My First Lizards

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Starfighter7, Sep 23, 2019.

  1. Starfighter7
    Jungle Swarm

    Starfighter7 New Member

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    I am completely new to miniatures, but today I decided I would buy my first miniatures!
    First of I found somebody reselling an unused Start Collecting: Seraphon set and bought it.
    After this I found some more great deals and (impulsively) decided to buy them:
    Lizardman Skinks:
    2 boxes of lizardman saurus's:
    Some cold ones with knights (Does anybody know what edition these are?):
    cold ones.jpg
    Cold ones 2.jpg
    cold ones 3.jpg
    some skink archers (Does anybody know what edition these are?):
    skink archers.jpg
    and some lizard bits:
    lizard bits.jpg

    I can't wait for all of this to arrive!
    This weekend I am going shopping for paint and tools and I'll see what I can do with these (hopefully) beautiful lizards.

    I also bought some non lizards because I thought they looked cool;
    chaos beastmen.jpg
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2019
  2. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Oh, you also plan to train painting on used models, nice! Great that you found so many deals :) You will probably trash a lot of models before you start painting what you want if you just started painting, so I recommend to start with the most worn ones.
  3. Starfighter7
    Jungle Swarm

    Starfighter7 New Member

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    Yeah, since I am completely new to this hobby I was (and still kinda am) looking for very cheap models I could train painting on. I already managed to find and sign up for a warhammer painting workshop in a gamestore close to where I live, so hopefully I'll be able to pick up the basics there. And after looking through all the painting logs I have so much reference material! So many very good looking lizards on here :)
  4. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I can help you out in terms of knowing which editions minis are from - I’ve been an avid Warhammer Fantasy historian and player for around ten years now.

    These chaps are all from 5th Edition. How on earth did you manage to find new and unopened boxes of those, you lucky thing? These things are about as old as I am (as a Warhammer historian I love these old minis!) :p

    Those are the current Saurus Cavalry. You’ll have a good lot of these now as the AoS Start Collecting Lizardmen box also has eight of them.

    These are more of the 5th Edition Skinks exactly the same as the ones you bought above. Using these aren’t a problem for me because I treat them as javelin Skinks - I just assume their bows are so small that they have Javelin range but are very quick to fire.

    In there are some of the current Skinks and Saurus and bitz from various kits including the Troglodon/Carnosaur, the Saurus Warriors and Saurus Cavalry.

    You certainly have the beginnings of a fine collection here. The old Skinks don’t look that much different from the current ones (just slightly smaller) so you won’t have any trouble fitting these in with your current Skink models. However if you plan to use the old Saurus alongside the new ones, I recommend giving them current Saurus heads, weapon arms and shields to help them blend in more - I have posted pics of a unit made up of such a combination on my painting blog, and they fit pretty well together when the old ones have been given new Saurus heads, weapons and shields, they just look like ‘youngbloods’ that have been recently spawned to replenish the unit and haven’t grown their spines yet.
    Imrahil likes this.
  5. Starfighter7
    Jungle Swarm

    Starfighter7 New Member

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    In the Netherlands we have this thing called Marktplaats, which basically is the Dutch eBay. At the moment a few of these unopened boxes for different armies are being sold on there.
    I also got a unopened box of wood elves from the same edition and currently there are skaven (I know it is heresy, but I am really tempted to buy them), orcs (WFB and 40K), skeletons, Bretonnians, Tyranids, etc. being sold for 20 to 40 euros in unopened boxes. If you really want one of those you could always take a look, but I don't know if people are willing to ship internationally and of course the whole site is in Dutch

    And thank you for the tip on how to convert the old saurus to new looking ones! I am, however, not sure if I am ready for conversions. I haven't even painted one model yet! Luckily I have found a workshop in warhammer painting close to where I live!

    Quick outtake of the current unopened boxes being sold:
    marktplaats1.png marktplaats2.png marktplaats3.png

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