Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis looks at his “companion” and then at Kia. The kobold looks oddly tasty, however he knows that trying to eat a kobold in broad daylight on the streets would be a lost cause. He waits for the two to finish up their conversation, and as he waits he pulls out a piece of meat that looks odd. Garutis balefully eats as he waits
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Being known for a strategic mix of long thought out schemes and short, sudden impulses it came as no surprise when Wisdom suddenly flicked around, diving back towards the group with a violent squark.

    Scrambling the bird looks to be diving straight for Drakk’s palm with talons outstretched. Seconds before coming into reach the Raven swerves to the side, colliding with the dirty soil.

    Getting up once more, Wisdom reorients herself in front of the group before spanning open two broad wings which almost ward the way forward.

    EhKk Eh. R-Ring Nnot Safe to BrIng baCk..? Wary.”

    “Perhaps y-your are those illuded a-and not the one which it was taken from… I see the Greed in your EYes, On your tongue and blade… Yes. Sh-Should we not take more caution f-for accursed MaGIC and T-TriCkeRy abound? No?"

    The birds voice begins to trail off as it thinks.

    "Whispers and lightning, eyes watching, listening waiting?"
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Kia shakes his avian head in an old, kind of side-to side tilting motion and clicks his beak again. "Tcah, perhaps silly raven-familiar is more crow than raven. I do not think-suspect it knows-controls its own mind-brain."
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy, Lizerd and Nazqua like this.
  4. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Wisdom slowly turns to face the crow creature. This time the bids words were… ‘Strange’, almost cold in a way, it was as if the words had echoed and twisted their way through an infinite maze of ancient trees before leaving the beak and entering the air only to echo once more. One thing was for sure, the erratic nature in its voice and tone was abruptly lacking, and as one listened closer each individual word seemed to spiral and twist for an eternity… a most eerie observation.

    “Suspect what you will. But Know that knowledge takes many a form, some which need not show themselves to others Unneeded to be made truthful and worthy.. all is but nothing more than a Fated Fool's game in which we are all a part of, pieces on a Burning Board doomed to die."

    The birds voice flickers back faster than its wings can take flight.

    “Hmmm? A-A that of your own FeAthers too?”
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2020
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Laughing Tarkaz looks ar his own hand, "I guess my hand is quite bigger than yours, or even many others...noted! I dont want her to get...sluggish or overweight, she's going to be a great asset of keeping any pest problems down on the ship, or that is the hope. Not to mention a worthy companion for the long trips. Thank you for your knowledge, may the ancestors be with you." With that Tarkaz takes the feed and his new friend out of the shop, "Perhaps we should take you to the ship and introduce you to Sandy...and get you all set up"

    He begins to walk through town, taking in whatever sights he can, and then begins to think about Drakk...and anger begins to swirl up again...
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  6. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Back at the ship, not much is happening. Loading of cargo proceeds apace, with the hold slowly filling with bales of wool and roll upon roll of dyed woolen cloth and felt. Sandy is loading the ship's stores into the freezer box and her pantry, and the crew is carrying out what repairs they can manage while the ship is in port. It is hard to believe that only a few days have passed...

