Like the 8th edition index, this will evolve. New Tacticas will be added as people write them or suggest them. If a Tactica becomes outmoded from changing meta, it will go into the graveyard. I will take suggestions for what to include. You can PM me or reply suggestions to this thread. Note, I will delete replies periodically on this thread if a suggestion has long since been acted upon. It's starting out a list of links for now, but as this Tactica Index grows will start grouping things by category, mark new and MVP links and make open solicitations for people to write specific Tacticas. In the meantime, pretty much anything useful is welcome. Note, there is no requirement that links be from Lustria-Online. If someone comes up with a good Tactica from elsewhere, let me know. ESPECIALLY if it's a tactica someone wrote on how to fight against Lizardmen Seraphon. GW Crowdsourcing FAQ questions on Facebook (temporary!) Tacticas Unit Formation Tactica Skirmish Warband Creation Tactica Priority targets of various armies Battletome 2.0 - Seraphon overview NEW Seraphon Strategy Videos by @Caleb ex nihilo NEW Battle simulator(s) AoS Battle Simulator (made by @ravagekitteh ) Iists and Informal Tactical Discussions lists for Seraphon 2.0 NEW Miscellaneous Non-Tactical Links Glossary of Terms and Acronyms Lustriapedia (fluff equivalent of Tactica Index) Index of Other Army Forums (and 9th Age forum) Get yourself a customized Avatar! 8th Edition Tactica Index
AoS Tactica Graveyard (regarding old version of our battletome of General handbooks) Tacticas Basic AoS tactics (from Ulthuan but applies to all armies) Dealing with Threats Overview of unit types and basic weapon options. Ripperdactyl Tactica Units with special niches for ideal targets Battallions, What to Take and how to use them to their best potential Saurus Warriors, analyzing their stats Overview of Summoning with 2nd ed. GHB2019 - Seraphon Overview Informal Tactical Discussions Host Discussion Jungle Swarms Other Armies Tactics Power Gaming Protecting Characters Skink Discussion, the Bad and the Good Summoning Unit Discussion Temple Guard Unit Synergies Weapon Options
Just posted 80% of the Tactics forum as links in informal discussion and alphabetized it. Whoo, am I organized or what? Anyway I had the thought that if someone posts a battle report for AoS with clear pictures and/or diagrams and detailed notes, that I will add a Battle Reports section to the index. Brief battle reports are still good, but they aren't indexable. I know detailed battle reports are a lot of work, so don't knock yourself out if you don't enjoy chronicling details like that.
I am not exactly up to date on Age of Sigmar. If and when Age of Sigmar 2.0 invalidates this, someone please let me know so I/we can modify this.
I don’t know if it’s considered sufficiently advanced or usable, but would my Battle Simulator program qualify for this index? It’s a fairly nice resource for the community and it would be a shame if it became buried under other threads and unused, so do you think it would be worth keeping it visible, either on an index like this or through other means such as pinning?
That's interesting. Do you plan to further develope it, right? For the moment i will put it into the index and give it a bump once in a while. If it starts to draw attention I will pin it