Lizardmen RPG - Accepting new players

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Nazqua, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Current Stats, Equipment, Effects and other such notes:


    M3 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W2.8 I0 A1 Ld6. 2 skill points, 5 -MAX battle, 1 Strength
    Weapon/tools: Mining pickaxe​
    Hyenadon Necklace: (Item)
    - Description: A small crude string of bloody canine teeth Mixed in with two preserved hyaenodon Paws still covered in serrated claws. (Crafted)
    - Effects:
    +6% Accuracy against BEASTS.​

    2x Basic Bandage (Consumable)
    - Description: Woven from thin layers of stripped bamboo and other plant fibres these types of basic bandages can be easily made or bought, crudely fulfilling their role as shabby dressings and plasters.
    -Effects: (During or After combat)
    Decreased chance of disease
    Bleeding temporarily reduced
    50% Chance to regain the receiver with 0.1 Wound.

    Active effects:

    M6 WS2 BS2 S2 T1 W1 I4 A1 Ld5. 5 -MAX skill points, 4 battle, 4 Magic
    Weapons/tools: Staff, Blowpipe
    1x Fireroot (Consumable),
    -Description: Found all across Lustria these elusive and rare plants can be found usually at the base of withering trees. Said to be born of Chotec, these root like plants suffocate and cut off a tree’s supply from its roots, effectively killing it in a burning iron grip. Once collected and ground into a fine powder, the ember like particles of this plant can be ingested, providing the user with waves of fresh heat, energy and aggressiveness.
    -Effects: (Duration: 10 Minutes)
    +Cold resistance
    10% Chance of an additional battle point.

    Active effects:

    Spells unlocked:
    - Glittering scales (1 Magic point) This spell will cause an allies scales to turn as hard and as strong as steel for one minute , allowing them to absorb blows and strikes with little to no effect.

    - Plague of rust (3 Magic points) This spell will cause three enemies armour to deteriorate and rust with extreme speed, small chunks flaking off into the wind and entire plates turning to dust.

    -Storm of knives (2 Magic points) This spell allows the caster to throw two floating knives of sharp metal into nearby enemies

    M3 W3 BS0 S4 T4 W2.2 I0 A1 Ld6. 2 skill point, 2 battle, 1 Strength
    Weapon/tools: Meat cleaver
    Talon of fangs (Item/Weapon)
    -Description: Created by a skilled and old skink artisan this trusty weapon is yet to taste its first battle, the malicious and serrated series of fangs and blades that protrude from the fist frame thirst for a drop of blood
    - Effects: -50% Range (Just means that using this weapon will significantly lower the user's effective strike range compared to that of a spear or traditional weapon). +10% Critical chance against small foes.

    0x Hyaenodon pelt (Destroyed by fire)

    Active effects:

    M5 WS2 BS2 S3 T2 W0.75 I4 A1 Ld5. 1 Skill point, 3 Battle, 0 Magic ,1 Beast handling.

    Weapons/tools: Carnosaur tooth, Crude whip, Sacrificial dagger (Lost), Blowpipe
    Beasts Charm: (Item)
    - Description: This small metallic charm of mysterious origin is bent into the shape of a sharp dog like paw inside a small curved moon, the paws claws sharp enough to draw blood and the moon almost luminous with a strange, ghostly glow
    - Effects:
    +5% Success Chance on ALL Beast handling and Taming rolls.

    1x Hyenadon meat (Consumable)


    4x Hyenadon claws/teeth (Material)


    1x Fates Felicity (Consumable)
    - Description: This rare emerald pink fine powder is known to be the pure extract of The lesser emerald lotus, Supposedly one of the rarest and most beautiful flowers in all the jungle. Many creatures are often attracted to its strange scent where they stand mesmerised by the huge flower suspended on a thin pad that gently drifts on the water. Some legends even go as far to say that the animals attracted to it often wade too deep into the swamp waters in a trance, resulting in their untimely demise. The Emerald Pools of Itza teem with many beautiful and rare water lilies such as this one…
    - Effects: (Duration: 3 Minutes)
    +3 Initiative
    +1 Skill point


