Tutorial How to sculpt lizardmen: All your base...

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Rikard, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    Well a mate of mine also plays lizards and he's a huge fan of the comet, so he was having a rant about how it's always annoying using coins (especially as he needed the coin to go and get another packet of crisps).

    I had my green stuff there with me so started sculpting an appropriate marker, because gaming nights without crisps is like a lizardman list with no dinos, just a little disturbing... ;)
    Lizerd likes this.
  2. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    I'm not always the fastest, but I get there eventually.

    I did finish the comet marker, unfortunately I wasn't able to take a photo before giving it to a mate (and it did absolutely nothing in its first game, other than hit one model and then roll a 1 to wound...).

    Based on the feedback from the army list threads, I've started to do some conversion work like I promised. Figured I'd start with the biggest bug bear I have....the Bastilodon...

    This isn't going to be a bash fest however, I'd like to make that clear right now, I'm simply doing these conversions/sculpts to the models that I want to change, to make them look how I would like them to look.

    So the bastilodon:

    It was much nicer than I expected when I opened the box and started gluing bits together, but I'm not sold on the detail, especially the scaled parts. For my tastes I find it too flat and smooth, making it look a bit more like a kinder egg snap kit. I can see the idea that GW has tried to use, it vaguely resembles a glyptodon with the bands, but they're just a bit too bold for my liking. So I break out the putty and get started...

    I should point out now however, that I made a huge mistake with much of this by using procreate putty, the putty I have is old and so it wasn't until near the end that I realised I needed to use green stuff instead. Best place to start is at the head and work back. I have chosen to include these mistakes however as it's always good to show that things never go exactly as you want from start to finish.


    As you can see, the putty is very tough, blocky and not really holding detail, ALL of this will have to go/be changed.

    I now work on covering the main area I'm not sold on, the massive gaps between different gluing points, my personal preference here, it's neither natural or at all organic in nature to my eyes.


    I also begin working on the side plates, these will be added later.

    Finally, here you can see work beginning on the tail, not the greatest of shots but it's to help show ideas (although much of what I do I make up as I go along). I have also cut back a few plates here and there, especially around the tail end as the current version doesn't allow for a lot of movement.

    I will make sure some very detail photos follow soon.


    I'm looking at getting him finished first, then I have a massive task ahead of me...

    Scratch built Gor-rok....yes you heard me right, he'll be acting as a stand in scar vet and also Gor-rok if I use the character. I've already sorted out a pose, very similar to the current one but using the artwork from the grimgor Iron hide piece.

    It will also be my first complete miniature sculpt in super sculpey.

    Finally, if it helps, here's what else you can expect to be seeing from me in this thread....
    Terradons converted to ripperdactyls
    Scratch built razordon (at least one) (this could well be followed by at least one scratch build salamander)
    Converted Saurus cold one cavalry using dark elf cold ones.

    If all goes REALLY well, well then....I have a super special surprise in wait for you...
    Lizerd likes this.
  3. hardyworld

    hardyworld Active Member

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    Re: You advise me and I'll sculpt it

    I look forward to seeing it all, Rikard! Excellent post! Can't wait to see the Bastilodon painted.
  4. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    Thanks mate! :D

    What I'd really like to do with this thread is keep adding to it, show images of my set up, tools, methods, etc...something that I can keep adding to in order to help everyone else as I really do think sculpting is the best part of the hobby (it means you can have a completely unique piece, even with just a quick bit of conversion work).
    Lizerd likes this.
  5. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    Got some progress for you.

    First off, I had to back track considerably as I'm not a fan of pro-create, it just doesn't have the flexibility of GS when it comes to more organic shapes and isn't as pushed and pulled as easily.

    I had to re-do the bastilodon scales, I've almost finished, but need to finish the long shoulder spikes.

    I also have a small teaser for you, the armature for a Temple guard special character/scar vet or old blood proxy.

    Inbetween 7th and 8th edition, I did come up with a Lizardman fan made army book with spawnings, it even included upgrades you could buy for scar vets and old bloods (temple guard variant). Getting him to rank up.


    It meant you added +1 to WS, I and Armour save, gained stubborn but lost the option to take spawnings (although it did unlock access to TG only magic items).
    Lizerd, cwood92 and Scalenex like this.
  6. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    Re: You advise me and I'll sculpt it

    Hi rikkard, I'm really liking your basti, and I was considering converting my own as I don't really like the current model either! I'm still feeling my way about with green stuff, and I was wondering if you could share your method for those great looking spines, mine just seem to go blunt, or subtly curl at the edge and kinda spoil the finished thing!

    Thanks in advance, your threads are a constant sour e of inspiration
  7. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    I certainly would be happy to offer some advice. :)

    I still think it's not really about skill, it's all about your approach, I'm about to go and have a shower then a coffee, but when I get back I'll get something done for you.
    Lizerd likes this.
  8. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    Ok, got a quickish one fired up for you.

