpriest dispels the geminids, the Slann casts them again: d3 MW, and GODDRAKK IS DEAD (in the picture he's stil there, just flipped upside down).

    this single hero phase will probably be game changing, but I'm not done yet…


    From left to right:
    the 2 knights in melee disangages, and go to take the landed objective.
    the 10 knights charges the 2 survived boars (slaying them)
    the left sallies move and blast the other boars unit (bad move… being damaged, they gain a free move, and they will use it to negate me the points for the obj)
    The right sallies move and blast the boys. 3 survive
    the scarvet is buffed by the slann, flies over the line of knights and charges the survived boys, slaying them all.


    it's just the second round, but i feel the game is already in my hands, with the loss of goddrakk, ironjawz won't even be able to reach full waaagh potential.

    IRONJAWZ turn

    Hero phase, spell countered
    the unit of boars near my 2 knight kills 'em off, taking the obj.
    the 3rd unit of boars and the right unit of ardboys move in the hope of a double turn, to charge together the Carnosaur.
    the central unit of arboys charges the sallies, but are almost wiped away by the sallies in cc


    VP: 2-0 for Ironjawz.
    But I'm not worried


    The objective on my side lands exactly where my casters are
    The objective on ironjawz side lands near the pyramid (right side)

    i win the roll.

    SERAPHON's turn

    With magic i reduce the left boars, then my 10 knight will charge and obliterate them
    the central sallies burn away the last arboys locked in cc with 'em
    on my right, the screen-knights march, blocking the corridor between two forests (not that i needed it) thus protecting the sallies that move and shoot the right ardboys (kill a couple)
    the ScarVet on Carno charges and kills the 2 heroes (shaman and warchanter) near the pyramid.


    third round, i control 3 objectives.

    VPs: 9-2 for Seraphon

    i've lost a unit of 5 knights, my opponent got one hero, 3 boars and a depleted unit of ardboys, so he concedes the game



    I should be satisfied and happy with my list, right?
    well, sort of.

    positive notes:
    1) the trick with the placement of arcane ruins / RE works perfectly.
    2) I've managed to obtain a crushing victory, with a devastating strike from my magical department… almost 1000 pts were spent on it, and its impact was truly impressive. SO yeah, the lists did what it was designed for.
    3) I've exploited the scenery pieces, always granting me a solid defensive line of disposable screens, being ready to counterattack with my heavy calibers. Always use the table at your advantage, guys.
    4) The new buffed units (ScarVet and Knights) are devastating.
    5) Geminids are costly but great, and bound version of endless spells is an invaluable advantage. it's just brutal.
    6) the salamanders underperformed in the shooting phase. Imagine the devastation it they were more on average.

    negative notes:
    yeah, i won, but let's be honest: in this game everything went in my favor.
    1) the scenario? excellent, objectives that come late in the battle and let me play my game without being forced to recover points lost in the beginning. And also luck in the falling of said obj.
    2) my magical core? exceptionally strong, but also exceptionally slow, forced to work in a single block and (in the end) my threat range is kinda limited, as it works mostly within 16" of Kroak. And if i move from the ruins the chances of spell failure increase. SO, it's strong but it's truly limited.
    3) My opponent placed his pieces in a poorly way. I am forced to cast in the hero phase with no LoSaT shenanigans, so my range can be easily countered. If Goddrakk was placed just 1" away, it would have survived my cannonade.
    4) i was unlucky only in the spells vs the boars, but goddrakk… well, you are not always going to deal 15 damages on 5d3 dices vs the main danger. So this was the max potential of my damage, i cannot look at it and think it will be always the same, i can only do worse than this.
    5) speaking about luck. I rolled twice 10+ on casting the Comet, so d6 units… and i rolled twice a 1. Normally I'd say i was unlucky, but I'm not sure i was here. Ironjawz move for free units that have been damaged in every phase, so by targeting just 1 of them, i managed to negate them the extra move that would have brought their meleer near my lines.
    6) If you are drowning in command points but you are not able to use them, it's not good. I've got two main hitting units: the 10 knights and the ScarVet on Carno. The ScarVet can buff the knights only if they are nearby… and if i keep them near each other, i will hit hard on a single portion of the battlefield, leaving unguarded the rest of the board. If i divide them (as i did in this battle), i'm going to lose some useful buffs. In this case they weren't needed, but it's something to be aware of.
    7) My bodies on the battlefield are not that many: In the game i've got the bases barely covered, and i was against an army with low models count, with a good battlefield and a favorable mission. This list would suffer against many armies.