    2x Blue Paradise (Consumable)
    - Description: Euphoric and relaxing, used by Xolek after battle to help him forget the carnage brought by him, if only for a moment in time. The smell of sweet orange and mint fills the air as this herb is smoked, soothing all around who smells it. Herbivores are especially attracted to the scent. Only Grown by Amazons on their island or the surrounding mainland, highly guarded. Only respected members or guests are able to partake or gather it.
    - Effects: (Duration 10-20 Minutes)
    -3 Initiative


    1x Sunray Flower (Consumable):
    - Description: Thought to be a blessing of Chotec onto this world, these plants flower a beautiful red-orange with white accented flower. Naturally gives energy to those affected allowing faster strikes or faster dodging, this is a flower Xolek uses before battle, a ring of smoke dancing around him as he does a ritual dance that soon turns into a fury of obsidian. They grow on trees as their vines stretch upwards, strengthening the bark it touches.
    - Effects (Duration 120 Seconds)
    +3 speed
    +20% Chance to dodge incoming attacks.


    2x Purple Moon (Consumable)
    - Description: A flower of bright lilac purple with a highlight of royal purple and specs of moon silver this flower is found deep in the jungle near riversides and grows on the moss surrounding trees and rocks. When Dried and chewed this flower enhances magical affinity and expands then mind to be able to process higher difficulty spells. A rare flower that is often covet by the Fauna of the Jungle for its rich flavour from the natural sap that comes from the leaves whether fresh or dried.
    - Effects: (Duration 120 Seconds)
    +1 Magic point
    -10% miscast chance

    Active effects:

    Spells unlocked:
    - Enchant with venom (1 magic point) this spell will add venom to an allied weapon within 100 meters for 10 minutes.

    - Blazing Aurora (1 Magic point) Looking up to the sky whilst chanting seemingly incomprehensible ancient and forgotten verses the casters body begins to slowly illuminate, a strange cerulean light buds from their tail until their whole body is consumed by it. Seconds later the light erupts into a blazing supernova of pure light that bathes the surroundings in a lucent shimmer before blinding all those unworthy that look upon it (Duration: 3 Minutes). All enemies within the area will no longer be able to target the caster or anything within a large radius (10 Meters) around him. Furthermore, the accuracy of all enemies fighting within the light (10 Meters from the caster) will be reduced by 50%

    - Sotek’s Serpents (1 Magic point) This spell will summon 1-3 Large snakes from the surrounding jungle to do the casters biding.

    M4 WS1 BS2 S1 T1 W0.4 I4 A1 Ld5. 2 skill points, 2 battle, 3 magic

    Weapons/tools: Staff, Blowpipe
    Active effects:
    - Due to the nature of your injury,you may only use one arm.

    Spells Unlocked:
    - Bolt of Tepok's Thunder (2 Magic points) This spell will cause a roaring thunderbolt to strike down upon any foe within sight.

    -Apotheosis (3 magic points) This spell can heal any ally within 100 meters back to full health, A swirling mist of azure energy swirls around the target, their wounds healing and vigour restored - 10% Mistcast chance.

    -Tepok's Eyes (1 Magic point) This allows the caster to almost leave his body, witnessing the world outside the body in slow motion for 30 seconds. whilst this spell is being undergone the casters mortal body cannot move.

    M6, WS2, BS5, S2, T2, W1, I4, A1 Ld5. 3 skill points, 1 battle, 2 blend
    Weapons/tools: 2x Druchii dagger, Darkshard crossbow.
    1x ?Crystalline fragment? (Item)

    Active effects:

    M4 WS1 BS1 S0 T1 W0.2 I3 L3. 2 skill points, 1 battle, 0 beast handling
    Weapons/tools: Handling stick (Destroyed/lost), Blowpipe - Darts = Poisoned.
    Lingering Injuries:

    Horrible Disfigurement: Your characters have burn scars to the extent that can’t be easily concealed as well as losing their crest, One of the skinks many ways to communicate and Identify… You will have permanent disadvantage on Persuasion checks and -0.2 Max wounds.

    This status may be partially healed only through the use of extreme divine magic.


    Minor Neuralgia: Your character experiences a somewhat constant and painful nerve damage over a portion of the body. Whenever you attempt an action in combat you have a 20% Chance to fail all actions automatically.