    I've included some of the tools I typically use.

    First thing is to obviously mix your green stuff and place it where you want it (on a tray for this tutorial purpose). Included is a flat tipped clay shaper, which will be used next.

    So the stage here is two fold with the flat clay shaper, the first is to push the material from the center out and down (but not right to the edge as it will make it go flat against the base, which is not what scales do, they are raised).

    Next I do the opposite by pulling with the clay shaper towards where I want the point (in this instance, it's in the center point up), to help create a raised area.

    I now use the bullet tipped shaper to pull the material towards the point, it's worth noting that you can press in a little deeper at the base, so long as the line you draw becomes thinner towards the point. I now get my pokey tool (real name not known) and my wax 5 to add in damage, scars and battle marks.

    Just as with painting, it should be worth nothing that excessive weathering and scaring helps to make a piece older/has seen more action in battle.
    Lizerd likes this.
  9. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    Hopefully I can put this one to bed now (until I get around to painting him).


    More stuff to follow soon, just trying to work out what's best to go with, sculpts, conversions or an even mix of the two.
  10. hardyworld

    hardyworld Active Member

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    I really like what you did around the eyes there. It really adds a lot to how you view the monster's demeanor!
  11. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Yea, that looks Soooo much better than the basic GW version. ;)
  12. hardyworld

    hardyworld Active Member

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    Slightly off topic here:
    Reading on the AoW forum, I didn't understand if this model you made was intended for a AoW release or if it was only a private commission. It's GORGEOUS!

    Are there slightly different models that are being discussed? One intended for AoW release and one as a private commission only?

    Look forward to seeing more of your work (and possibly owning more copies of your work)!
  13. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    It's a bit confusing...

    The one you just linked was and is originally sculpted for AOW (back in August 2012), I got put on hold, then sent to me, then sent back (a few mistakes made on my end).

    At the moment it is in Spain with Felix and from what he's said it will be getting cast at some point (don't quote me on that as things change all the time).

    The one that did get sold by AOW recently (the saurian mauler with two hand weapons) was originally intended just for me as a private piece, however I sent it to Felix to see what he thought of it (I had just finished an advanced anatomy course to improve my work). Felix really liked it and offered to buy it and I accepted.

    They are both however, completely different models, sculpted about a year apart and different in size too.

    This is where it gets even more complicated....

    After the last UK GD, I was falling behind on commission work and I wasn't enjoying sculpting either, it was going from being a labour of love to something I was starting to dislike (last time this happened a year passed with only one sculpt getting completed).

    As such I made the hard choice then to have a blanket "No" policy to all private sculpting or commission work, I wasn't enjoying it and sculpting for cash was not why I started sculpting in the first place. Everything I do now is for my own enjoyment and personal use (occasionally do quick conversions for mates, like objective markers).

    Next update will be a guide to use DE cold ones for Lizardmen Cold ones, it will be a little more indepth than a simple cut and join job though, but will hopefully explain things a little more clearly and then you can use it to go as simple or as complex as you like. :)
    Lizerd likes this.
  14. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    Re: You advise me and I'll sculpt it

    Hey rikkard, thanks for the scale tips, it seems I'm gonna have to invest in rubber spreader! Appreciate it muchos
  15. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    A little later than I had hoped but I'm going to cover the cold one conversion progress here.

    So to begin with you obviously need some cold ones from the Dark Elves army box. If cost is an issue you can easily get them on Ebay.

    For the sake of my army and this topic I've chosen to use my old metal saurus cold one riders rather than the plastic ones, they give a better sense of the charge with their crouched positions.

    So to begin with the saddles are the largest problem, easily solved though but using some clippers to snip the largest parts away. As you can see with the middle cold one I've done just that, cut the larger parts away and trimmed it as far back to the skin as I can.

    The top one as you can see has been trimmed back even further again, not only that I've cut back some of the more spiky dark elf parts, like the chest guard on the cold one.


    I would also like to take this step to give you a caution, BE CAREFUL WHEN TRIMMING WITH SCALPEL BLADES!
    Only ever take off small parts at a time, do not use the scalpel to take off large parts, otherwise this happens....


    Next up, I continue (as mentioned above) with the removal of the spiky parts of the DE cold one armour, but this is just my thing, I'm also trimming the flash and mould lines.


    I next add on the cold one rider, although there is a lot of space, this is easily filled with green stuff, I will be using it to make a layer of fur. So the first thing to do is to put a layer down and make a basic shape, as well as evening out the lumps.


    And finally I start to make the fur, I start at the edges and work backwards with a wax five (though any sharpish tool will do), remember that fur flows away from itself and does not form straight lines. This might well be as far as you wish to go, but I will be doing more work with this unit, both minor conversions and little additions, which you'll be able to see in the finished unit. :)


    To give you a little more variety in this piece, I will be using the champion cold one from the box set to make a Horned one for my scar vet. The processes will be the same as above, but with a little more variety, more armour and more decorations. I will happily post these too if you wish to see them.