    [DM's note: Drakk, if you're going to do your magic show, do it NOW. I'd like to get us off of Silgis and back into space again, hint hint hint? If anyone else has something they wish to do before leaving, now is the time. You all have until SUNDAY, 6/7/2020]
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Getting back to the ship Tarkaz sees the crew hard at work loading things, seeing the captain he calls out to her, his thunderous voice echoes against the canyon walls, "Permission to board to unload my wares and new companion Captain?" Unsure if he would be in the way of the loading process
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2020
  8. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    As soon as Drew realizes that the Wish ring isn't as bad as Drakk was telling him at first, Drew went back to the ship to rest his mind and let the other members of the group figure out who to give the ring to, Drew was 99% sure that they wouldn't decide to give it to him. And if he really needed to (he wouldn't do this unless absolutely necessary), he could always steal it from someone. At the ship he was busy thinking about what the group could use the ring for.
    Tk'ya'pyk, Lizerd and Nazqua like this.
  9. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Sighing, Drakk packs up the ring in Silk again and stows it in his bag. Maybe he overreacted a little. On the way back to the ship, Drakk spoke to Izema about doing some acrobatics in his show, and to Drew about doing some knife throwing.
  10. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew agrees to throw knives at Drakk's performance.
  11. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    The evening was pretty uneventful, Tarkaz glared at Drakk a bit but they mainly just stayed away from each other. It was a shame Drakk wasted the egg, but he really did think it was more notable. Drakk figured that maybe a Ring of Wish might not be as valuable here as it is in Al'akhdar.

    The next day, it was time for Drakk's big show. This time, there were alot more people in the crowd. Drakk was a bit nervous, but quickly mustered the courage to start.

    The show began with flashes of light in the air followed by sparks. Next floating orbs of light twirled around each other, dancing through the air. This was followed by the orbs starting to fall on the crowd, just to suddenly vanish before impact. That's when Izema joined in, metallic orbs were hurtled at him as he dodged, weaved, and spun around to dodge them. Izema then started doing various flips and one armed hand stands while light orbs rotated around him, with flashes of light in the air. Drew joined in, a decent sized target was brought out as he proceeded to make a smiley face with daggers that he threw. Then, for the next part of the show, Drakk had Drew throw daggers at him! But every dagger that came his way dropped to the ground right before impact! (Drew was a bit hesitant about this stunt, but Drakk assured him that he would be fine. And if he messed up, this wouldn't be the first dagger wound Drakk had...). For an encore, sparks flew through the air, as Drakk threw his staff straight in the air to crash down in the crowd, before his staff suddenly stopped, spun around, and came back like a boomerang.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2020
  12. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis did not like da magik. It was far too much for his primitive mind to comprehend. Drakk could dodge knives, but could he dodge an axe? Garutis didn't think so as he hefted his cold battle axe, readying to throw...
  13. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Unaware of the weight tied to the groups arrival back into the ship Ohmen continues to stay silent, still. As if some unmoving statue cast in flesh and bone, A statue he was not however, for he listened, he felt.

    The boat gently rocks convinced by subtle waves and winds, those that Ohmen had not come to know. He was acclimated to those gales which howled, screaming with a thousand past voices, those waters that crashed against sharp rocks in a desperate attempt to crawl out and escape black depths… these gentle shores could not be more opposite, They longed not to harm but rather to rock and comfort all manor of craft with their buoyancy, winds that instead slowly sift through fabric rather than intending to tear it in twain. It was calm. Ohmen’s mind was silent… Perhaps those raging winds were a personification of his own thoughts in one way or another… Regardless, He now stirred from his restful rumination for the noise of heavy footfall creaked on floorboards above, The group must have returned…

    He remained still, eyes closed behind a sodden hood of black yet his mind was now more active, picking up on the exchange of mumbled voices, the chaotic noise of the market which somehow still managed to travel this far. He wished to get up. He would not for another 10 minutes for no other reason than a trivial exercise of self control. And thus, he would wait, and he would listen to conversations inaudible and cast his concentration to thoughts buried and locked away…. Perhaps they should however stay that way…
  14. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis waits for the right moment, when the magik lizhurd is most vulnerable. Then he flings the axe...

    @Tk'ya'pyk feel free to retcon
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
    Tk'ya'pyk likes this.
  15. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Tarkaz: Captain Naresh looks at the mimmoth, her eyes go wide. "I... what in the... is..." leaning down, she takes a closer look at the mimmoth. "It IS! Where by the Fates did you find such a tiny elephant?!?"