    This effect will heal after 3-5 Days unless healed through the use of divine magic.


    Arachnophobia/Pyrophobia: Your character has an extreme fear of both Arachnids and Fire, You will be extremely impotent to standing within the presence of them… (You will get a notification when these fears are in play and the effects will be decided by an array of factors)

    Your character will feel an uncomfortable fear upon seeing flickering flames whether this takes the form of a torch, candle or campfire.

    You may eventually overcome these fears through future experiences and calming exposures.

    Active effects:
    - 20% Chance to fail combat actions.
    - +1 Wounded state.
    - +1 Wounded state
    - -0.2 Max wounds.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2020
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    A strong sensation came upon the hand that Xolek-Zi had used before to calm the Salamander, the same light from the reptiles head also radiated from his hand. The Salamander locks eyes with Xolek as the Oracle slowly walks forward, the handler now slowly rising to his feet as the aggressive beast seems in the moment distracted.

    Not taking his eyes off the creature Xolek slowly takes some rib meat from the make shift holding stick he made that had other types of Hyenadon meat on it as well. Muddied and smoked from the fire, he throws the meat infront if the Salamander which quickly thrashes it around in its mouth before swallowing it whole, another bigger piece is thrown, again the salamander rips into it, the corrosive bile seemingly recooking it as it lights on fire with contact with the air.

    Holding one piece of meat up in the air Xolek calmly says to the handler

    "Where are you trying to take Xiuhcoatl?"

    Taking one step forward his hand out stretched slowly moving towards the imprint, his hand getting brighter as it gets closer, the imprint begins to pulse

    The salamander begins to fight it slightly before again calming down....temporarily.

  3. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    Xahanol was in and out of lucidity. They were staring at the Saurus there, as if trying to work one of the great puzzles the lizardmen of ancient days used to protect their tombs. Eventually, they managed to rasp out painfully. "What happened?"
  4. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Now on foot Quas gestured Hakal to follow him and strolled towards the only part of the forest untouched with flames. "Bigger... better. This we 'unt." - he spoke the last time rubbing his belly at the same time. His spawn-hood was not only about cooking, but also hunting jungle beasts and he had a nose and an ear to find them... or it was usually the beasts that found him...
  5. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Meeting with the crafts-skinks and builders took only a short time, allowing Tiqxoltiq to move on to speaking with the gatherers and hunters. It was painfully obvious they weren't going to find anything in the direction of the fire, so leaving the builders to do their work, Tik led the others out in search of food and medicines.
    (I will continue this once I get a piece of needed information)
  6. Khemrian Slann

    Khemrian Slann Active Member

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    Kuoteq'eko waited for everyone to answer the endles wave of Izquxs' questions. He stood up and came out of his dark corner. He saw that many were watching him with great doubt and only some looked like they never saw him, which was quite possible. He waited until Izqux was listening, then he spoke:"Great Izqux, there is only one discovered and opened chamber, but thereare more.
    I highly doubt that there is only one chamber in Kara, I know the architecture of a temple good enough that I could dare to indicate that.. I hope you are good enough informed about the number of chambers. " He smiled and with a excessive and malign gesture he turned around. Back in the corner saw how Izqux watched him with a asking facial expression and Kuoteq'eko was happy about that his plan worked. Then Izqux started to talk again, but Kuoteq'eko didn't listen, instead he was thinking about his daydreams and his nightmare in the last days. He couldn't imagine that anyone in the room except of Xlauax or Hakal have felt frighenened or these overwhelming feelings of losing the best friends. He whispered a short curse upon the asur and looked up again to listen to Izqux again......
  7. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    His attention drawn to Tiqxoltiq and a collection of other skinks, Uykar among them Izqux gestures towards Qelionxi. Within an instant, the warden flicks around in a sudden flash of motion before blocking the tunnel with a wall of sharp metal and golden claws.

    Turning back to the shuffling skinks The seer speaks... “The reparations and foraging parties are paramount to our recovery, Yet we still have more to discuss within our current priorities… Patience, Wisdom, judgment and knowledge are all but stepping stones on the path within yourself. Only once those steps are taken can we truly understand the absolute will of the slann and understand the true plans of the Old Ones.”