    Coming next.....
    Razordon....scratch build....
    Lizerd and cwood92 like this.
  16. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    Another update for you all.

    Horned one.
    Started work on the horned one I intend to make (even though they no longer exist in the rules, though I did have a go at writing my own ones).

    First thing to bear in mind is the saurus scar vet/old bloods have very different shaped seats which could prove harder to place on the mini, so begin with I add putty to the saddle area and build it up to form a solid base.


    Next step is to get your initial layer sorted, get the leg base as close as possible to the body of the horned one so it's not going to overbalance too much. I am facing a slight problem here as the seat I'm using means the body of the scar vet actually points down a little too much. In order to counter this I raise the saddle at the front to lift the body up.


    I also begin with laying down the shapes and horns that is included in that old 5th ed artwork for the horned out, at this stage it's about getting a feel for what you want to achieve, doesn't matter if you end up removing parts. It's always best to have a play around and figure out the look you want to try and get.


    Next up is to add in the spikes and scales towards the tail end and let these ones dry, trying to sculpt more scales and spikes at this moment will end up with you very likely squashing existing ones you've just done. I've also adapted the end tail spikes every so slightly, so they're not pointing directly out from the body.


    That's it for the moment on this one, still plenty to come here though, will keep you all updated, but a the moment (not including the saddle) I'm only about 40% finished with the green stuff.


    I'd like to add at the start that I don't own a single Razordon mini, never have done either, I'm really not a fan of the design, but as I said at the start, this isn't meant to be a GW bashing thread, I'm just sharing with you my ideas and thoughts behind sculpts that I do.

    So speaking of thoughts I'd like to explain a little behind this armature.

    First off, what does a Razordon do?

    According to the fluff it flicks spines and spikes at its prey/foes, GW were even kind enough to provide some very nice artwork to give an example of what they were getting at.

    So, you have artwork and a detailed description of the beast and what it does, more than enough to make some detailed work.

    Razordon Anatomy:
    This next bit is the secondary stage, you know what a razordon does, what it looks like and how it behaves, so now you need to make some conclusions of what it's anatomy needs to do to fill the description, this goes back to my first question, what does a Razordon do?

    A: It flicks spines at foes with its tail.

    So this builds on that answer, you know what it does, so you must then figure out what it needs in order to be able to do this....

    -It needs a long, flexible tail. No point in a short stubby one, you need something that works like a whip in order to flick spikes at speed and distance at an enemy.
    -It needs to have longer back legs. No point having longer front legs as it makes it harder to flick spines over your head, especially given the benefit they get from shooting at a charging enemy, you need to be able to see it coming for you as well as the ease of firing at it.
    -It needs highly mobile limbs. Flicking spikes, with the aid of a long tail means you're going to have a lot of force generate by this flick, more than enough to knock you off balance, which is rather counter productive if you fall over every time you do it. Hardly useful for any kind of use as it would leave you very vulnerable.

    The way around this is to have a good deal of mobility with your legs, a low squat with the body to reduce your center of gravity and your limbs splayed to spread your weight and reduce the chances of being knocked off balance (especially on the side you have your tail, if you're not going to flick it directly overhead).

    Put all this together and it gives you this....

    Nothing to look at, at the moment, but everything I've mentioned above is there, greater spread on the legs on the side where the weight of the tail is, low centre of gravity, longer hind legs, etc....the outstretched paw will be gripping a stone/ruin chunk.

    As I said, I don't have a Razordon model, never owned one either, but all these things I've mentioned above are important, the ONLY thing I need to worry about after these facts is getting it to fit on the correct sized base, which I have done.

    I know this was all a bit long and kudos if you read it all, but it's VERY important, especially in the armature stage, get things wrong here and you only end up creating a mountain of work for yourself later on, which is never a good idea.
    Lizerd likes this.
  17. Connosaurus

    Connosaurus New Member

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    Re: You advise me and I'll sculpt it

    Going off topic real quick, i think chamelion skinks could use a cooler model.
  18. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Re: You advise me and I'll sculpt it

    Rikard, your stuff is always awesome. Loving the throwback Horned one and the Razordon!
  19. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    Does it help though?
    Is it of use hearing how I go about these bits and piece?

    The reason I ask is I don't just want to be churning out a lengthy project log, I want to be able to help people and even better, start getting them to have a go at their own conversions and sculpts. :)
    Lizerd likes this.
  20. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Re: You advise me and I'll sculpt it

    Its very useful Rikard.
    I am about to purchase my first use of greenstuff and your shared knowledge
    Has already formed (feel the irony?) my approach to the whole thing.

    Getting tips from someone able to sculpt such gorgeous models is a privilege.
    Please continue.

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