    so yeah, in the end i thing the list was fun and the game was a blast, but despite all of this, i think this list is not strong enought to be fielded in a competitive enviroment.

    Now, i'm ready for your thoughts / feedbacks :)
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    After the new GHB2020, the friend of mine who lost to me with his orcs, wanted a Revenge, so he challenged me again with a very similar list. Sigh… sorry guys.


    Seraphon Vs Ironjawz
    (2000 pts)




    If someone controls both the obj, wins the game. This is going to be brutal, and i doubt secondary objectives will be significant...


    I won the roll, so i let my opponent place all the objectives.
    My friend was a little intimidated by my list, so he didn't put too much attention, and then, when it was the time to place the RSE, there was only one place eligible, which was in one of the deployment areas.
    So, i picked the side with the RSE, ready to garrison it. YEAH!


    We did not bother about it

    Army Lists


    -Coalesced +1 attack jaws, scaly skin

    Lord Kroak
    (celestial apotheosis)
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (140)
    Skink priest (70)
    Skink priest (70)
    - Artefact: cloak +4 move, fly, -1 to be hit

    Dread Saurian

    5 x Saurus Knights (100)
    - Lances
    5 x Saurus Knights (100)
    - Lances
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - javelin, shields
    5 x Saurus Guards (100)

    3 x Salamanders (330)
    2 x Salamanders (220)

    Bound endless Spells:

    Lifeswarm (60) 1990


    Iron Sunz

    2 x warchanter
    Shaman made with the rules for custom heroes, IIRC casts with a +2
    Megaboss on MawKrusha (artefact, reduce rend by 1)

    the rest:
    10 Ardboys
    2 x 5 brutes (elite troops with 2 dam weapons)
    3 x 3 goregruntas (elite on big boars)


    I'm satisfied.
    In the magic game i am stronger than him, scaly skin works and i don't see anything that could pose a big threat to my DS
    in the first turn, i will suffer a -1 to hit opponent's units. not a nice thing, but hey.


    from left to right, my opponent places the Ardboys with the warchanter and the shaman (these near the obj); mawkrusha ad the centre, with 5 brutes; then all the 3 units of the goregruntas on my left, along with a unit of brutes and the second warchanter.

    I field my units already knowing that almost certainly i will be forced to go first (more drops).
    left wing: 2 sallies with priest, screened by 5 knight
    left center: Dread Saurian, screened by skinks
    center: Kroak in the RSE, screened by guards and Astrolith
    right: 3 sallies with priest, screened by 5 knights


    As predicted, my opponent decides to let me go first, which was kinda obvious: I'm out of range, there's no objective to take and he will have the potential to double turn.

    Let's go!
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
    Lizerd, Imrahil and LizardWizard like this.
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    SERAPHON's turn

    Hero phase
    The RSE fails to damage the Mawkrusha, but deals some MWS to the brutes (killing 1) and 1 gruntas.
    the left priest fails to buff the 2 sallies, but the priest on the right succeeds, so i use a CP to give them a +1 to hit.
    I select the Sage's staff (and won't change it for the rest of the game), i cast lifeswarm, Kroak's comet (just 1 unit, the already damaged gruntas) and mystic shield on the skinks (yes).

    Move: i shift forward all my screen units, creating an advanced line: it's an aggressive approach with some risk (my objective is basically unguarded), the right knights march, to keep the pace of the running sallies, that run 6" with a cp, so they arrive in range to shoot the wounded gruntas.
    Kroak leaves the RSE and the right priest steps in.


    shooting: the buffed sallies negate the malus to hit the ironsunz in the first turn, and I'm able to deal the needed wounds to delete the unit!