    His calming voice eases the anxiousness and apprehension within the room as he reaches out and touches Tiq on the shoulder before signalling him back to his seat before turning to Kuoteq'Eko who now spoke out.
  8. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Bowing to the Starseer, Tiqxoltiq returned to his seat. "My apologies, wise one, I have had little sleep this past night and it makes me impatient. Please continue and we will wait to enact repairs and foraging attempts."
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Kneeling down the saurus draws in closer, barely able to make out Xahanol’s whisper among both the rapid wheezing of his breath and fits of coughing.

    Staring in anticipation at the skink with a complete lack of Sympathy the saurus waits for the handler to repeat the phrase sending him into yet enough outburst of coughing, bloody saliva trickles down to the floor as ripples of pain flow through his body like the fresh blood of a sacrificed captive flows down the steep altar steps.

    “I was sent with the orders to seek the skinks, I followed the trails down towards the river and into deeper jungle until attacked. Swarmed, And outnumbered I fought against those of Arachnolf... “ The slight pause in the saurus’s words highlights the ancient warrior's many fresh wounds, Among a sea of scars and scrapes, are new claw scratches and fang marks, many of them travelling deep into the saurians thick scales. Glistening around the many wounds is a light covering of sticky blood that reflects the light in dancing beams that Not only imitate that of the flaming torch they are produced from, but also the fire that the saurus leads on to describe…

    “Flames now assault with the creatures until Chotec angers through a sea of light and destruction… I escape Ashax’s grasp, reach camp only for Oloq to arrive sending us into tunnels. ”

    Hearing a ringing burn in his ears The memories of fire pour back into Xahanol’s head causing him to desperately scramble away from the torchlight as the saurus’s information pierces into his wounded body like crossbow bolts.


    A putrid mix of both corrosive saliva and fresh blood clings onto the salamander's mouth as it inches back, its huge eyes meet with Xolek’s as the beast stands mesmerized as its anger fades with both the click of recognition and the oracles influence for what seems like an eternity…

    Almost sensing the emotions within the beast Xo unfalteringly steps further forward, not only showing his bravery and dominance over the creature, but also his foolishness.

    “JUMP” The Handler suddenly leaps forward forcing down his whole wait on the salamander instantly breaking its almost hypnotic trance. Upon impact the salamander grunts as its instincts return, taking the form of a frenzied storm of movement as the handler locks the beast's head down with a handling stick.

    Within the same movement, the skink urgently shouts out towards Xolek “HELP” as he further tightens a large collar onto the beast.

    Seconds later the handler is thrown off, dragging the salamander with him as he slides into the ash-covered mud. Getting to his feet he slurs out a series of angry words mentioning magic users in some form and another between rapid breaths before tugging the struggling beast further towards the crude, recently constructed stone pen.


    Now focusing back onto Kuoteq, Izqux gently nods in agreement. “I-ndeed indeed... During our time here until now we have seemingly only scratched the surface of Kara’s mysteries. The most recent discovery has changed that…” Looking upwards Izqux closes his eyes before continuing “Y-Yuxa has surely guided us… all the Plaques of our lost ancestry recovered here are overshadowed by that uncovered. Tt-there is something about those indecipherable, immeasurably ancient saurian tongues... Lost to time as too are the old ones themselves ...

    “As you say, We must delve deeper and further into the ruins within the forthcoming time. Reparations are however our priority, as to is protecting those items that we have already reclaimed from the ruble’s immortal grip…”

    As aforementioned, Talock we must prepare further protection upon them, even more so with out last terradon rider lost… I will yet attempt to communicate with the slann and inform them of our discoveries. However we may come to rely on the raw determination of cold blood and the strength of iron within an inevitable journey to Tlaxtlan itself, We cannot truly say that the artefacts are reclaimed until then…”

    Finally, Izqux’s voice fell silent as his hands met each other and he gazed across the room dismissing the meeting in urgent fashion before his sight once again settled on Xlauax.

