AoS Homebrew Mount Traits

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Lizerd, Dec 9, 2020.

  1. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    As we all know, the battletome was pretty solid, but it lacked the almighty mount trait, the hallmark of a modern AoS army. So, after a little bit of thought, some ideas "borrowed", I can somewhat provide for that severe deficit. as always with homebrew stuff C&C would be greatly appreciated

    special credit to @PabloTho and @Nart for writing out their own traits, many of them were worked into this list

    General Mount Traits
    Loping Gait- reroll run and charge rolls
    Old and Grizzled- reroll failed save rolls
    Unmoving- when this model attacks, it counts as having full wounds for the purposes of its damage table

    Carnosaur Mount Traits
    Apex Predator- add one to the attacks characteristic of this models claws and jaw
    Razor Talons- improve claw rend by -1
    Jaws of the King- if an unmodified wound roll of 6 is made with this model's jaws, that attack inflicts an additional d3 mortal wounds

    Stegadon Mount Traits
    Ferocious Charge- add one to the damage characteristic of this models horns if it made a charge
    Unflinching- 6+ ward save
    Massive Crest: armored crest always applies to this model if it is in melee combat

    Troglodon Mount Traits

    Bottomless Bile- flat 3 attacks for spit
    Improved Senses- you may add 2" to the result of any charge roll this model makes
    Resilient- heals a flat 3 wounds

    Cold One Mount Traits
    Pack Leader- Reroll hit rolls for cold one's snapping jaws for units wholly within 6"
    Swift footed- this model has a movement characteristic of 12"
    Horned One- roll a d6 when this model successfully makes a charge, on a 4+ it inflicts d3 mw to target unit

    Terradon & Ripperdactyl Mount Traits
    Slicing Jaws- improve the rend characteristic of jaw attacks by -1
    Fast Target- grants a -1 to be hit for attacks directed at this model in the shooting phase
    Expert Glider- this model may run and still charge
    Dragvindel, PabloTho and Ryanj4043 like this.
  2. Dread Saurian

    Dread Saurian Well-Known Member

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    Unmoving is absurd to the max degree. Get the realm of ghur ability without spending cp what the hell? Put that on an old blood with carno and you got a way more efficient and useful dread saurian.
    Lizerd likes this.
  3. Tav

    Tav Well-Known Member

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    Having something like move up the damage table by 1 would be good, that way you have damage 5 or 4 for longer on the jaws and it doesnt go below 2
    Lizerd likes this.
  4. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    so simply have the damage table bumped up by 1? gotcha
  5. PabloTho

    PabloTho Well-Known Member

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    OB on Carnosaur in a Thunder Lizard Sunclaw Temple-Host with Prime Warbeast, +1 Attack Asterism and Apex Predator would be nuts.

    He'd start with 3 Jaw attacks at -1 rend and 5 damage...

    +1 attack for Coalesced
    +1 attack for Prime Warbeast
    +1 attack for the Asterism
    +1 attack for Asterism
    +1 rend for Sunclaw Temple-Host

    Leaving him with 7 attacks at -2 rend and 5 damage. He's also got a pretty good melee weapon in the Sunstone Spear.

    I play a lot of Mawtribes as well, and this statline would basically make him kind of like a squishier Frostlord on Stonehorn, which would be awesome. If you piled on his own CA and the CA of a Scar-Veteran then there's probably not a lot he couldn't munch through.
    Dragvindel and Lizerd like this.

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