AoS Most balanced 1K List/SubFaction

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by kimohno, May 19, 2021.

  1. kimohno
    Jungle Swarm

    kimohno New Member

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    Hey Lizardfans,

    I am new to AoS but a friend and I are theorycrafting for a while now. We will have our first 1K battle soonish, He is playing Lumineth Realm Lords. Our goal is to create balanced armies where both parties have lots of fun at the table.

    So what you think is the most well rounded sub faction? I heard we lack a lot of synergy at 1K and I can not really nail my first army. I have a lot of units available at this point to field most sub factions at 1K. Here are my thoughts:

    Koatl's Claw: One trick pony. No Magic, no Range, no teleports, good on the charge and that is about it. I don't feel this creates a good army for a 1K game, since I have no place to put Kroak and to pull out any tricks.

    Thundar Lizards: Possible to have Range and Melee, but no idea which battleline to field (I know steggadon will be battleline, but for contesting points). Again no place for Kroak, but feels playable.

    Draconians Tail: Personally to advanced for me, since I don't know where to start with this army as it gives me no direct buffs on units like others do.

    Fangs of Sotek: Since Battleline is so cheap, I feel I can actually include Kroak here or at least a Troglodon and get a little bit of range, magic and melee, maybe even a Skink Chief. Fairly balanced but probably hard to play due to teleports, movement and squishy heroes.

    Any ideas? Thank you for your time!
  2. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    "Lumineth Realmlords" and "fun" cannot be put in the same sentense, lol.

    With all seriousness though, you can have a balanced game as long as your friend don't try to fit Teclis in, and you don't bring Kroak.

    Well, I think Koatl's Claw is the most army to play, because it is very satisfying to stack buffs and roll lots of dice. You don't need to think too much about strategy, but still have to play clever to win. Carnosaur, saurus heroes, large pack of knights and some skink support could be both fun and strong and 1k. The worst thing LRL can do is to cast Total Eclipse, but without teclis it can easily fail. Or you can agree not to take it at all.

    At 1k you should easily wreck lumineth with Thunderlizard, since they won't have 5+ ward aura from teclis and won't likely have enough damage to kill monsters. You can still easily fit in two bastiladons and have enough CP to activate them twice. EotG can deal a lot of damage and can be very fast with skink priest. With 14 wound and healing, it won't be easy to bring down. I feel, it will be a bit dirty to field against LRL on 1k.

    I really can't think about thematic 1k list with DT, which will be fun to play. You can absolutely make powerful lists with little counterplay.

    Same as with dracothion - FoS have exactly one trick - take a blob of skinks/chameleons and overwatch anything that charges you. You can take flyers/monsters and get them in position faster, but idk what do you have at all.

    For me most fun lists are always Coalesced with tons of saurus or monsters. And you can perfectly fit kroak in any 1k list. He can almost single-handly wipe out a 1k army. So I would advise against him in a friendly game.

    More info on your friend's list/collection wouldn't hurt too.
    kimohno likes this.
  3. kimohno
    Jungle Swarm

    kimohno New Member

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    Thank you for your expertise.

    A question is you'd be so kind.

    - Is the EotG really worth it in a 1K game? I feel i can not put in enough monsters + kroak to make it work.

    I basically have every unit in the game once since I am huge in to painting (except razordon, salamander and kroxigor) + Celestial Stampede + 2 Saurus Start Collecting + a box of Skinks. So I could do a Koatls Claw and Thunder Lizards with ease, Sotek might be able as well.
  4. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Both EotG and Chief on Stegadon are good in their own ways. EotG more tanky, since it is +2 wounds and high chance to heal. Chief Deals more damage.

    You can take Kroak, EotG, Bastiladon and 20 skinks to fill battleline, I think. I ran similar lists with priest, 2 bastiladons and burning head and it did pretty good against fyreslayers. This way you can summon saurus and have more than enough CP to dualshoot/activate twice.
    kimohno likes this.
  5. kimohno
    Jungle Swarm

    kimohno New Member

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    Thank you for your answer, I try to make it a specific list, I think having Kroak + EotG is pretty good idea to get the objective power via the summoned Sauruses. Even though it is a risky business :)

    So how would you optimise this?

    Kroak 320
    EotG 260 General
    Bastiladon 220
    2x10 Skinks 120 for Battleeline
    40 Burning Head.

    I think this is a tough sell as I only have 2 Beasts and there is no Synergie with the battleline.

    What you think of this:

    Stegadon with Skink Chief
    Skink Priest
    Skink Starpriest


    Burning Head

    -> Excapt 1000 Points.

    Thank you for your time!
    Nart likes this.
  6. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, looks like what I would run. I think, you have place for a skink priest, if you drop burning head. EotG will like run +charge.

    Second list is also nice, but starpriest is a bit of a waste of poinst, if you don't bring a unit with tons of attacks. Starseer will be better in this case.

    I don't think your opponent will have much fun though.
  7. Kakalou1

    Kakalou1 Member

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    I have exactly the same issue. My friend is playing Lumineth and we still didn"t suceed to have one fair match ! Or I wipe him T2 or him
    We did at 1K and at 1500pts. He plays warden and archers but no Teclis, he prefers Avalenor or Eltharion. I mostly play thunder leard and avoid to take kroak again him because he cries too much. Any advice for 2 lists balenced for this match up ?

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