    Within the second both skinks and saurus scrambled outwards toward the Oloq pillaged camp. There was much to be attended to, and even more to be done throughout...
  10. Sevesh

    Sevesh Well-Known Member

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    It hurt, but they needed to get away from the Flames that exploded at them, ready to finish the job they started, to claim their life. They were shaking, and the coughing renewed, especially as they put the bed or slab they were laying on between themselves and the torch, trying their best to huddle away from it.
  11. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Having already given the artisans and laborers their assignments, Tiqxoltiq once again gathered the gatherers and hunters about him. "Apologies for my haste earlier, I have had little to no sleep." Turning to the hunters, he lets out a bitter sigh. "The Oloq has destroyed much of our hunting grounds, but only to the East towards the coast. We shall have to look inland. The creatures of the jungle will be riled up from the flames, so I recommend hunting in small groups. One group should head Westwards to the river and catch fish. Bring baskets with you. While anything will do, we especially need fatty fish for the wounded - the flesh of such fish is good for those recovering from injury. The other group should head South-west, looking for anything they can trap or kill. Check with the Kroxigor Quas to see what he recommends for prey. He has hunted the area recently, and should have some idea of where possible targets are." ...and perhaps he will wish to go with you, Tik thought silently.
  12. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As the hunters discussed among themselves who would go where, Tik turned to the gatherers. "Our task will be made more difficult from the Oloq. We need medicines as well as foodstuffs. Bring bags, baskets, whatever you can carry. There are fields of wild onions and garlic to the Southwest, away from the swamp. The edge of the swamp should hold cattails and milkweed pods. The sap from such plants is good for ointments and salves. If you find any ripe rice, bring that as well. There are stands of wild berries growing in the ruins to the North, so some of us should go in that direction. You may also find Ginseng Roots in the shadows of the Temple." Pausing, he turned to speak with the Saurus Warden Qelionxi. "My apologies, great warrior, could you spare a few guards to accompany those heading deeper into the ruins? We have confirmed Skaven activity in that area, and I would prefer not to risk their lives in this task."

    As he waited for an answer from Qelionxi, Tik began to divvy up the gatherers into four groups. The first would go North into the ruins to find berries and any edible roots and medicine. The second would head to the swamp edge just outside the reach of the flames. Southwest to the fields of wild onions and garlic was the destination of the third group. Tik would lead the fourth group directly Westward deeper into the jungle, in search of rarer herbs...
  13. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    "But what beasts out about?" Hakal asked as he followed.

    His mouth watered with the prospects of drowning his thoughts with food, but something about the jungle's darkening depths up ahead made him shudder...
  14. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    As they walked through the jungle, Tik began to rattle off a list of things to keep an eye out for. "Now, let me see. For fruits, we should keep an eye out for sour rumberries, bacaba palms - both for the berries and for the leaves since we're going to need roofing supplies, cupuazu, cacao, bananas, any citrus we can find, mangoes, and figs. Yucca roots are good, taro roots, grapes, and perhaps some mushrooms if you find the safe ones. Oh, trina nuts or cashews would be good as well."

    As he ticked different fruit names off on his clawed fingers, one of the youngest skinks spoke up suddenly. "Wise one, we just passed a grove of banana palms. Why did we not pick those?"

    Tiqxoltiq stopped dead in his tracks, stopped counting on his fingers and ground his fangs together. "Tlakeke? Would you please answer that question?"

    Another, older skink, stepped forward. "Kirinik," he rasped out in a hoarse voice, "consider this. If you collect the bananas now, as we continue walking into the jungle, three things will happen. First, you have to carry them the entire way. That takes energy. Second, what happens if you find something better out in the jungle? Can't carry both the bananas and whatever else you find, can you?" As the younger thought about this for a moment, Keke continued. "What then? Do you leave the bananas and take the new find back? And then what happens to the bananas? You cannot put them back on the tree, can you?"

    "Um, no... I guess they would rot..."

    "Yes. They would. In the jungle heat, you couldn't set them down and then return to pick them up later. They would rot long beforehand. Now, knowing this, what is the most sensible tactic for a gatherer?"

    "Go out to the end of the gathering trek, pick the best stuff up as you return?"

    Nodding, the elder skink patted Kirinik on the shoulder. "Very good. By making notes of what we find, we can then return the next day to collect more without over-exerting ourselves or wasting anything."

