9th Age Discussion of OpenHammer (ETC) and Ninth Age (Swedish Comp)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Pinktaco, Jul 21, 2015.

  1. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    I was actually thinking that some kind of melee focused skink unit, could be an interesting addition to the core section. I don't know if it fluff wise proper and I am too a saurus fan boy, so I wouldn't want a unit to out shine our SW :p

    My idea would be far more mundane, though.

    M6| WS3| BS3| S3| T2| W1| I6| A1| Ld6

    I actually like your ideas for special rules, the skink chief, one could be potent. Maybe make them -2AP and then just as my example S3. While T2 is very low, I think they could be an interesting fill the gap kind of melee choice. Maybe use them against slow unit where they would gain the most from their AP, rules and the "high" WS, with a skink chief present?

    The +2 Cast for Skink priests is actually a pretty fair addition, with this sort of unit. The problem with this, is that they essential is a jack of all, master of none, type of unit. They're fast, but not that fast, their AP and potential for good Ws, but not that good in combat after all, only 1 attack and, at least in my case, only average Ld (Cold-blooded 6, might be slighty better than 7, though). However I feel like they would surely have there use, if they also had poison, only issue, who would take them without :p

    I like the concept, probably not likely to exist, but I like them! :D
  2. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Just to be able to play a skink army as you can play a goblin army, I understand they would be a good addition. But the need for them isnt really there to make our army more balanced or anything like that. With the rules as we see now deathstars will be less powerfull (unit size restrictions, allways able to hit normal units) our saurus will be a better choice in 9th then in 8th.taking the recent math hammer for our saurus they already seemed to be more powerfull then most of us thought them to be. So again I don't really see the need of them.
  3. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    I reckon their basically a fun addition, for the sake of argument; they could be interesting, with the rules suggested ;)

    I would Love to see a MC unit of our own, though! Something unique, yet very like this army. I was joking about a unit consiting of juvenile Carnosaur, ridden by almost Scar-veterans :p But that's not going to happen. Some kind of Saurus ridden, cool reptilian creature, maybe something to fill a gap, grant a new dimension or simply to make the choices of the army book more diverse. The Juvenile Carno, idea should obvious be a rare choice, hold in mind, that this is purely my wish listing, we are talking about. Anyway, such a unit could be a very fun and great looking unit, but so is all of our models :D it would probably mostly just fill the niche of our current, not so often used, Cold One riders,but do the job, better. So any MC should be handle with care; look what happen to the mighty Chaos knights, once they got a MC option.
    skink chief likes this.
  4. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    That idea i support 100% :)
  5. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    This again? .______. What about them poor ripperdactyls?

    Also a MC unit similar to demigryphs, skullcrushers and mournfangs would be boring to say the least, at least in my opinion. This was why I came up with an elite skink unit. They're something different and have an interesting synergy.
  6. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Creating a new unit for our army is hard if you consider the following:

    We already have 4 monsters, 1 monstrous infantry, 2 monstrous beast and 2 monstrous cavalry units.
    We have both scouts and vanguard units.
    We have a core that can both tank (shield/sword saurus with parry 5+) and kill cavalry (spears) and be a good all-arounder (templeguards).
    We have PLENTY of magical support and my only suggestion would be to give the Troglodon Oracle a single bound spell.

    Obviously what I'm suggesting would be for when our entire my have been balanced and the internal balance is as good as it can be/can be expected. Not before. The issue is though that at that point we're basically covered in what we need. We don't have artillery and adding that would be wrong the way I see it. Adding Saurus Monstrous Cavalry because other army have it isn't exactly super hot either.

    For core I'd love to add skink cavalry on Cold Ones like we used to, or well the Horned Ones. Again it can be argued that the unit doesn't really fit a role and especially not one we're in dire need of, but it's a unit that's already available if you dig around and used to be part of the army.

    A skink elite unit have several functions:
    Several armies have more than 1 elite units and allow for a greater diversity.
    It creates another reason to add skink chiefs.
    It promotes an active usage of skink wizards.
    An elite unit with I4 would promote the usage of a bastiladon (dat I5 in a LM army..)
    First skink unit that can take magic banner without the BSB.

    On top of that it doesn't take anything away from the army. Templeguards will still be superior in CC and it doesn't take away the shooting capabilities of other skink units. It is, however, a unit that can quickly manouvre the board and be put to use. Give them the +1M banner and they'll be running at M7. So they can quickly cover ground and support other units.

    I think I've made a decent case for these to be used. Besides you can use your current skinks with hw/shield and give them a special paint.
  7. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Well, I'm basically tired of never using my Carno models, so my mind set, easily wander into those thoughts :p

    I think your idea is great too :cat: It's even worth a kitty cat

    PS: I'm really not being sarcastic, I do like your concept of elites skinks; maybe small changes, as already suggested, though.
  8. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    I don't understand this. This would be an addition to the army. Improved skink are well just another skink troop and this at the vost of SW imo. But hey everybody has an own opinion right :)
  9. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    They don't have to be masters of anything. Their overall profile will make them a very versatile unit with decent stats. Considering that they're T3 (I could go for T2 though) they're just as tough as humans and elves. They'd likely be equally good as great swords from empire (nearly same point, AS and armour reduction). In fact they'd be better since they hit at their own initative, have poison and can shoot.