    IRONJAWZ turn

    Hero phase, enemy's spell countered (no teleport, sorry)
    Move, all the army moves forward and charges with basically everything! this turn promises to be a bloodbath… but I've placed very carefully my astrolith bearer, and he's able to give FNP to a lot of units


    Combat, with many of my units not charged but dragged into combat by my placement!
    we chomp, maim and kill each other, and when the dust settles, after battleshock, we still have many unit locked in close combat.
    From left to right:
    Ardboys w knights. 1 boy killed, 1 knight wounded
    Dread Saurian w Brutes; 2 brutes still alive, as they saved my 6-wounds chomp
    1 skink w Mawkrusha! scaly skin, mystic shield and FNP were crucial.
    1 sallies w gruntas (1 gruntas killed)

    the right knights were killed, but at least they were able to kill 1 brute


    Of course, my line is crumbling, but it did its job. A double ironjawz turn could be very problematic:
    my main fear is on the right; my strong unit of 3 sallies could be killed, leaving an open field between the enemy and my objective, BUT the mawkrusha has been stopped, as it's locked in cc with a brave skink and won't be able to fly away and charge, so even a double turn could be manageable. But at that point i will have to fight defensively, using Lord Kroak's blasts and the DS.

    we just need to roll for the turn...
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
    Nart, Lizerd, Imrahil and 1 other person like this.
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    i roll a 2.
    My opponent rolls a 2 too! Sooooo good.

    i move the bounded lifeswarm, healing a knight

    SERAPHON's turn

    Hero phase
    My plan is pretty simple: blast with kroak as if there was no Tomorrow, my primary targets are: the brutes in CC with my DS (to unlock it from that cc) and the Mawkrusha (which is now stronger, having killed one model in the previous turn).
    Other damages to the rest of the units that are pressing me will be welcome.
    The left sallies then will blast the ardboys and the right ones will blast the gruntas in melee with them. (note: both the sallies have been successfully buffed with ability and command ability by their skink priest)
    at that point, my DS will be free and will charge the wounded mawkrusha. GG.

    RSE on the wood: i fail to damage the "DS brutes", only 1 damage on the mawkrusha.
    1st celestial deliverance: a roll a 1 on "DS Brutes", which are unaffected. Only 1 dam to Mawcrusha, minor damages to other units.
    2nd celestial deliverance: another 1 on "DS Brutes". 1 dam to Mawcrusha, minor damages to other units.
    3rd celestial deliverance: third 1 on "DS Brutes"! 1 dam to Mawcrusha (again).
    I cast comet. 6 units affected, i roll a 1. The 2 brutes still got 4 wounds so they cannot be killed; i pick the mawcrusha. 2 damages, for a grand (?) total of 6.

    I need a change of plans, if i want to send my DS against the winged monster.
    I retreat with the lone skink. The poor guy could be useful near my obj.
    i fall back with Kroak, the Astrolith and the Guards.
    the right sallies will blast their gruntas, while the left ones will blast the brutes in melee with the Dread Saurian, to free my King of the Jungle!


    The right sallies wipe away the boars.
    the left sallies deliver 8 Attacks hitting on 2. i roll four 1s.
    the 4 hits, wound on a 3+. i roll 1, 1, 2, 2.
    not a single wound to those brutes, my DS is locked in CC with them and the mawcrusha is totally free, with just a few scratches.

    I decide to charge the ardboys with the left sallies (also piling in with the knights). Ardboys will be killed, opening the road.
    But i need to deal with the Megaboss on mawkrusha… i charge with the sallies!

    some punch, taking the beast down to 7 wounds; tnx to my 3+ save and the FNP, only 5 handlers die (command point for battleshock).
    In the meantime, the DS just pulverizes the 2 brutes.