    "Thank you, Tlakeke," Tik said calmly. "Now, we should also keep an eye out for medicines. Numb-leaf should be wrapped in those waxed parchment sheets I handed out. If we run across any tawari trees, collect small amounts of the bark, but not enough to damage the tree." Frowning, he stopped walking again. "Sodo leaves. We could use some sodo leaves. I suspect at least one of the skinks in the encampment may be addicted to those stupid purple-spotted mushrooms." Sighing, he glanced around to re-orient himself, then resumed walking. "Okay. Ginseng. Assuming those foraging through the ruins don't find any, we need to keep an eye out for some. Not a lot, mind. Three or four root sections should do it. Raw peppercorns are useful, perhaps some cinnamon bark or nutmeg, and I am sure Quas and the cooks would be quite grateful to us if we could scrounge up some vanilla pods."

    As they walked, one or another skink would peel away from the group, collect small amounts of some herb or spice, then return to the group. "It is a long list," he finally concluded. "Not the worst issue of all is that Zuztle has asked me to find spike-thorns from the Unicorn Vine. I hate collecting those things..."
  15. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Waiting for the others to depart except Izqux and Qelionxi, Xlauax slowly walked over to the Seer, a grave expression on his face. He started to speak, his voice trembling, "S-Seer Iz-Izqux, i-i-i-i had a v-vision, I s-saw myself in a c-council chamber speaking with L-Lord Ph-Phrogg, he sp-spoke about the m-moon being out of or-orbit. Afterwards I m-met an old fr-friend, the P-P-P-Priest Q-Q-Q-Qul'toq.....". Xlauax's voice suddenly trailed off, he felt something he had not felt in 38 years. He was crying.

    After the first year in the Druchii camp, pain no longer caused him to cry. After the second year, his anguish no longer made him cry. Because of this he couldn't bring himself to cry after Qul'toq's death. But now, something was different, the shock of Qul'toqs death prevented him from tears but now, seeing him again just reminded him of his grief. After this, tears burst from his eyes like the fierce river flowing into lake Incantol near Pahuax. Izqux was visibly startled by the info he received and Xlauax's current state. And waited, unsure of what to do. After a few minutes, Xlauax finally regained control of himself, a flurry of conflicting emotions wracking his brain. He finally continued to speak and said "Q-Qul'toq said that h-his mission was to s-search for the plaques of the Gr-Great Serpent of Ax-Axlotl. Q-Q-Qul'toq said you would understand. H-He also s-said his s-soul was t-tied to this a-amulet.". Finishing his statement, Xlauax held up the light blue amulet for Izqux to see, still wiping tears from his face.

    Xlauax didn't even know what to do with himself. How do you stop crying? Is it dangerous for him? Xlauax couldn't answer these questions, it had been too long. He started shaking violently, the amulet almost falling out if his hand before Izqux took it. His eyes narrowed as he stares off into space. His mind was in a complete shutdown, pain, sorrow, anguish, rage, fear, joy. These emotions all fluttered through his mind like a flock of angry terradons. Suddenly Xlauax's shaking stopped, a calm feeling cascaded over him like a slow stream of water. It was almost as if Qul'toq was with him again, the presence felt familiar. Then Xlauax remembered his words "As long as you posess it, I will be near.". And with that thought Xlauax's mind was eased, the pain and sorrow ended. Xlauax looked over to Izqux hoping for an answer to his questions.
  16. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Now stirred with a fresh motivation Quas bounds forward through the devastated camp, a grave of burnt huts entombed under a blanket of ash and cindering smoke…

    Behind Hakal also follows, still shaken by the nightmare the kroxigor is nervous at each step, the predictable sounds of crunching charcoal underfoot and the solemn whispers of the wind still seem to surprise him as he continues

    It isn't long before they both reach the jungle's edge, the sharp contrast between the land Scourged by Ashax to their left and the thick luscious jungle to their right...

    Taking another deep breath Hakal pushed the last thoughts of the nightmare and camp behind as he trod forward with Quas, each step followed by the occasional rumbling growl of their stomach

    Almost within a new world, the air becomes thick and humid as the jungle canopy fans out above only letting the faintest of dawn rays through its grasp. A thin hazy mist murks the distant tree’s, every tiny droplet of moisture boasting a dazzling shine that even dares to challenge the shining scales of the two kroxigors.