    Also not THAT fast? M6 as base stat for an infantry unit is incredible fast, especially considering how they're actually worth something in close combat. Give them movement banner and hit that M7. They'd be as fast as our Cold One Riders haha.

    I'd say 9pts +1pts for poison would be a very good deal, however 10pts + 1pts poison would be alright as well.
  10. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    @skink chief

    I've given plenty of reason as to why elite skinks would be a decent unit. A monstrous cavalry saurus unit would:

    1) Be the third MC in our army.
    2) Be yet another MC to the overall game.
    3) Likely make Cold One Riders look even worse.

    On top of that I'm yet to see any reasons as to why. Is it because we, like so many others, would like a 2+ monstrous cavalry with 5 attacks at S4-5 with a stomp?

    Creating a monstrous cavalry just scream of elite unit that doesn't give any good synergy to the rest of the army. It's just there to bring a lot of pain on it's own.

    The unit I proposed, while not perfect, allow for plenty of utility and synergy and is a unit we can easily create without stand-ins.
    And lastely your argument is that "this is just improved skinks". Well.. Aren't most elite unit just that? Aren't a monstrous cavalry just that as well compared to regular cavalry? A MC (like how most people would want it) litteraly brings nothing to the board other than a more extreme version of a cavalry unit.

    Mostly though I'm tired of seeing people wanting MC. It's not just here, it's also the high elfs, bretonnia and likely others. It's just really not creative. I get the exact same feeling when someone propose heavy MC like when GW released the End Time Khorne guys. They were just 2 variations of chaos warriors with no interesting features. Mostly I want something creative and interesting. If you can come up with an interesting MC that works well with the rest of the army I'm all ears though. I'm not completely unreasonable :p

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Core Skink Cavalry unit!

    That's what we need.
    skink chief likes this.
  12. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I'm not sure if that's what we *need*, but hell yeah I'd take it :D

    Something like: current Cold One stats, skink with spear and shield as an upgrade - I'd be okay with that. Oh and fast cav rule of course.
  13. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Sneak peak of today should be here any time now <.<
    skink chief likes this.
  14. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    @ pink taco

    Your arguments are valid really I do understand where you are coming from. And the special rules were really cool. I as a player just wouldn't like it if skink fighters would outshine sw. We have skink units and bonus they are cheap bunkers. We have saurus as inf blocks and tg as elite inf blocks. We dont need more fighting blocks imo. I want to see saurus being played not skinks :) thats just it for me probably, just a personal feeling on it.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    I think some armies that have monstrous cavalry, should not have it (that won't happen of course as the models are already made). MC would just fit Lizardmen IMO as a part of our army is about those lizards riding lizards, big dinos and all that.
    Demigryphs for exmaple should not have been made (again IMO), most of that stuff (monsters) empire should not have had, they are humans, in a magic world yes, but still only humans.
    The Sauric Ace likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I agree that we don't need them in the literal sense but they would give us a couple things that our army is lacking...
    • fast cavalry
    • more core diversity
    Currently our closest fit to a unit like this is our Terradon riders, but I'd really like to see a more complete set of core options.
  17. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    If you are going skink cav, give them the ability like they had in "Regiments of the Renown"
    something like:
    (Jungle miasma) When this unit flees it cannot be pursued.
    (Feigned attack) This unit may flee after combat on the turn it charged.
    and of course fast cavalry.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2015
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  18. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Completely agree with you there! If any one should have gotten unit like that, lizardmen would have been ideal, whereas other armies that got them, really didn't fit or needed them.

    But Here's my add on, so to say, what about just make Cold One, something a like a mix MC and Cav unit?

    Making them a little better offensive, and give them 2 wounds, perhaps. They defiantly looks more menacing than a horse. I know we did talk about this before, and I get that it might not be the time for such drastic changes, I just reckon it could be a nice way of diversifying our army choices from others. Perhaps with an addition of the old Cold One Skink riders as a Fast Cav unit, it could sync well with the army.
  19. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Actually thinking about this change, I believe it might be a great way to deal with a number of issues.

    This would increase the potential for COC, it would give them 2W and let's say more killing power, just for the sake of argument. They would, of course, lose the +2AS and go to +3AS, but I reckon that the extra wound solves this, while also giving the unit a unique play style.

    This would make the the Cold One a natural more expensive creature for characters, while not granting more than +1 to the overall AS and not even giving any additional wounds. So Cowboys probably not as useful as before :)

    Depending on what they get for their offensive powers, they could serve purpose of different roles. I have little ideas of what is proper and what is just not useful or OP.

    My take:

    Cold One|M7|Ws3|Bs0|S5|T4|W2|I2|A3|Ld5| Cause fear, Cold-Blooded, Stupidity, Maybe something-something....
  20. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Our old bloods and skar vets would be even more powerfull, granted they would lose 1as (wich is for us not a real problem), and being more pts. Other simular troops like demi's do not get the possibility for heroes on these kind of mounts..

    Edit* I've always found this a bit stupid though and would like to see this changed. Allowing for instance maximum 1 hero or lord to have a mount like this for the cost would that be so broken?
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2015

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