    IRONJAWZ turn

    Hero phase, spell countered
    the Maw krusha disengages from the sallies and places itself ready to charge, along with the last gruntas, hoping in a double turn, to crush the guards and jump on my obj. the last brutes are sent to deal with the sallies, buying some time.



    i roll a 1, my opponent a 6. Double turn for ironjawz.

    IRONJAWZ's turn

    my priest in the RSE is reduced to 1 wound, the lone skink (who was able to close the passage for 1 of the gruntas) is killed, 3 guards are killed.
    but i am still there with Kroak, the astrolith (that FNP is simply wonderful), 2 guards and the priest.


    SERAPHON's turn

    i just need the hero phase. this is the battlefield at the end of it:


    My opponent concedes



    1) even with the points increase, sallies are still strong, BUT they can roll horribly. Speaking of this…

    2) the Emerald lifeswarm is (at least with this list) useless. you can summon it, but you are not going to use it in turn 1... so it's 60 pts that are going to work for a limited amount of rounds. In this battle, I've just healed 1 wound on a knight. Now, a burning head to reroll 1s, for just 40 pts, would be much more useful.
    And all in all, the lifeswarm is not worth its points, especially if you take it to support a DS: if the enemy cannot kill it, the swarm is useless. if the enemy can kill a 35 w monster, than a d3/round is not going to save it.
    So, i believe that (on average) Emerald lifeswarm is the wrong endless spell to be picked, if you are fielding a dread Saurian.

    3) the Dread saurian. It's fun, and the opponent is scared by it. In this game it wasn't able to repay its points, but it remains a solid choice.

    4) Kroak is kroak. CPs factory, MWs warmachine if the enemy comes too near… it's becoming really hard to even think to leave him home.

    5) the Astrolith Bearer is just a vital unit. a FNP 6+ may seems not that great, but it's extremely useful.

    thoughts / feedbacks? :)
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
  6. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Very nice Battle report! Congratulations on the win
    Awful dice rolls on the sallies :confused:

    I have a question about turn two of the Ironjawz: You had charged the Mawcrusher with your sallies, but he manage to move over to the other side. Wasn't he in close combat with your sallies?
    And if he was able to move, why wait(and hope for priority) for the next turn to charge?

    I like your Post-Game analysis :)

    Grrr, Imrahil
    LizardWizard and Lizerd like this.
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    it was probably due to Gork (or Mork?) which protected those brutes, because also the triple 1 on celestial deliverance was pretty below any average roll… :p

    in the hero phase, it can have a free move (in the first turn, it charged my front line because even with a double move, wasn't able to fly over all my units)

    because even if it's "free", it's still subject to the restriction that cannot charge if moved out of combat.
    In this specific situation this ability wasn't that great, but when the megaboss is not locked in combat, basically can move twice.

    Thanks! the analysis also help me focus on the weak points of the lists, so i can fix them.

    the next time i will probably test a thunder-lizard thunderquake, with double basti, 6 kroxigors and skink chief on stegadon… i just hope i will face a different army! :p
  8. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Other then the obvious "Needs more carnosaurs" I would say that the list is solid. The points drop for the dread saurian has made it.. somewhat viable? Even if it has shoddy to hit rolls, the sheer damage of it and the massive amount of wounds you can get at a solid durability is somewhat ludicrous.

    My thoughts on salamanders: honestly 110 points seems like an overkill, but they still have some uses. This might also make razordons a little more favorable when comparing to salamanders. As for kroak, kroak did what kroak does best: everything except melee combat. I feel like he will be a staple until GHB 2021 if they nerf him at all.

    Finally my thoughts on lifeswarm, its a fun idea but if you cant get immediate use out of it its not worth it. Only going to be worth it for large monsters as most monsters (From stegs, Carnos, terrorgheists, maw krushas) usually get smashed in a single round of combat meaning life swarm has not much use for them. Honestly just take gemnids, only 10 points more and offers far more utility
  9. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    With the Errata to the points cost of the DS (from 420 to 510), the above list is now illegal.

    it could be fixed in this way, but honestly i don't know if it's still worth it.