    Now encapsulated by tree’s all around the dawn chorus of howls and screeches only kicks up as does the desperate flapping of colourful birds that flutter away from the two forms trawling their way through the brush.

    Nostrils wide Quas lifts his head and draws in a lungful of air, the earthy smell of fresh rain and plants is almost immediately blocked out and overpowered by the scent of smoke and soot, the sort that burns in the nostrils and clings to the moisture making it hard to breathe… With a cough, He shakes his head before leading deeper and further away in the hope of catching a trail.

    Similarly, Hakal shoves at the clumps of fern and plants that block his route, releasing his anger with each swipe of his pickaxe or violent slash of his claws…

    Taking a short rest from his physical exertion he takes in larger breaths of air letting the thick sticky saliva in his mouth drool down reflecting the light drizzle of light rain that cooled his burning muscles and scales.

    Looking toward Quas, Hakal suddenly motions for the kroxigor to stop before standing silent and letting the thick wind blow past his face, The Constant jungle cacophony and the sound of his own heavy breathing is now joined with the distant noise of light shuffling and a quiet drawn-out low grumble. Seconds later the far off shadows gently sway and contort, almost teasing the kroxigors to step closer and disturb any chance of catching some quarry… Whether a mere effect of Hakal’s fragile mental state, his slight fatigue or something more hopeful is all but unknown...


    Deep in converse, the room behind fades as Izqux quickly instructs a large saurian commander forward with but a handful of words and gestures before turning to the other skinks in front of him.

    Watching both Uykar and another chief talk with the seer Xlauax can do little more than freeze, trying to hold back the intense storm of emotions that rages like a battlefield inside of his fragile mind…

    Xlauax feels each beat of his rapid heart warp his defiant facial expression as the endless waves of sadness and anger that are druchii swarm inwards from all sides, carving away at both his life and scout party comrades in a storm of mockery and cruel laughter as each body crumples to the floor lifeless…

    Shaking his head, the chameleon shivers trying to focus on his breaths and the words being discussed. “Uykar, Make sure to stock enough supplies for a full journey, we need a detailed summary of all the routes to Tlaxtlan before even thinking about anything final…” Izqux says with a stern voice, preparing himself for future possibilities.

    As the last few leave the room Xlauax begins to falter once again as he almost collapses forward… The waves of sadness and anger that is fire leaps over the firebreak, ripping its way through the camp in a storm of fury… A storm of fury so similar to Xlauax’s last attempts at fighting off the endless Druchii under both the faltering vision of Qul'toq and the remainder of his scout party simultaneously as the memories flicker and merge together.

    Grabbing his head with both hands he tries to clench his teeth and hold his eyelids closed tying to block out the memories that had plagued him for so long… In his desperate attempts, all he had done is trapped himself within the prison of his mind,

    the waves of sadness and anger that are drops of water… Drip, D-Drip, Drrip rhythmically pelt his body like sharp bolts that pierce into Qul'toq’s body and vital organs as the priest falls to the ground…

    The waves of sadness and anger that are drops of blood… Drripip Drip DDrpip slowly onto the floor, an ever-growing puddle of frothing crimson as more and more bolts rain down, the impact, the pain and emotion of each one sending ripples through Xlauax’s body as he looks down to see not a chameleon… But a priest within the bloods reflection.

    Suddenly another larger bolt pushes all the air out of his body in one last gasp as it impales into his hip and side…

    The dark elves armed at the bolt thrower laugh with tears of joy As waves of sadness and anger that are his own tears of sorrow… Ddr-rIiiipp D-dd-dririip Drriipdrip.

    Slowly drawing a quivering arm down to his leg Xlauax feels the wound… The scar, an everlasting imprint on his body of the unforgettable events. Sliding his hand across the impact point on his leg he can feel the waves of sadness and anger that is the trickle of water and saliva gushing from his face… Dddiriiidpp Dr-diiii-ripri Dd-d-ddrriirpp.