    Drakk: Your show seems to be going well so far. The crowd oohs and aahs at the appropriate moments, daggers bounce off your shields, sparks wow the crowd without setting things on fire, and then Garutis stands up, a look of horror on his face. His arm goes back, his axe in hand.

    This was NOT part of your act!!!

    Frantically, you swing the mage hand spell you'd been using to deflect daggers around, hoping it'll do something - anything - to stop that axe! You KNOW how strong Garutis is! If his aim is true - which it is - that thing could split you in half! It whistles through the air, the enchantments inside causing it to ignite as it is thrown. On fire like that, it looks almost like a burning pinwheel of sorts! It strikes your mage hand, destroys it, and continues onward towards your head!

    FIRE. PAIN. SCREAMS. SILENCE. All is dark. Amidst the chaos though, you realize something important.

    You. Are. Still. Alive.

    Opening your eyes, you discover three things. Your mage hand blunted enough of the axe's strike to keep it from killing you. Your ears, however, have suffered a horrible fate, as has the top of your head. You are bleeding. Not badly, as the flaming axe instantly cauterized the wound, but enough to let you know you're missing some scales up there. You're pretty sure you lost an ear-tip as well. Thinking quick, you try to turn it into part of the act! Waving your arms wide, you let out a happy yell, trying hard not to glance around and look for the axe. The crowd goes wild, and coins shower into the basket you left for that purpose.

    As the crowd disperses, Drew finds himself with an interesting job. Keeping someone from stealing the basket! He only came to the show because it was something to do, but he caught someone trying to steal the basket's contents! Handing them over to the guard was surprisingly satisfying. Having to hand part of the money over to the guard was not. It turns out that damage to the amphitheater comes out of the funds raised from whatever event is staged.

    Still, at the end of the night, you netted almost 75 gold in loose coins! Quite the haul!
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy, Nazqua and Lizerd like this.
  16. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis claps. The fact that Drakk was not instantly slain by such a lethal throw as the one grautis had just enacted must have been a true act of merit and fortitude. Garutis throws in 50 shiny yellow rocks into the basket and moves to retrieve his projectile
  17. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk was furious, he finished his show and collected the money. He noticed that Garutis had added some, but regardless, Garutis crossed a big line. Drakk relieved Drew from guard duty and had him bandage up Drakk's head before asking Izema if he could do something with Garutis. Mainly to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone else, but also to possibly punish him. Nonetheless, they would be leaving tomorrow morning and Drakk HAD to buy some of those crystals, and possibly some regular gems if he saw them.
  18. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Garutis... your axe is embedded in a pillar. You manage to get it out, but it needs more axe-ness now.

    Drakk: A tiny thought comes into your mind. Tarkaz is still angry at you. Might this be his way of getting back at you? But would he do that? After all, Tarkaz and Garutis don't always get along, do they? Hmm...
  19. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Smiling at the Captain Tarkaz begins to explain, "I have wanted a small companion for awhile, and I was able to find an exotic pet shop of sorts! They had many animals, however the Pidgeygriff and the Mimmoth were what called to me. After realizing how much the pidgeygriff was I decided to go with this little girl, though she still needs a name" he smiles even broader, "And best of all? It hates mice, I figured it'd also be good for Sandy to help keep vermin away from the kitchen. It can be trained, and being an Elephant...or Mammoth? *He looks at the shaggy fur* It will likely be intelligent! I do hope you like her, I dont think she will take up much air and will definitely pull her weight"

    He keeps talking to the captain about the Mimmoth before asking about Sandy, "Have you seen Sandy? Is she on the ship? I was going to buy half a sheep for her to cook the crew and have left overs for whatever she may want to use it for, but wasn't sure if we had the storage for it."
  20. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Garutis hefts his axe and takes a nibble to check its condition. It tasted a bit weird but other then that it was in working condition. That night Garutis would leave town. He managed to fell some weird creature, and would bring it back to town as he boarded the ship. Whatever it was it was big, and it was tasty, and probably endangered

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