8th Ed. What to buy next

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Fitzloq, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. Fitzloq

    Fitzloq Active Member

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    Hi all,

    New to the forums, but since my impulse control failed me last week and I bought the start of a Lizardmen army from eBay I thought I'd make a post here to engage with what looks like a really active and friendly community.

    Here's what I was fortunate enough to get for quite a low price:

    1x Slann Mage Priest
    1x Carnosaur/Troglodon (on sprue)
    1x Stegadon (part assembled mostly on sprue)
    8x Cold One Riders
    10x Chameleon Skinks
    2x Saurus Old Blood/Scar Veterans
    25x Skinks (mix of javelins and blowpipes)
    35x Saurus (mix of spears and hand weapons)

    The 8th edition army book was included as well which was quite the bonus. It's a mix of unpainted, primed and in dire need of stripping. The Slann is finecast and fortunately not even primed.

    Where should I go from here? I was thinking of getting one or two of the Start Collecting Skinks boxes to get both variants of Bastiladon, a couple of Skink Priests and some more Skinks to round out what I have already. I don't think the Start Collecting Seraphon offers as much any more as I'm not sure I need another 8 Cold One Riders. I guess I need more Saurus to get a big block of either spears or hand weapons - is one usually taken over the other? Temple Guard are likely high on the list as well.

    Any advice welcome, though I'm not exactly in a rush as I have a large High Elves project I'm still working on. :)
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I would say the next purchase should be Temple Guard personally.

    The combination of the Slann and them with all the rule additions, two banners for one unit, BSB, Wizard protection... It's just too good to pass up. Just think of those wizard spells that enhance only the wizards unit, but normally they can be nobbled fairly easily.
  3. Fitzloq

    Fitzloq Active Member

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    That is a good point! Couple of boxes should be plenty and gives me 30. Have to say compared to my High Elves I'm enjoying the fact that Lizardmen seem to be a low model count army. :)
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Depends what list you play.

    I got myself a whole s**tload of Skinks so that (if needed) I could do a Skink Skirmisher attack.

    But I've always been that guy who wants to be ABLE to field any army, but pretty much never does :)
  5. Fitzloq

    Fitzloq Active Member

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    Well, one of my local hobby stores had some second hand Lizardmen so - in my usual lack of impulse control - I bought:

    1x Stegadon (old fantasy packaging yay)
    1x Skink Priest
    10x Tichi-Huichi's Raiders!!!! :eek::D

    Might just use Tichi-Huichi as "counts as" saurus cav to get more use out of the models but glad to have them in my collection. They're awesome.

    I also snagged another deal on eBay for a mostly complete Lizardmen Batallion, the one with Saurus, Temple Guard, Cold One Riders (no mounts) and some Skinks. So lots of bits for conversions and repairing some damaged models, bulking numbers and adding the start of a Temple Guard block to the mix.
    Imrahil and Lizards of Renown like this.
  6. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Great you got a Regiment of Renown! I don't remember their rules, but I think they ended up being a bit mahrlect... :(
  7. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Great find, enjoy them.

    Grrr, Imrahil
  8. Fitzloq

    Fitzloq Active Member

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    Fortunately I have my old Dogs of War book from when I were a lad!

    Tichi-Huichi: M6, WS4, BS4, S4, T3, W2, I5, A3, Ld7
    Skinks: M6, WS2, BS3, S3, T2, W1, I4, A1, Ld6
    Cold Ones: M8, WS3, BS0, S4, T4, W1, I1, A2, Ld3

    Unit size: 6-20

    Equipment: Hand weapons, spears, scaly skin (6+) and shields.

    Cold Blooded. Cold Ones cause fear and are subject to stupidity. They give a +2 armor save compared to the usual +1 from cavalry.

    Blessed by the Old Ones: Cannot be pursued if they flee from combat.

    Tichi-Huichi and 5 riders including standard and musician is 250pts. Each additional rider is 22pts. They count as a special choice for Lizardmen.

    ...so yeah, not the best haha. :p Absolutely delightful models, though!
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  9. Fitzloq

    Fitzloq Active Member

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    So bit of an update as I've made a few more acquisitions. I think I'm close to everything I'll need for this project. Managed to snipe some eBay auctions for the following:
    • Bastiladon NIB (old WHFB packaging <3)
    • Lizardmen Battalion 7th Edition (mostly complete, only 5/10 Temple Guard but lots more Saurus and Skinks)
    • 20x Temple Guard (assembled but unpainted, have a total of 25 now with the Battalion)
    • New Lord Kroak (I couldn't help it, he's so pretty! He'll fit on a 50mm square with enough cork, right? ...right?)
    I think from here, my To Buy list is probably:
    • Tetto'eko (seriously he seems crazy good for his points, can't wait to play with him)
    • 3-6 Terradon Riders (are Ripperdactyls worth it or should I just build 6 Terradons?)
    • Kroxigor (probably going for some of the 3D printed options, GW models aren't very nice and expensive)
    • 2x Salamander Hunting Pack (probably same approach as Kroxigor - are Razordons worth it?)
    I might get another Bastiladon for an Ark of Sotek but we'll go with the Solar Engine to start as I'm fairly sure I'll use that more often. I think I also need some Old Blood/Scar Vets on Cold Ones from what I've been reading - I think these are called Cowboys? If I understand their purpose correctly it's similar to the Great Eagles or Ellyrian Reavers in my High Elf army, only they actually hit like a truck in combat and aren't just fodder to throw away. They're also good in units of Cold One cavalry.

    I'm trying not to do what I did with my High Elves and buy the entire range so I have every option, but the Lizardmen roster is quite small in comparison with lots of units playing double duty. The model count is also much smaller which is very appealing.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  10. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Great purchases! :D

    I agree with your buying list (Tetto is AWESOME) with a couple of exceptions:

    - Rippers are not worth it. They are too squishy with too low initiative to be a workable combat unit. Terradons can be worth it when used correctly (flanking, war machine hunting, charging fleeing troops, etc.)

    - Razordons aren't worth it (IMHO) just due to BS3 (take into account -1 for long range and an otherwise pretty short ranged attack). You'll have abetter chance with Salamanders (plus any wound causes panic)

    You're right on your definition of Cowboy and they are very useful. The COR not so much but can be good as protection for Cowboys.

    I would warn against second Bastiladon as I think you'll find the Ark of Sotek to be a bit of a waste.
  11. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I am that guy who bought pretty much everything... even if I knew I wouldn't use it... :(
    Christopher likes this.

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