    Lord Kroak
    (celestial apotheosis)
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (140)
    Skink priest (70)
    Skink priest (70)
    - Artefact: cloak +4 move, fly, -1 to be hit

    Dread Saurian

    5 x Saurus Knights (100)
    - Lances
    5 x Saurus Knights (100)
    - Lances
    5 x Saurus Guards (100)

    3 x Salamanders (330)
    2 x Salamanders (220)

    Bound endless Spells:

    Burning head (40) 2000
    LizardWizard and Lizerd like this.
  10. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    the fact that the dread saurian is now 420 is confirmation that its a total meme.

    so use it :D
    LizardWizard likes this.
  11. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    and back to 510
    Lizerd and LizardWizard like this.
  12. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Tk'ya'pyk and ILKAIN like this.
  13. Vexcor

    Vexcor Well-Known Member

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    Stupid GW!!!!!!!!!!
    Sure, emergency call to change the points on the Dread, but noooooooooooo , not the realmshaper engine.....
    What is wrong with GW? Sometimes i get so mad with them.....
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2020
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  14. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    As much as i share the sentiment, i took the liberty to edit your post with a less strong statement about their intelligence and morality... ;):D
    Imrahil likes this.
  15. Vexcor

    Vexcor Well-Known Member

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    you are absolutly right, thx :D
  16. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    darn now I wish I had seen that before hand... sometimes its nice to see someone that speaks as bluntly as myself lol
  17. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    time for...

    AoS 3.0
  18. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Very first battle with the new system (and guys, it will really require some time to get into it, as there are so many things that need to be tracked).
    This round, i will play a new army for me. FIRST TIME EVER!

    Seraphon Vs Ossiarch Bonereapers
    (2000 pts)


    the first of the book. Pretty straightforward, 4 obj placed at the outer limit of the deployment zones. From 3rd turn, who controls the opponent's objectives win.
    Otherwise, you need to look at the number of battle tactics achieved


    Being the first game with 3.0, we kept it simple. many hills, 3 forests and just one big central piece. Plus our two faction terrains

    Army Lists


    -Coalesced +1 attack jaws, scaly skin
    - Thunder Lizard

    (Stellar Tempest, Levitate)
    Stegadon Chief (305), with flamer
    - Artefact: Incandescent Rectrices
    Skink priest (80)
    - Artefact: Fusil of conflagration
    Skink starpriest (130)

    Bastiladon w solar engine

    5 x Saurus Knights (110)
    - Lances
    5 x Saurus Knights (110)
    - Lances
    10 x Saurus Knights (220)
    - Lances

    6 x Kroxigors (300)
    2 x Salamanders (240)



    Mortis Praetorians

    Mortisan Soulmason (with an abject that buffs Deathriders)

    10 Kavalos Deathriders
    5 Kavalos Deathriders
    30 Mortek Guard

    1 Mortek Crawler

    2000 points

    Never played them, but i know they are hard as iron, good stats, impressively resilient, and can do some good damage. And the catapult is highly dangerous


    from left to right, my opponent places 5 Deathriders, 30 Mortek guards (upon one of the obj), then Katakros, the Mortek crawler, Kavalos (on the second obj), 10 deathriders with the Soulmason

    Left to right, i deploy in this way
    5 knights
    10 knights (on one obj) with the starpriest
    the Stegadon Chief (I've used a model of a EOtG, because my "real" stegadon have a square base and i wanted to use the proper sized base for it)
    Bastiladon and Slann
    then the block Priest - Kroxigors - Sallies
    lastly, half covered by the realmshaper engine, the last unit of 5 knight, on the other obj.