    Now looking upwards Xlauax stairs directly into Izqux’s cold reptilian eyes as his warm voice speaks out in all but a blur. “M-maybe… M-maybe it was Yuxa who had guided you both to this camp… to me… as was Q-qQult-” The seer stutters with a deep gulp as he tries to push the well of emotion that builds in his throat back down, Simultaneously the skinks withered crest crimples in sadness as he steps from his plaquin. He tries to talk once again before trying to walk forwards, only for the words to disappear and his breath to be snatched away. Barely moving in a painful and achy shuffle toward the chameleon Izqux tries once again… “T-time itself is but a serpent... I-its endless coils of both past, future and present.. A writhing mass of crisscrossing fates and destinies… Q-Qul'toq i-is… QQ-Qul'toq was…” The words slurring out, the seer reaches towards Xlauax.. His wrinkled old skin the same to that of Qul'toq’s in both texture and colour...
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2020
  17. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Hakal could hear the rumblings ahead upon the windy gusts blowing in his face. He whispered to his mate in an instant.

    "Hide. Prey near."

    The kroxigor got on all fours, and managed to submerse himself in a sea of thorny branches and ferns, their sharp ends caressing his hardened scales. He awaited for his chance to pounce.
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Watching the handler struggle, Xolek thought to himself "What I wouldn't give to have Xahanol instead of this new spawn of a handler" with a sigh the Oracle unwraps his whip from around his shoulders (think Indiana jones) and like a lion tamer cracks the whip right above the Salamanders head, the Stegadon leather mixed with bamboo making a thunderous snap. The loud sound making the Salamander jump along with the handler before the beast whips around to look at Xolek, its eyes a fiery blaze.

    "Dont you give me that look Xiuhcoatl!" Xoleks own eyes now their bright silvery white, "I do not have the time nor the patience for this" Xolek feeling the time tick away as he knew his friend was in much pain, and barely conscious. Softly talking to the Salamander Xolek again approached, another Snap, the Salamander backs up unable to track the movement of the lightning fast whip *CRACK* Another snap of the whips this time hitting the salamander on the front shoulder.
    "That's it, back up" this time again putting his hand out and attempting to connect again with the beast his hand begins to glow and as if on que so does the hand mark on the Salamander "I tried to give you food Xiuhcoatl, but you decided the hard way" just as his last word came out the handler jumps and tackles Xolek, another burst of flame

    "The hard way indeed!" Fury rises in Xolek, pushing the handler off Xolek jumps onto the Salamander grabbing the harness that the handler had been able to out on, all that can be seen is a cloud of steam, the handler is frightened and confused, why is there steam he wonders as he backs up.

    A feathery tri tail with glowing orbs and a pair of skink legs are all that can be seen of the Oracle as the salamander twirls and bucks wildly as it tries to free itself from the angry skink. Xolek, ontop of it expected to be burned by the Salamanders own body heat but instead, a frigid sensation comes over him again like in the fire, and he notices steam everywhere, coming from under himself.

    Still bucking the Salamander finally rids herself of Xolek who slides in mud, face now covered. Again the handler attempts to get the collar but is met by another small burst of flame

    "I think she is running out of fuel!" Xolek cries out, again taking his whip and cracking it to distract the salamander until finally more handlers arrive at the commotion and the large billowing stream of steam in the air. Eyes still a pale white Xolek races forward and forces his hand on Xiuhcoatl's head and screams "YOUR MIND IS MY MIND, ITZL, OLD ONE OF BEASTS HEAR ME".....

    (-1 beast handling, 0 left)
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2020
  19. bOdziO Wolf

    bOdziO Wolf Well-Known Member

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    Instinctively the other Kroxigor ducked and placed his hands on the ground as softly as possible, elbows bent to absorb his considerable mass of muscles and scales. He listened for the movement while enlarging a distance between him and his spawn brother in order to encircle and close up to the prize. As he hid behind trees and bushes nobody could notice that he always kept his jaws half opened, because nobody knows what nice animal can run straight into the jaws making Quas' job already done.
  20. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    In conjunction with Quas' maneuver, Hakal slowly moved up amongst the branches as they cracked. He noticed the noise his movement made, and made sure it was minimal as much as possible.

    Soon, the distance closed in; the rumbling murmurs reverberating all around as the two kroxigors approached in a pincer. Stomachs shook in ripe anticipation.

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