    Follow my reasoning in the placement:
    ON the left, I'm facing one fast unit and a slow, resilient one. They can be buffed only by Katakros
    on the right there are 2 heroes and the fast, heavy hitter unit of 10 Deathriders.
    I wanna to push on my left flank, so i put there 10 knights with starpriest and the stegadon chief (which in the first turn is in range of also the priest)
    The bastiladon in the middle will offer shooting support
    on the right i use a sacrificial unit of 5 knights that will hold the obj.
    The plan is to force the fast 10 deathriders to go on the right, to wipe the knights and take the obj; they will be dealt by the block kroxi-sallies-priest
    IN the meantime, i want to wipe the left.

    IN the roll-off for the first turn, i win the roll.
    Of course, i am tempted to seize the turn. My oppo has no active buffs and i could put some hurt, especially on the catapult, which i fear the most, as it's able to kill my heroes and decapitate my strategy.
    However, i would like to have my targets a little more near, and the chance to have later a double turn is appealing.
    The big question marks are: how much i will be hurt by leaving the initiative?
    Will i be forced to play defensively?

    On the plus side, it's the first time also for my opponent to face my seraphons, so I decide to take the risk, and i let the undead take the first turn

    LET'S GO!
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2021
  19. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    OSSIARCH's turn

    We collect the Command Points: i would have 3+1 (tnxs to Slann), but one is negated by katakros.
    OB start with 11(!) command point. Yeah, they just like farm them

    Battle Tactic: my Oppo feels confident and select Broken Ranks, thinking he can delete my 10 saurus knights.

    Hero phase
    (i select the Hunter's steed).
    3 spells and I negate all of them.
    Some command abilities, including buffs on the catapult.
    Between kataphros and the OB terrain, the bastiladon suffers 1 MW and a -1 to hit

    Move: Basically everything moves / run forward

    Shooting: the buffed catapult, that hits on 2+, tries to delete my knights. 3 shots pass my save, but scaly skin reduce the 5 damage of each one into 4... so 6 saurus fall.
    I roll a 2 for the bravery, so the 4 remaining stand and the OB fail to acquire their battle tactics for this round, gaining only 2 Victory Points for the obj they control.

    Turn 1_1 OB.jpg

    I weathered the storm, luckily my opponent went for the wrong target.
    The loss of my "main" cavalry unit is a inconvenience, but i can live with it.

    SERAPHON turn

    I have active the hunter's steed: now i need that +1 to move and charge.

    Battle Tactic: I too pick Broken Ranks, pointing at the Mortek Guards. Big risk, i need everything to go as planned.

    Hero phase
    Let's start to take some further risks:
    their finest hour on the Stegadon chief
    the risk pays off as the Priest manage to make the Stegadon chief able to run, shoot and charge.
    THen the skink priest uses also his own CA to give +1 to hit tho the steggy.
    Serpents' staff on the stegadon
    Hand of Glory and Levitate on my Steggy
    Comet's call: i roll a 10, +1 from the slann it's d6 units... i roll a 6 and i damage everyone exept for Katakros.
    Lastly, i place Mystic shield on my kroxigors.

    i reposition the left knights: the 4 survivors act as screen to the unit of 5 + skink starpriest.
    My stegadon Chief goes full run with a CP (At the Double!) and goes very near the 28 Mortek Guards
    the Bastiladon moves toward the centre
    i reposition the block kroxi-priest-sallies
    i move the knights on the right into the wood, to lure there the undead cavalry (you cannot see them in the first pic)

    CA on the Bastiladon to double shoot the catapult: just 3 wounds after a triple 6 on its feel no pain.
    the fun part: 24 Mortek guards are in range of the flamer of my stegadon, so it's 48 shots, for a under-average 9 MWs, 2 of them saved by the feel no pain: my stegadon faces now 21 guards

    Turn 1_2a Ser.jpg

    Charge + combat:
    the stegadon chief impacts on the guards, using Roar to prevent them to be buffed by defensive command abilities.
    Then i use my last CA to give +1 to my number of attacks.
    I deliver 21 attacks at 2+(rerolling 1)/2+ (MW on 6s). a terrifying display of power... the fact that i "overkill" the unit only by 4 wounds, tells a lot about the resilience of these guys.

    But my objective has been achieved!
    the whole unit of mortek guards has been wiped away, i conquer the obj and complete fully my battle tactics.

    Turn 1_2b Ser.jpg

    Victory Points:
    5-2 for Seraphon.

    to be continued...
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2021
  20. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    We roll and it's OB turn

    OSSIARCH's turn

    We collect the Command Points: i have 3+1 (double points from the Slann, but one is negated by katakros).
    OB start with 9 command point.

    Battle Tactic: my Opponent goes for Conquer, planning to take the objective on my right.
    Which was kinda the point where i was "luring" the 10 knights.

    Hero phase
    (i select the Sage's staff).
    3 spells and I negate 2 of them. The catapult (which has been healed) can reroll 1s
    Some command abilities that i don't recall, including buffs on the catapult.
    again nerf on to hit of my bastiladon

    Move: Basically everything moves forward, especially the two units of Deathriders that push on my flanks, ready to strike
    The hero afoot that should buff the large deathriders unit is left behind (bad choice of character)

    Shooting: the buffed catapult goes for my slann, and i burn a CP for all out defense. 3 successful shots.... 2 fails would mean death, but i fail only 1

    then the charges.
    the deathriders on the left obliterate my 4 sauri screen (they were doomed to do that)
    the deathriders on the right obliterate the 5 knights in the wood, taking the obj (that was the plan, right?)
    Kavalos Liege charge my kroxigors
    Katakros charges the kroxigors too, but fails twice, after a CP to reroll

    In the following combat, i roll very badly but "only" 2 kroxigors are killed, and the hero is reduced to 2 wounds

    Turn 2_1 OB.jpg

    (NOTE: after the killing of my knights, i told my opponent he could consolidate 3". I mixed the rule of 40k... of course there's no such thing in AoS)

    I knew it was going this way, I even planned it somehow, but it's still not pleasant. My kroxigors are locked in combat, and i have two threats on both flanks.

    SERAPHON turn

    Battle Tactic: it seems i will not be able to complete any of them. It cannot be... i look better and the only available one (while still doing my thing) is Ferocious advance. I will ferociously advance in a defensive position... Slann, Priest and Starpriest.

    Hero phase
    The Slann heals himself with heroic recovery.
    The plan is to get rid of the hero that is fighting my kroxigors, so i can throw them against the right deathriders, supported by the sallies.
    Comet's call: i roll a 9, +2 from the slann it's d6 units... i roll a 1, i select the Kavalos Liege and do 1 damage. It's still there.
    I will not be able to bolt him, so i cast Mystic shield again and Stellar Tempest on the right Deathriders, killing one
    Hand of Glory and serpent's staff on my left knights, to deal with those deathriders.

    The priest buffs the salamander with his ability and the Bastiladon with his CA to negate the malus

    the sallies and the bastiladon moves to shoot the right deathriders; i also plan to deal that last wound to the Kavalos Liege with the 2nd round of Basti shooting
    If i will have to charge the right Deathriders and i would fight first in that combat, i cannot trust that my 5 knights can survive the left Deathriders before delivering their wounds, so i send in as overkill also the Stegadon
    My heroes converge to achieve the battle tactic

    CA on the Bastiladon to shoot the hero (which survives with 0 dam, so that part of the plan has failed) and the deathriders, plus all the sallies.
    I manage to kill 2 riders and one on 1 wound, still 7 to deal with.
    the stegadon chief kills 2 left deathriders with shooting alone.

    Turn 2_2a Ser.jpg

    Charge + combat:
    I need to damage those right riders, so i charge with the sallies, buffing the with all out defense
    I still roll poorly, and kill just the wonded and another one of them; in the retaliation 1 sally and 3 handlers are gone
    the left riders have been wiped.
    The Lord manage to kill one krixi, but i finish him and i consolidate toward Katakros (remember the previous turn? illegal move by 40k)

    Turn 2_2b Ser.jpg

    Victory Points:
    8-5 for Seraphon.

    to be continued...
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2021

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